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研究生: 徐嘉妍
論文名稱: 詮釋夢想:三本圖畫書的圖畫翻譯研究
Interpretation of Dreams: A Translation Study on Pictures in Three Picturebooks
指導教授: 李根芳
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 133
中文關鍵詞: 翻譯圖畫書符際翻譯圖文關係
英文關鍵詞: translation, picture books, intersemiotical translation, word-picture interaction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:51
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  • 當代社會大量使用影像溝通,產生各種結合文字與圖像的多模式文本,圖畫書即運用文字與圖畫,各自闡述故事概念,兩種詮釋結合後,又產生新的故事。圖畫與文字作者在創作前,首先要理解故事概念,再以圖畫或文字符號表達,產生的圖畫與文字文本即對概念的翻譯。另外,理解、解釋與翻譯此詮釋過程中,畫家與作者的知識、經驗、社會文化傳統,以及圖畫與文字表達意義的成規,都會幫助產生與限制意義。本文首先從詮釋學的角度討論詮釋、翻譯與圖畫翻譯的關係,試說明何以圖畫是對故事概念的翻譯,再針對以「夢想」為主題的《你好老包》、《培培點燈》、《歌舞爺爺》三本圖畫書,將重點放在書中的圖畫,以符號學方法分析畫家如何運用各種圖畫敘事元素,透過視覺、文化等符碼翻譯書中蘊含的故事概念,再與文字對故事概念的翻譯比較,探討圖畫與文字對夢想的各自詮釋結合後,產生何種更豐富的新故事,為理解夢想帶來新意;期望藉此討論,更清楚地認識翻譯、理解與詮釋的內涵,以及彼此的關係。

    Contemporary society employs copious amounts of images to communicate ideas, producing multimodal texts which combine verbal and pictorial elements. Picturebooks consist of written texts and illustrations, each of which conveys an interpretation of a story and which, when combined, offer a third. Illustrators and authors first familiarize themselves with a story and then express it using pictures and written text, each of which is a translation interpretation of the story. In addition, in the understanding, explaining and translating of the hermeneutic circle involved, the illustrator and writer’s knowledge, experience, and cultural traditions as well as conventions involved in the expression of words and pictures serve to produce and limit meaning. This paper begins with discussions on the relationship between interpretation, translation, and pictures as translation from a hermeneutic perspective as it attempts to demonstrate that illustrations in a picturebook as a whole are a translation of the story concept. This paper selected three books with “dreams” as the main theme. They are Hey Al, Peppe the Lamplighter, and Song and Dance Man. Taking the illustrations as the main focus of the analysis, this writer employed the semiotic approach to determine how the concepts of the stories were translated using various pictorial narrative elements and studied the use of visual and cultural codes in the books. Finally, the paper compared the pictorial translation with the textual translation of the stories to probe the two interpretations and study how the synthesizing of the two interpretations blends to form a newer, richer version, and how the resulting work brings new significance to the concept of “dreams.” It is hoped that through this discussion, the paper will help to further illuminate the significance of and relationships between translation, understanding, and interpretation.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 詮釋、翻譯、圖畫翻譯 2 第二節 再現與符號 7 第三節 圖畫翻譯:圖像語言的溝通與詮釋 15 第二章 文獻回顧 18 第一節 圖畫書中的圖畫 19 第二節 圖畫書的圖文關係 26 第三節 研究方法 31 第四節 文本與創作者介紹 36 第三章 圖畫文本分析 42 第一節 基本認知 42 第二節 構圖 61 第三節 整體形象 74 第四章 文字文本分析與圖文互動 78 第一節 文字文本分析 78 第二節 圖文互動 88 第五章 結論 105 參考文獻 108 附錄一 圖畫書文字原文 114 附錄二 本文分析圖畫書之內頁 122

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