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研究生: 林美馨
Mei-Hsin Lin
論文名稱: 國小學童認識信念、科學文本理解與推論能力之相關研究
A Correlative Study for the Epistemic Beliefs, Science Text Comprehension and Argumentation ability among Elementary Students.
指導教授: 楊芳瑩
Yang, Fang-Ying
Chang, Chun-Yen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 274
中文關鍵詞: 科學探究推論能力認識觀閱讀理解
英文關鍵詞: scientific investigation, argument ability, epistemological beliefs, reading comprehension
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:26
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  • 本研究旨在透過讓學童閱讀具有不確定性的科學問題,探討國小學童的個人認識觀、科學探究看法、推論能力及對於科學文本的理解,並找出彼此間的關係。
    本研究主要是以質的研究方法為主,結合量的研究法,透過半結構性晤談法以及開放性紙筆測驗,問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。本研究樣本是以臺北市某國小三、六年級共120人進行研究,其中三年級佔60人,男生有30人,女生有30人;六年級佔60人,男生有30人,女生有30人。研究工具有「科學探究看法問卷」 、「科學文本理解問卷」、「閱讀情意問卷」以及「爭議性科學問題的晤談工具」含恐龍晤談文章 與文章晤談稿共四種。所使用的研究方法包括描述性統計、獨立t檢定、單因數變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、薛費事後比較法、卡方檢定以及單因數共變數分析等。
    5.一般而言學童的論證能力(argumentation)並不強,大部分學童在「反論」與「反駁反論」的表現上,無法提出科學性理由做為論點,只能提出一般性的理由做為論點;只有在「論證」的表現(making arguments)上,六年級有超過一半的學童可以提出一個科學性的理由做為論點。

    The purpose of this study was to let student read scientific questions that contain uncertainty in order to explore the personal epistemological beliefs, views on scientific investigation, and argument ability of elementary school students, to explore how these affect understanding of science texts and to discover the relationships among them.
    This study employed qualitative research methods in collaboration with quantitative methods.Semi-structured interview, open pen-and-paper test, and interviews were conducted for data collection. The research sample consisted of 120 third and sixth graders in an elementary school in Taipei City.Among them, 60 were in the third grade, with 30 boys and 30 girls. 60 were in the sixth grade, with 30 boys and 30 girls. The research tools included the “views on scientific investigation questionnaire,” “science text reading comprehension questionnaire,” “reading affection questionnaire,” and “interview tool for controversial scientific questions,” which includes the dinosaur interview article and four types of article interview drafts. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, Scheffe post-hoc comparison method, chi-test, and one-way ANCOVA.
    The important findings of this study were as follows:
    1.The views of elementary school students regarding “nature of knowledge” were generally of the multiplist perspective, approaching the position of knowledge as certainty; their views on “process of knowing” were generally of the multiplist perspective.
    2.Student exploratory views on “scientific method” and “scientific activity” were generally in the pre-positivist view stage; student views toward the scientific exploration of “scientific evidence” could generally be expressed as positivist views.
    3.Third-grade students had significantly higher emotional elements than sixth-grade students in “reading value,” “reading challenge,” “reading inclination,” expectations of others,” and “personal reading interest.”Furthermore, there were significant positive correlations between scientific topical interest and the five emotional elements of “reading value,” “reading challenge,” “reading inclination,” “expectations of others,” and “personal reading interest.”
    4.Student performances on the science text comprehension questionnaire showed as high as about 80% accuracy rate; after students read the science articles, third-graders generally were able to cite one piece of evidence from the text or one deduction about the reason for dinosaur extinction, while sixth-graders could cite two pieces or evidence or deductions about the reason for dinosaur extinction.
    5.Generally, student argumentation ability was not strong. In student performance in “counterargument” and “rebuttal,” most students could not propose scientific reasons as their viewpoints, and could only propose general reasons as their viewpoints. Only in the performance of “making arguments,” more than half of the sixth-graders were able to propose a scientific reason as the viewpoint.
    6.A significant positive correlation was only found between the student reading emotional factor of “expectations of others” and science text comprehension found through the interview method; in other reading emotional factors and interest in scientific topics, there were no significant correlations with the science text comprehension found through the interview method or quantitative methods.
    7.The epistemology of third- and sixth-graders in “nature of knowledge” and “process of knowing” and exploratory views on “scientific method,” there were no significant differences between reflective reasoning ability and controversial science text comprehension performance.
    8.Sixth grade students were significantly better than third grade students in terms of views on scientific investigation in scientific activity, scientific evidence, and reasoning performance of argumentation, counterargument, and rebuttal, interviews regarding ability of understanding science texts for the two articles of Meteors Hit and Volcanic Eruptions, as well as questionnaires on understanding science texts of the article Volcanic Eruptions.
    9.In “the process of knowing,” epistemological beliefs and scientific activity,views on scientific investigation of scientific method and scientific evidence, and reasoning performance in argumentation, counterargument, and rebuttal ability,interviews regarding ability of understanding science texts for the two articles of Volcanic Eruptions and It Was the Bugs, and reading comprehension questionnaire scores on the three articles Meteors Hit,Volcanic Eruptions, and It Was the Bugs, there were no significant differences between boys and girls.
    10.Boys have more mature development than girls in epistemological beliefs of “the nature of knowledge,” and in the interviews inunderstanding science texts of Meteors Hit and counterargument and rebuttal, boys significantly scored higher than girls.
    11.There were no significant differences in the personal epistemological view types of “nature of knowledge” and “process of knowing” and science text comprehension interview, questionnaire performance, and reflexive reasoning performance.
    12.Personal epistemological beliefs and scientific activity of “nature of knowledge” show significant differences with the types of views on scientific investigation on scientific method, but do not show significant differences with the views on scientific investigation on scientific evidence;personal epistemological beliefs and scientific activity of “the process of knowing,”views on scientific investigation of scientific method and scientific evidence. There were no significant correlations between the scientific theme of dinosaurs and the reading affect questionnaire and interview and the questionnaire on understanding science texts.
    13.There were positive correlations or differences between science text comprehension interview performance and the scientific exploratory view of “scientific activity,” reasoning performances of “argumentation,” “counterargument,” and “rebuttal”; there were only positive correlations or differences between science text comprehension questionnaire performance and the reasoning performances of “argumentation” and “counterargument” and the exploratory view of “scientific activity”; there was no significant correlation or difference with “rebuttal,” the exploratory view of “scientific evidence,” and “scientific method.”
    14.There were significant differences between the reasoning performance of “argumentation” and the exploratory view of “scientific method,” no significant difference with “scientific activity” and “scientific evidence”; there were significant differences between the reasoning performance of “counterargument” and the exploratory view of “scientific activity,” but no significant differences with the exploratory views of “scientific method” and “scientific evidence”;the reasoning performance of “rebuttal” showed no significant difference with the exploratory views of “scientific activity,” “scientific method,” and “scientific evidence.”
    15.Science exploratory views and science text comprehension were reflected in reasoning performance.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究的重要性 3 第三節 研究目的與待答問題 4 第四節 名詞解釋 5 第五節 研究範圍 7 第六節 研究限制 8 第二章文獻探討 第一節 論證理論 9 第二節 知識認識論 13 第三節 科學探究看法 24 第四節 閱讀理解 33 第五節 個人認識觀、科學探究看法、閱讀理解及論證之關連 42 第三章研究方法 第一節 研究設計 46 第二節 研究假設 47 第三節 研究對象 48 第四節 研究工具 50 第五節 研究實施程式 73 第六節 資料處理與分析 78 第四章研究結果與討論 第一節 國小學童先備知識 80 第二節 個人認識觀 82 第三節 國小學童科學探究看法 87 第四節 國小學童科學文本的閱讀理解表現 93 第五節 國小學童思考推論表現 98 第六節 閱讀情意問卷研究結果分析 103 第七節 閱讀主題興趣 105 第八節 研究變項間相關性探究 107 第五章結論與建議 第一節 結論 153 第二節 綜合討論 157 第三節 建議 158 參考文獻 中文部份 160 英文部分 161 附錄 附錄一 科學探究看法問卷 169 附錄二 恐龍晤談文章 170 附錄三 晤談稿 173 附錄四 科學文本理解問卷 174 附錄五 閱讀情意問卷 181 附錄六 恐龍滅絕原因摘要 184 附錄七 探究式問卷結果摘要 186 附錄八 科學文本理解晤談內容摘要 198 附錄九 個人認識觀晤談結果摘要 226 附錄十 推論表現晤談結果摘要 237

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