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研究生: 黃昭銘
Chao-Ming Huang
論文名稱: 國小學童認知結構發展分析:以探究式教學為例
The development of cognitive structures for elementary school students: An experimental study of inquiry-oriented instruction
指導教授: 蔡今中
Tsai, Chin-Chung
Chang, Chun-Yen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 316
中文關鍵詞: 認知結構後設認知訊息處理語意流程圖
英文關鍵詞: cognitive structure, metacognition, information processing, flow map
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:133下載:38
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  • Understanding how people think, organize and develop knowledge is an important issue for educational researchers. Recently, relevant research revealed the connections between cognitive structures and information processing strategies. The research of metacognition also indicated that the metacognition was related to individual’s learning outcomes. Moreover, it revealed that the relationship between metacognition and information processing was significant.
    This study tried to explore the development of cognitive structure, including the indicators of extent and richness. Besides, the application of metacognitive regulation strategies, including selecting, short-term maintaining, long-term maintaining, updating and rerouting, were explored. Additionally, the usage of information processing strategies, including defining, describing, comparing, conditional inferring and explaining, were also investigated. This study also investigated the effect of instructional modes in these indicators. Besides, this study also tried to construct a convenient questionnaire, Pupils MetaCognition Scale (PMCS), for understanding pupils’ metacognition.
    This study interviewed 110 Taiwanese elementary students (the sixth graders), who came from four different classes. Two classes were categorized into an experimental group (inquiry instructional mode, n=54) and two classes were categorized into a control group (traditional instructional mode, n=56). According to students’ science achievement, each group of students was categorized into three different achiever groups, including the high achiever group, the middle achiever group and the low achiever group. The interaction between instructional modes and different achiever groups was presented. Data collection covered three different units, including bicycle unit, rust-proof and decay-proof unit, and energy and eco-conservation. The role of knowledge domain was also discussed in this study.
    The result revealed that the PMCS outcomes were related to the cognitive structure, metacognitive regulation strategies and information processing strategies. The PMCS questionnaire provided a convenient tool in the exploration of metacognition. Besides, the finding also revealed that the flow map method could be extended its potential function and offered for further applications. Besides, this study revealed that the relationship between information processing and metacognitive regulation was significant.
    This study suggested that the inquiry instructional mode could enhance students’ application of higher-rank strategies in learning, including updating strategy, rerouting strategy, conditional inferring strategy and explaining strategy. The finding indicated that different achiever groups used different strategies in learning. The high achievers outperformed in higher-order strategies, including richness, updating strategy, rerouting strategy, conditional inferring strategy and explaining strategy. The middle achievers used the strategies more frequently than the low achievers; for example, extent, selecting and long-term maintaining.
    Moreover, it revealed that the interaction between instructional modes and achievement was significant in the indicator, including richness, short-term maintaining strategy and rerouting strategy, especially for the high achievers. This study also explored the role of knowledge domain. According to the findings, it revealed that the effect of knowledge domain was significant across all twelve indicators. The content of instructional activities would influence the connections between prior knowledge and scientific knowledge. The findings also highlighted the importance of prior knowledge. The interaction between knowledge domain and achievement was significant in higher-rank strategies, including richness, updating, rerouting, conditional inferring and explaining.
    The findings suggested that the students’ learning outcomes mainly depended on students’ academic achievement, application of metacognitive regulation strategies and information processing strategies. It also revealed that different instructional modes, knowledge domain and content of instructional activities influenced students’ performance on their cognitive structures, the usage of metacognitive regulation strategies, and information processing strategies.

    Understanding how people think, organize and develop knowledge is an important issue for educational researchers. Recently, relevant research revealed the connections between cognitive structures and information processing strategies. The research of metacognition also indicated that the metacognition was related to individual’s learning outcomes. Moreover, it revealed that the relationship between metacognition and information processing was significant.
    This study tried to explore the development of cognitive structure, including the indicators of extent and richness. Besides, the application of metacognitive regulation strategies, including selecting, short-term maintaining, long-term maintaining, updating and rerouting, were explored. Additionally, the usage of information processing strategies, including defining, describing, comparing, conditional inferring and explaining, were also investigated. This study also investigated the effect of instructional modes in these indicators. Besides, this study also tried to construct a convenient questionnaire, Pupils MetaCognition Scale (PMCS), for understanding pupils’ metacognition.
    This study interviewed 110 Taiwanese elementary students (the sixth graders), who came from four different classes. Two classes were categorized into an experimental group (inquiry instructional mode, n=54) and two classes were categorized into a control group (traditional instructional mode, n=56). According to students’ science achievement, each group of students was categorized into three different achiever groups, including the high achiever group, the middle achiever group and the low achiever group. The interaction between instructional modes and different achiever groups was presented. Data collection covered three different units, including bicycle unit, rust-proof and decay-proof unit, and energy and eco-conservation. The role of knowledge domain was also discussed in this study.
    The result revealed that the PMCS outcomes were related to the cognitive structure, metacognitive regulation strategies and information processing strategies. The PMCS questionnaire provided a convenient tool in the exploration of metacognition. Besides, the finding also revealed that the flow map method could be extended its potential function and offered for further applications. Besides, this study revealed that the relationship between information processing and metacognitive regulation was significant.
    This study suggested that the inquiry instructional mode could enhance students’ application of higher-rank strategies in learning, including updating strategy, rerouting strategy, conditional inferring strategy and explaining strategy. The finding indicated that different achiever groups used different strategies in learning. The high achievers outperformed in higher-order strategies, including richness, updating strategy, rerouting strategy, conditional inferring strategy and explaining strategy. The middle achievers used the strategies more frequently than the low achievers; for example, extent, selecting and long-term maintaining.
    Moreover, it revealed that the interaction between instructional modes and achievement was significant in the indicator, including richness, short-term maintaining strategy and rerouting strategy, especially for the high achievers. This study also explored the role of knowledge domain. According to the findings, it revealed that the effect of knowledge domain was significant across all twelve indicators. The content of instructional activities would influence the connections between prior knowledge and scientific knowledge. The findings also highlighted the importance of prior knowledge. The interaction between knowledge domain and achievement was significant in higher-rank strategies, including richness, updating, rerouting, conditional inferring and explaining.
    The findings suggested that the students’ learning outcomes mainly depended on students’ academic achievement, application of metacognitive regulation strategies and information processing strategies. It also revealed that different instructional modes, knowledge domain and content of instructional activities influenced students’ performance on their cognitive structures, the usage of metacognitive regulation strategies, and information processing strategies.

    CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION I.1. Need for the Study I.2. An Overall View of the Study I.3. Research Questions CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW II.1. What Is Learning? II.2. Cognitive Structures II.3. Information Processing II.4. Metacognition II.5. Inquiry Instruction II.6. Theoretical Model CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY III.1. General Research Design III.2. An Introduction of The Sample Subjects III.3. Instructional Units and Instructional Activities III.4. Data Collection III.5. Indicators of Flow Map III.6. Construction of Pupil’s Metacognition Scale (PMCS) III.7. Data Analysis CHAPTER IV: MAJOR FINDINGS CHAPTER V: RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS V.1 Students’ Development of Cognition, Information Processing, and Metacognitive Regulation Derived from “Flow Map” Technique V.2 Correlation of Cognitive structure, Information Processing strategy, and Metacognitive Regulation strategy V.3 Role of Instruction V.4 Role of Achievement V.5 Interaction between Instruction and Achievement V.6 Interaction among Knowledge Domains, Achievement and Instructional Modes CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS VI.1. Conclusions VI.2. Implications for Science Education VI.3. Recommendations for Further Research BIBLIOGRAPHY

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