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研究生: Isabella Maria Burckhardt
Isabella Maria Burckhardt
論文名稱: 新創企業開發創新產品之決策框架研究 - 以德國一新型失禁產品之開發案為例
An Investigation on the Decision Framework for Startups’ Introduction of Innovative Products – A Case Study of Introducing a New Incontinence Valve Product in Germany
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurial OpportunitiesInnovationEvaluation Framework
英文關鍵詞: Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Innovation, Evaluation Framework
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GIM.002.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:116下載:15
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  • This thesis investigates how an innovative product can be successfully brought to market by an entrepreneur or a start-up and develops an overall framework to help entrepreneurs determine whether to introduce the innovative product in a market or not. Important frameworks such as the business model canvas or the innovation diffusion theory are examined in the literature review.
    The research methodology applied in this thesis is the case study approach, which allows to retain a holistic and real-world perspective. The case study presented is about a patent application submitted in 2015 for an incontinence valve. The evaluation framework considers technology feasibility, market potential, core partner and business model and is applied to the case study. This framework is intended to provide a guideline on whether an invention could be commercially applicable or not. The decision framework is successfully applied to the case study and it can be concluded that the examined innovation is commercially viable.

    INTRODUCTION 9 Research Purpose 12 Research Target and Range 12 Expected Research Outcome 13 LITERATURE REVIEW 14 Entrepreneurial Opportunities 14 Definition of entrepreneur 14 Definition of entrepreneurial opportunity 15 Discovery of entrepreneurial opportunity 15 Business Planning 17 The business plan 18 The business model canvas 19 The lean startup model 24 Marketing and Diffusion of New Products 26 Marketing concept & strategy 27 The 7P’s in marketing 28 The modern marketing model (M3) 29 Timing of a market introduction 30 Customer experience 32 Persona development 32 Innovation diffusion theory 32 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY – THE CASE STUDY APPROACH 37 The Case Study Approach - Planning 37 The Case Study Approach – Design 38 The Case Study Approach – Preparation 38 The Case Study Approach - Collection 39 The Case Study Approach – Analysis 39 The Case Study Approach – Sharing 40 CASE STUDY 41 Introduction 41 Product 42 Patent Application 43 Patent Process in Germany 43 Submission of Patent 44 Resubmission Opportunity 46 Current Issue 46 Market Analysis 48 Medical device market in Germany 48 Incontinence 49 Competitive Products 50 Pads 51 Female devices 51 Male devices 52 Catheters 53 Toileting aids 53 Collars 53 Further methods 54 Target Market 58 Legal Framework 58 Promotion and Advertisement 59 Channels 59 SWOT 60 Strengths 60 Weaknesses 60 Opportunities 60 Threats 61 Further Analysis 61 Porter’s Five Forces 62 Threat of substitution 62 Buyer power 63 Threat of new entrants 63 Supplier power 63 Competitive rivalry 64 Evaluation Framework for Innovation Feasibility 64 Technological Feasibility Analysis 66 Market Potential Analysis 69 Core Partner Analysis 70 Business Model 72 Decision Guideline 72 Application of Framework to Case Study 74 Technological Feasibility 75 Market Potential 76 Core Partner 77 Business Model 77 CONCLUSION AND GENERAL DISCUSSION 84 Theoretical and Managerial Contribution 85 Limitations 85 Future Research 86 REFERENCES 87 APPENDIX 97

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