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Author: 李哲迪
Lee, Che-Di
Thesis Title: 高中物理教科書與學生關於力的話語與合法化的語言策略
Discourses and Linguistic Strategies of Legitimation about Forces Used by Physics Textbooks and Students of Senior High Schools
Advisor: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Gin
Degree: 博士
Department: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2006
Academic Year: 94
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 279
Keywords (in Chinese): 系統功能語言學語法隱喻技術性建構話語合法化科學課文凱利方格法論證概念學習
Keywords (in English): Systemic Functional Linguistics, Grammatical Metaphor, Technicality Construction, Discourse, Legitimation, Science Texts, Kelly's Repertory Grid Technique (RGT), Argumentation, Concept Learning
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 摘 要




    對科學教科書語料庫和中研院平衡語料庫的內容分析,以及對學生 (N=72)的凱利方格問卷調查顯示:漢語中存在科學力和常識力兩種話語;雖然兩種話語有邊界模糊的現象,但高中學生能區別之;與高一學生相比,高三學生的兩種話語更趨於約定用法。這表示力的語法性存在已在高中學生群體中建立。




    The linguistic bases on that senior high school students and physical textbooks rely to construct force as reality in Chinese are investigated.

    On the linguistic stratum, a theoretical entity can be constructed as reality by two ways. One is by linguistic facts. An entity’s reality is self-evident because of the discourse talking about it. The other is by legitimation. An entity’s reality is justified by showing that the scientific term does have signification or the signified of it is different from ones of other terms (Anyone who doubts these two claims is in legitimation crises). In legitimation, the linguistic strategies used in argument ideally are the transformation between metaphoric events and technical events (i.e., technicality construction). According to systemic functional linguistics, theoretical entities participate in events as grammatical objects with the form of noun. These events are called as “metaphorical events” following the lexico-grammar known as “discourses”. In technical events, the grammatical forms of theoretical entities are congruent to the experiential forms. Through technicality construction, theoretical entities are transformed into congruent expressions. And then they obtain the meaning resided in everyday language and become understandable.

    Empirical findings show that on linguistic facts, textbooks and senior high school students do construct the scientific-force discourse, which is different from common-sense-force discourse, and on legitimation, there is hardly technicality construction.

    The content analysis on the corpuses of science textbooks and of the Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus of Modern Chinese and the questionnaire survey on 72 students through “Linguistic Expressions Questionnaire” with the structure of Kelly’s Repertory Grid both show that: (1). There are two kinds of discourses. One is for scientific force and the other is for common-sense force. (2). Senior high school students can distinguish these two discourses with an ambiguous boundary. And (3). the discourses of 15th grade students are more coincident with the conventional usage than ones of 13th grade students. These indicate that the grammatical existence of force has been built in the group of senior high school students.

    However on the aspect of legitimation, the analysis on texts of science textbooks and the interviews on 13th grade 15 students having read the texts shows: (1). The reference of “force” does not be properly interpreted by these texts. The cohesions between “force” and “action” and between “action” and the corresponding expression in technical events are not properly built up. (2). The reference of “contact” in “contact force” does not be interpreted either. In sum, there is no technicality construction in the science texts. Furthermore, 13th grade 15 students were interviewed and asked to interpret the results of measurement using spring scale so that they were situated in the legitimation crises. The analysis by applying the Toulmin’s framework of argumentation finds that varieties of linguistic strategies are identified but students cannot correctly unpack metaphoric events into technical events so as to refer the signification of “force” and make effective argumentations. For them, force is a hollow reality.

    By choosing the viewpoints of linguistic facts and of legitimation, the investigation on concept learning through linguistic analysis is conducted. The meanings of this approach in related studies and some suggestions about science curriculum, teaching, teacher education, and further research are brought up as conclusion.

    目 次 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 10 第三節 研究的重要性 14 第四節 研究範圍 17 第五節 名詞釋義 17 第貳章 文獻探討 21 第一節 語言之表徵:系統功能語言學 21 第二節 經驗之重構:技術性建構與話語 59 第三節 知識之合法化 85 第參章 研究方法 109 第一節 研究架構 109 第二節 科學力與常識力話語之語料庫分析 115 第三節 科學力與常識力話語之調查研究 128 第四節 合法化之語言策略分析 135 第肆章 研究結果與討論 159 第一節 科學力與常識力之話語 159 第二節 學生對科學力與常識力話語之識別 175 第三節 對課文合法化策略之解讀 191 第四節 將力之測量合法化的語言策略 211 第伍章 結論與建議 233 第一節 主要發現 233 第二節 結論 240 第三節 教育意涵 242 第四節 研究建議 249 參考文獻 253 中文部分 253 英文部分 257 附錄 267 附錄一:語詞用法問卷 268 附錄二:閱讀與測量活動訪談說明與放聲思考練習 273 附錄三:彈簧秤製作與運用指導語 275 附錄四:課文─「接觸力與超距力」及「力的種類」 276 附錄五:測量活動半結構式問卷 277 附錄六:課文閱讀半結構式問卷 278



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