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研究生: 孫嘉尉
Sun, Jia-Wei
論文名稱: 房產銷售人員會話結構與語用身分構建研究
A Study on the Construction of Conversation and Pragmatic Identity of the Real Estate Salespersons
指導教授: 謝佳玲
Hsieh, Chia-Ling
口試委員: 王萸芳
Wang, Yu-Fang
Chang, Miao-Hsia
Hong, Jia-Fei
Tsui, Ka-Wai
Peng, Ni-Si
Hsieh, Chia-Ling
口試日期: 2022/12/01
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 413
中文關鍵詞: 房產銷售會話會話分析會話結構語用身分商務華語
英文關鍵詞: real estate sales conversation, Conversation Analysis, conversation structure, pragmatic identity, business Chinese
研究方法: 會話分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205644
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:98下載:40
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  • 銷售會話是商務會話的一種類型,其發生地點相對固定,且參與者間的關係已被默認為銷售人員與客戶關係,這些限制導致銷售會話的結構與語用策略的使用不同於日常溝通會話。隨著中國經濟的發展,各國愈發重視與中國的經貿往來,商務華語的學習需求也隨之增大,亟需華語商務會話研究成果支持其發展。而相較英語商務會話之研究,華語商務會話研究在語言與教學兩方面皆較匱乏。有鑒於此,本文以商務華語教學重點之銷售會話作為載體,採用會話分析之研究方法,考察華語房產銷售會話體結構與局部結構的特徵,並探討銷售人員在會話中構建的語用身分之類別與功能,期望研究結果對商務華語教學有所啟發與助益。

    Sales conversation is a type of business conversation. It takes place in a relatively fixed situation, and the relationship between the participants is already determined as the salesperson and the customer. The fixed situation and relationship make the structure and the strategies used in sales conversations different from those in daily communication. With the rise of China's economy and the increasing emphasis on economic and trade relations with China, the demand for learning business Chinese has increased and there is an urgent need for research results in business Chinese conversation to support its development. Compared to the study of business English conversation, the study of business Chinese conversation is lacking in both linguistic and pedagogical aspects. In view of this, this study examines the characteristics of Chinese real estate sales conversations in terms of their overall and local conversation structures, and to explore the types and functions of pragmatic identities constructed by real estate salespeople in the course of conversations. Ultimately, it is hoped that the findings of this study will be useful for teaching business Chinese.
    This study adopts the method of Conversation Analysis, and 18 initial conversations between 18 mainland China real estate salespeople and 6 customers were collected from August 2021. The results of the overall conversation structure analysis revealed three phases of real estate sales conversations: the beginning, the body and the closing. The beginning includes greeting recognition sequence and consultation initiation sequence; the body includes information communication sequence and financial negotiation sequence; the closing includes topic boundary sequence, pre-closing sequence and closing sequence. Each of these sequences has different sections.
    The results of conversation local structure analysis show that salespersons use different strategies in initiating turns and responding turns. Regarding initiating turns, 5 strategies are adopted: greeting, providing service, seeking information, making requests and initiating invitations; In the response turns, 4 strategies are adopted: acknowledging appreciation, responding to questions, evaluating responses and verifying information. Moreover, the study also reveals that in order to take over or maintain their floor, salespersons adopt different strategies, such as focusing on a single topic, shortening turn interval, interrupting customer turn, etc. From the three aspects of topic representation, semantic content and contextual adaptation, combined with the analysis of member categories, we conclude that there are three types of pragmatic identities constructed by real estate salespersons, which are consultant identity, peer identity and sales representative identity. Different identities perform corresponding functions through different speech acts.
    The above analyses show that Chinese business sales conversation has its special conventions in conversation structure and communication strategies. Moreover, they also show that pragmatic identity is a type of pragmatic resourcer, which is dynamically constructed and plays an important role in sales conversation.
    Finally, this study applies the findings to the teaching of business Chinese sales skills, offering suggestions and guidance on the development and compiling of teaching materials, teaching activities and other pedagogical inspiration and tips for teachers and students.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 名詞釋義 7 一、房產銷售人員 7 二、會話結構 8 三、語用身分 9 第四節 論文架構 10 第二章 文獻回顧 11 第一節 會話分析 11 一、會話分析之定義與特徵 11 二、會話分析之基礎概念 12 三、會話分析之研究發展 14 四、機構會話分析 19 第二節 身分及其構建分析 24 一、身分及其構建之理論研究 24 二、身分及其構建之應用研究 30 三、語用身分及其構建之研究 33 第三節 商務話語分析 37 一、商務話語之基本概念 37 二、商務話語之策略研究 40 三、商務話語之身分研究 41 第四節 商務外語教學分析 43 一、商務英語與教學 43 二、商務華語與教學 45 第五節 小結 50 第三章 研究方法 53 第一節 語料資訊 53 一、語料來源 53 二、取得方法 58 三、語料特徵 61 第二節 語料分析 62 一、會話結構分析框架 62 二、語用身分分析框架 68 三、語料分析流程 70 第四章 研究結果與討論 77 第一節 房產銷售會話之整體結構 77 一、會話開端分析 81 二、會話本體分析 85 三、會話結束分析 96 第二節 房產銷售會話之局部結構 106 一、發起話輪分析 110 二、回應話輪分析 121 三、話輪轉換分析 137 四、整體結構與局部結構之關係 153 第三節 房產銷售人員之語用身分構建 161 一、房產銷售人員不同語用身分構建的分類 161 二、房產銷售人員不同語用身分的言語行為與功能特徵 168 第四節 語用身分與會話結構之關係 195 一、諮詢顧問語用身分之分布 198 二、同伴語用身分之分布 201 三、銷售代表語用身分之分布 203 第五節 研究小結 204 第五章 教學建議與應用 207 第一節 教材編寫建議與應用 207 一、結構有序性的編寫建議與應用 207 二、任務階段性的編寫建議與應用 209 三、內容真實性的編寫建議與應用 211 四、策略多樣性的編寫建議與應用 215 第二節 教學活動建議與應用 223 一、任務卡之設計與應用 223 二、角色扮演建議與應用 225 三、案例分析建議與應用 230 第三節 教師與學習者之建議 233 一、教師教學建議與應用 233 二、學習者學習建議與應用 235 第六章 研究結論 239 第一節 研究問題之回應 239 第二節 研究成果之總結 241 第三節 研究限制與展望 245 參考書目 247 附錄 267

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