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研究生: 許益盛
Hsu, I-Sheng
論文名稱: 目標物、促發物與不重疊範圍對對比效果影響之研究: 解釋範圍重疊模型之延伸
How may Target Width, Context Width and Non-Overlap Range lead to differential Contrast Effect The Extension of Dimensional Range Overlap Model
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 86
中文關鍵詞: 解釋範圍重疊模型促發效果同化效果對比效果相互假設
英文關鍵詞: Dimensional Range Overlap Model, Priming Effects, Assimilation Effects, Contrast Effects,, Reciprocity Hypothesis
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202283
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:17
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  • 此篇論文主要延伸(Chien, Wegener, Hsiao, and Petty 2010)所提出的「解釋範圍重疊模型」(The Dimensional Range Overlap Model, DROM),他們認為決定對比效果是否發生是在於促發物的解釋範圍和目標物的解釋範圍不重疊。而我們此篇研究主要操弄了促發物與目標物解釋範圍不重疊的三大因素: 促發物的解釋範圍大小、目標物的解釋範圍大小以及促發物與目標物的解釋範圍之間的距離。

    因此,我們建立了三個假說模型,來驗證影響對比效果關鍵因素。假說一: 在固定促發物的解釋範圍和目標物的解釋範圍情況下,促發物與目標物的解釋範圍之間的距離越遠,對比效果越強。假說二: 在固定目標物的解釋範圍情況和促發物與目標物的解釋範圍之間的距離,促發物的解釋範圍越大,對比效果越強。假說三: 在固定目標物的解釋範圍和目標物與促發物的最適代表值,在促發物與目標物解釋範圍不重疊情況且寬促發物範圍可涵蓋窄促發物範圍,我們預期較寬的促發物可以產生更強的對比效果,並且促發物在對比效果後的解釋範圍會變寬。



    People evaluate various things in their daily life, although they believe their judgments to be generally rational, the contest in which their judgments take place nevertheless impacts the choices they make which is so-called context effects. Many researchers have since concentrated on the issue of non-overlap of target and context will lead to contrast effects. However, we want to know more detail about people who form their judgments under different non-overlap range of target and context. Therefore, we are interested in how the target width, context width and non-overlap range lead to differential contrast effects.

    The present study based on the foundation of Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chien, 2010) and Reciprocity Hypothesis (Hsiao, 2002) to extend the contrast effects under different target width, context width and non-overlap range. The effects of non-overlap range under same range of target and context are also examined to better know the mechanism of people evaluation.

    In this study, we tried to further explore the Dimensional Range Overlap Model and Reciprocity Hypothesis (Hsiao, 2002), under the condition that fixes the target width and non-overlap range, will wider or narrower context width lead to stronger contrast effect? Will the context width or target width change after contrast effect? What if we switch the target and context but set the other variables fixed? We’ll go through the experiments and try to create the scenario and verify the Reciprocity Hypothesis.

    Fortunately, the results support the hypotheses we proposed, we are able to demonstrate wider non-overlap range will lead to stronger contrast effect; under the condition that fixes the target width and non-overlap range, wider context width will lead to stronger contrast effects; despite switch the target and context, the contrast effect is same; the context width will change after contrast effect.

    In conclusion, the thesis offers a special view to better understand different contrast effect under the differential target width, context width and non-overlap range, also, extend the Reciprocity Hypothesis: despite switch the target and context, the contrast effect is same.

    中文摘要 II ABSTRACT III TABLE of CONTENT V LIST of TABLES VII LIST of FIGURES VIII Chapter 1 Study Purpose 1 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Priming Effects 3 2.2 Assimilation and Contrast Effects 3 2.3 The Dimensional Range Overlap Model 4 2.4 Reciprocity Hypothesis 5 Chapter 3 Theory Foundation and Hypotheses 7 3.1 Theoretical Background 7 3.2 Hypotheses 8 3.3 Uniqueness of the current study 10 Chapter 4 Pretest 12 4.1 The purpose of pretest 12 4.2 Design of Pretest 12 4.3 Pretest Sample Size 13 4.4 Result of pretest 13 Chapter 5 Main Experiment 15 5.1 Overview 15 5.2 Participants and Design 15 5.3 Manipulation checks 16 5.4 Hypotheses test 24 Chapter 6 General Discussion 28 6.1 Conclusion Review 28 6.2 Experiment Limitation and Suggestion 30 6.3 Future Research and Creative Ideas 31 6.4 Innovation of this study 34 References 36 Appendix (I): Pretest 39 Appendix (II): Main Experiment Stage 1 56 Appendix (III): Main Experiment Stage 2 73

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