簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 顏肇基
Yen, Chao-chi
論文名稱: 童「畫」與童「話」:幼兒繪畫活動中圖像和語言交相建構現象之探究
The reciprocal construction of young children’s visual and verbal representations during children’s drawing activities
指導教授: 簡淑真
Chien, Shu-Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 290
中文關鍵詞: 自我中心語言繪畫活動表徵語言表徵圖像表徵命名與宣告
英文關鍵詞: ego-centric speech, drawing activities, representation, verbal representation, visual representation, naming and proclaiming
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:50
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  • 繪畫乃是另一種型式的語言傳達,圖像可以用來表徵具象的事物,同樣的也可以表徵抽象的意念與思維。對於繪畫能力正處在萌發階段的幼兒來說,繪畫猶如璀璨的童心秘境,欲透視其中的奧秘,了解幼兒所思、所想、所感、所為、所欲、所求,單單透過對幼兒繪畫作品中圖像表徵的理解是不夠的。
    總之,對幼兒來說,語言表徵經常扮演補足繪畫表徵的功能,而繪畫表徵又進一步扮演語言表徵演繹的依據,如此交相建構,幼兒在繪畫歷程中得以自由、自主的展現其想法、意念、感受,開啟幼兒豐富創造性。是以,幼兒繪畫歷程中,那一張張看似不起眼的畫作所表徵的的綺麗童「畫」,與一句句聽起來平凡的話語表徵出的動人童「話」,往往透露出幼兒心理、認知、情感或者創造力等發展上的意義,透過深入研究與分析,我們洞見了繪畫歷程中,重要他人如家人、同儕 、教師及其他社會與文化因素對幼兒繪畫歷程程正面或負面的影響力,值得藝術教育工作者正視。

    Drawing is another type of communication: to represent concrete things or to represent abstract thought. Exploring the development of young children’s drawing abilities is a window for us to understand the children’s thought. But it’s not enough to explore only the children’s drawing representation to reach their thought, feeling and behavior.
    By literature reviewing, it showed that most of the past researches focused on children’s drawing skills, the development trend by age, or the forms and contents. Rare of the researches concerned about the social interaction processes of children’s drawing activities. So the significance of language representation was usually ignored.
    The present study used qualitative method to explore children’s development of drawing process. The researcher entered the Shin-Je class for one year to observe children’s interactions with their classmates, teachers or other adults during their drawing activities, to explore the reciprocal construction of the children’s visual and language representations. By analyzing the collected data, the meaning of the reciprocal construction of the children’s drawing and talking were explained.
    The results showed that, firstly, it’s common for the children to name or to proclaim their drawing topics before, during or after their drawing .For children, the functions of naming and proclaiming were to explain, to supply, to preannounce or to plan their drawings. Children also communicated and explained their thoughts, desires, and creativities through their drawings.
    Secondly, childen’s ego-centric speech during drawing was noticeable. There were two kinds of ego-centric speech: monologue while drawing alone and monologue while drawing with peers. The consistency of the monologue was the indicator to classify the two kinds of speech. The functions of childen’s ego-centric speech were to guide, adjust, modify, or to explain their drawings. In the process of construction, drawings were the pioneer, mediator, or the actualization of language. Drawings were also the results of children’s thinking and feeling. It seemed that the histories of children’s short narratives were specified by their private speech.
    Thirdly, the interaction with others during children’ drawing activities showed the developmental meanings of children’s knowledge, skills, creativities, and emotions. The construction of visual and language representation were helpful for children’s discussion and conversation about knowledge, skills and creativities. It could foster children’s zone of the proximal development and raise the level of children’s cognition and creativity. The reciprocal construction of visual and language representation during drawing were also used as tools to express children’s negative feelings. So the values on emotional and social development of the reciprocal construction of visual and language representations were important.
    To sum up, for young children, verbal representation was usually the complement of visual representation, and the visual representation was also the deduction base of verbal representation. By reciprocal constructing, children expressed their thought, feelings and creativity. So, in the process of children’s drawing activities, the beautiful visual representation of the drawing and the touching verbal representation of their talking were significant in children’s development of cognition, emotion, and creativity. By deeply exploring and analyzing, we got the insight of the influences of family, peers, teachers, and the impacts of social and cultural factors. Worthing the double vision of the people who care about the art education of the young children.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景與研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6 第三節 主要名詞構念 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 「表徵」理論的探討 10 第二節 圖像與語言表徵交相建構的探究 30 第三節 幼兒繪畫歷程中的社會互動研源 59 第三章 研究歷程與方法 70 第一節 研究對象的選擇與磋商過程 71 第二節 研究情境 73 第三節 研究者的角色與自我省視與調整 85 第四節 資料的蒐集、處理與分析 95 第五節 文本的塑義 108 第四章 研究發現與討論 110 第一節 幼兒繪畫歷程中對圖像進行命名的普遍現象 110 第二節 幼兒自言自語中圖像與語言如何建構 146 第三節 幼兒在與他人互動的情況下圖像與語言如何交相建構 177 第四節 討論 248 第五章 結論與建議 256 第一節 結論 256 第二節 建議 260 結 語 261 參考書目 263 附 錄 277

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