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研究生: 陳俊臣
Chen, Jyun-Chen
論文名稱: 提升自然科學思辨能力之雲端學習系統發展研究-以國小四年級自然與生活科技為例
The development of a cloud-based computing learning system to improve students’ scientific critical thinking ability: A study of a fourth-grade science and technology curriculum
指導教授: 蕭顯勝
Hsiao, Hsien-Sheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 科學思辨能力POE探究學習模式凱利方格技術協同學習策略
英文關鍵詞: Scientific critical thinking ability, POE inquiry learning model, Repertory Grid Technique, Collaborative Learning Strategy
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203345
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:148下載:9
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  • 科學教育的目的之ㄧ是讓學生學會如何去進行探究活動,也培養出批判思考能力。科學上的批判思考能力是指:資訊統整、對事物能夠做推論與批判、解決問題等整合性的能力,也就是本研究所稱的科學思辨能力。目前培養學生的科學思辨能力受到關注,包含:國際學生能力評量計畫(PISA)、美國二十一世紀技能夥伴計畫、我國教育部及許多科學教育相關研究都對此投入資源,開發批判思考能力之指標、測驗、或發展培養學生批判思考能力之課程。本研究參考過去研究發現:預測-觀察-解釋(Prediction-Observation- Explanation, POE)的POE探究學習模式能幫助學生逐步深入科學問題的核心、幫助學生進行自我解釋調整原先的迷思概念,以提升科學學習成效及科學思辨能力。故採用POE探究學習模式發展ㄧ套提升科學思辨能力之學習方法,並導入凱利方格技術及協同學習策略強化POE的探究學習效果,又利用雲端運算及智慧教室把真實的問題與情境帶給學生,幫助學生探索與解決科學問題以培養科學思辨能力。本研究採用準實驗研究法進行三期的教學實驗。第一期教學實驗進行5週,共有6個班級125位學生參與。結果發現POE探究學習模式能有效提升科學思辨能力,而且凱利方格技術、協同學習策略也能強化POE探究學習模式。第二期教學實驗進行一個學期,共有10個班級266位學生參與。研究結果印證了第一期教學實驗的發現,而且發現POE探究學習模式、凱利方格技術及協同學習策略,三者同時應用能有效協助提升科學思辨能力。第三期教學實驗進行一個學期,共有24個班級666位學生參與。再次印證第二期教學實驗的發現。最後,從整體教學實驗的歷程,本研究發現凱利方格技術能幫助POE建構知識基礎,讓學生在POE的探究歷程中,避免因為知識錯誤或不足的現象而造成學習困難;發現協同學習策略能幫助POE解決學習歷程中缺乏討論及形成結論的狀況,避免學生因個人資質限制造成學習困惑,讓學生藉由分享、討論與合作,促使學生修正概念、解決問題,達到互惠的效果。

    Teaching students how to participate in activities that improve scientific critical thinking ability is the purpose of science education. Scientific critical thinking ability in research helps in understanding how to integrate information, make inferences about things, and solve problems. Improving students’ scientific critical thinking ability has received attention worldwide, such as the Program for International Student Assessment, the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, and the Taiwanese Ministry of Education. Much research on science education has contributed to developing critical thinking competence indicators, assessment tools, and curricula. This study was based on the findings of previous studies, particularly the prediction-observation-explanation (POE) inquiry learning model, which aims at helping students understand core scientific problems step by step through self-explanation to correct misconceptions and to improve their scientific critical thinking ability. This study used the POE inquiry learning model to develop a learning method to improve students’ scientific critical thinking ability. The Repertory Grid Technique and the Collaborative Learning Strategy were assimilated into the POE inquiry learning process to strengthen the students’ learning effect. A cloud-based computing system and smart classroom were used to present real science situations to help students solve problems and improve their scientific critical thinking ability. A quasi-experimental method was used, and there were three experiments in this study. The first experiment was conducted for five weeks with 125 fourth grade students. The result showed that using the POE inquiry learning model improved students’ scientific critical thinking ability. Moreover, the Repertory Grid Technique (or the Collaborative Learning Strategy) could reinforce the effect of POE inquiry learning model. The second experiment was conducted for twenty weeks with 266 participates. The result proved the finding of the first experiment. Moreover, the results showed that using the POE inquiry learning model, the Repertory Grid Technique, and the Collaborative Learning Strategy improved students’ scientific critical thinking ability. The third experiment was conducted for twenty weeks with 666 participates. The result proved the finding of the second experiment. Finally, from the whole experimental process, the result showed that the Repertory Grid Technique helped students to integrate basic knowledge in the POE inquiry learning process so they could avoid learning difficulties caused by a lack of or incorrect knowledge, while the Collaborative Learning Strategy helped students to discuss and cooperate as a group to avoid learning difficulties caused by self-qualification.

    謝  誌 i 中文摘要 iii 目  錄 vii 表  次 ix 圖  次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 10 第三節 研究範圍與限制 12 第四節 研究流程 14 第五節 名詞釋義 15 第二章 文獻探討 19 第一節 科學思辨能力 19 第二節 探究學習模式 29 第三節 凱利方格技術 41 第四節 協同學習策略 45 第五節 雲端運算與智慧教室 48 第六節 文獻評析 53 第三章 研究方法 59 第一節 研究架構與設計 59 第二節 學習模式設計 67 第三節 研究工具 78 第四章 結果與討論 95 第一節 第一期教學實驗 95 第二節 第二期教學實驗 103 第三節 第三期教學實驗 131 第五章 結論與建議 145 第一節 結論 145 第二節 建議 151 參考文獻 154

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