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研究生: 林大威
Espino, Wilmer
論文名稱: Factors Affecting Recruitment and Retention of Foreign English Teachers in Public Schools in Taiwan
Factors Affecting Recruitment and Retention of Foreign English Teachers in Public Schools in Taiwan
指導教授: 賴志樫
Lai, Chih-Chien
口試委員: 賴志樫
Lai, Chih-Chien
Lu, Cheng-Chieh
Lee, Pai-Po
口試日期: 2024/05/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 69
英文關鍵詞: foreign English teacher, recruitment, retention, turnover rate, shortage
研究方法: 文件分析法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400803
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:19下載:0
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  • This study focused on exploring the factors affecting the recruitment and retention of foreign English teachers in Taiwan, investigating the reasons for the shortage of qualified English teachers, and identifying the factors leading to turnover. The research adopted a qualitative approach, using in-depth interviews with current and former foreign English teachers from public schools, school directors, as the primary data collection method. Additionally, document analysis used as a qualitative approach to investigate the laws and human resource strategies adopted by schools and government to attract and retain English teachers. The
    research found that several factors have been identified encompassing intercultural, organizational, and leadership-related elements, this included by not limited to including non- competitive compensations and benefits, heavy workload, inadequate support and limited, additional to cultural barriers and boreoarctic process, and the lack of a career grow. The study identifies HR strategies that could help address these challenges and mitigate this ongoing issue, providing insights that can guide educational institutions in Taiwan and other countries dealing with similar challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified foreign English teachers, especially as Taiwan is getting ready to become a bilingual country by 2030.

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................. I TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................II LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................IV LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1 Background of the Study ...................................................................................1 Statement of the Problems................................................................................2 Purpose of the Study ..........................................................................................3 Research Questions.............................................................................................3 Significance of the Study .....................................................................................4 Delimitation of The Study .....................................................................................4 Definition of Key Terms.......................................................................................5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................................7 Taiwan's Foreign English Teaching Landscape.............................................................7 The English Teaching Industry in Taiwan and Its Issues..........................8 Current General Process of Teacher Recruitment and Hiring Process.....10 Factors Affecting the Attraction and Retention of Foreign English Teachers.............12 Inadequate Support and Professional Development Opportunities.............................13 Evaluating Shortages and Turnover in the English Teaching Scene of Taiwan..........14 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................18 Research Approach .......................................................................................18 Research Framework ......................................................................................19 Research Procedure.....................................................................................20 Research Participants and Sampling Criteria...............................................................21 Data Collection Procedures...............................................................................24 Data Analysis...............................................................................................25 Reliability and Validity................................................................................27 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ..........................................29 Factors Affecting Both Recruitment and Retention Leading to High Turnover .........29 Factors Contributing to the Shortage and Turnover of Qualified Foreign English Teachers in Taiwan.......................30 Factors Affecting the Recruitment and Retention of Foreign English Teachers in Taiwan......................................36 Enhancing HR Strategies through Perceptions and Experiences........39 Summary of Findings and Suggestions............................43 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................46 Conclusion ..................................................................46 Recommendations..................................................................................47 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................49 APPENDIX A CONSENT FORM ..........................................................57 APPENDIX B INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS ..................58 APPENDIX C INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR SCHOOL PRINCIPALS..............60 APPENDIX D INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT ..............................62 APPEDIX E JOB POSTING ................................................66 APPEDIX F JOB REQUIREMENTS ..................................................69

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