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研究生: 曾美怡
Mei-Yi Tseng
論文名稱: 台北縣市國中學生生物認知偏好與對生物課的態度之調查
A Survey of Junior High School Students' Biology Cognitive Preference and Attitude toward Biology Class
指導教授: 張文華
Chang, Wen-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 認知偏好對生物課的態度九年一貫
英文關鍵詞: cognitive preferences, attitude toward biology class
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:101下載:0
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  • 本研究以「調查研究法」,應用「生物認知偏好測驗」(TBCP)及「對生物課的態度量表」(ES)兩項工具,探討台北地區1950位國中七年級學生的生物認知偏好及對生物課的態度現況,並了解此兩變項與學生背景和學校背景屬性的關係,以及學生的生物認知偏好與對生物課的態度之間的關係。所得資料分別採用描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關等統計方法加以分析。

    This survey research applied the Test of Biology Cognitive Preferences (TBCP) and Enjoyment of Biology Lesson (ES) to explore the Biology Cognitive Preference styles and Attitude toward Biology Class among 1,950 seventh grade students in Taipei, Taiwan. Collected data are analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation.

    The results show that the seventh grade students have different biology cognitive preference styles: Applications (A) > Recall (R), Principles (P) > Questioning (Q). This indicates that while the students process the Biology knowledge they would learned, they tend to display the most interest in the applications of knowledge and the least interest in questioning the knowledge. There is no significant difference in Recall (R) and Principle (P) preference styles. The average score of students’ ES is relatively high (Mean=28.12; SD=6.81), which shows their attitude is more or less positive. There are different affects in students’ genders, experiences of participating science fairs, administration regions, school types, teacher majors, and years of teaching experiences and background. We also found that genders (d=0.21) and teacher majors (d=0.26) have small to medium effect size on Biology Cognitive Preference styles. Teacher majors (d=0.49), administration regions (d=0.36), and science exhibitions (d=0.25) also have small to medium effect size on Attitude toward Biology Class. The others have small effect size. Attitude and application toward biology and recall preference have negative correlation (r=-0.11) and have positive correlation on principles (r=0.08) and questioning (r=0.12). Grouping the students based on their scores of Attitude toward Biology Class (high, medium, and low score), the low to medium score group prefers Recall and Applications and the high score group prefers Principles and Questioning.

    This survey results show that students’ attitude toward biology Class, but they still need to reinforce the Questioning preference. Through the understanding of the performance difference of variables on Questioning preference, we suggest that we can focus in the future on understanding the differences in gender roles and enhancing Questioning preferences of girls’. Besides, we can promote and implement science fairs in order to encourage students to explore spontaneously and find the problem. For the less-experienced teachers, we suggest to provide appropriate assistance for induction period and to continue exploring how the teachers can develop the cognitive preference of their students by changing teaching environments.

    摘 要 I Abstract III 目 錄 V 表 次 IX 圖 次 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與重要性 2 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 9 第三節 名詞釋義 12 第四節 研究限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 認知偏好 16 一、認知偏好的構念 16 二、認知偏好的評測、內部結構以及內部均質性比較 22 三、認知偏好與相關屬性的研究 26 第二節 對科學的態度(生物學)之研究 35 一、對科學的態度 35 二、「對科學的態度」之實徵研究 36 第三章 研究方法與過程 42 第一節 研究架構與流程 43 一、準備階段 44 二、發展研究工具 44 三、正式施測階段 45 四、資料處理與分析 45 五、撰寫研究報告階段 45 第二節 研究樣本 47 第三節 研究工具 49 一、生物認知偏好工具(TBCP) 49 二、對生物課的態度量表(ES) 56 第四節 實施程序 57 第五節 資料的處理與分析 58 一、資料的收集與處理 58 二、研究工具的效化 59 三、資料的統計分析 59 第四章 研究結果與討論 61 第一節 國中學生之生物認知偏好及與各變項之間的關係 61 一、全體樣本之生物認知偏好 61 二、性別 65 三、科展經驗 69 四、行政區域 72 五、學校類型 74 六、生物老師主修 78 七、生物老師服務年資 81 八、生物老師學歷 85 九、生物認知偏好 89 十、小結 96 第二節 國中學生對生物課的態度及與各變項之間的關係 100 一、全體樣本對生物學的態度及與各變項之間的關係 100 二、對生物課的態度討論 106 第三節 生物認知偏好與對生物課的態度的關係 108 第五章 結論與建議 113 第一節 結論 113 第二節 建議 118 參考文獻 122 中文部分 122 英文部分 129 附 錄 134 附錄一 134 附錄二 142 附錄三 143 附錄四 146 附錄五 147

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