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研究生: 陳冠杏
論文名稱: 亞斯柏格症學生在不同情境中會話話題之研究
指導教授: 張正芬
Chang, Cheng-Fen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 298
中文關鍵詞: 亞斯柏格症學生會話分析話題會話組織合作原則
英文關鍵詞: the Asperger student, conversation analysis, topic, conversation organization, cooperation principle
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:169下載:51
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  • 本研究目的在於探討國小一年級亞斯柏格症學生與同儕在不同情境會話時,會話話題與會話組織之表現;透過會話分析,比較四名亞斯柏格症學生分別與同儕在遊戲情境、點心情境和下課情境的會話,結果發現情境影響AS學生會話話題表現。其他發現包括有:

    This thesis aims to explore the conversation performance of four 1st grade Asperger students and regular students in three different linguistic contexts. Under the contexts of playing games, having snacks and doing activities after class, the researcher analyzed the conversation corpora from these four students and found that contexts significantly influenced the performance of conversation topics and the conversation organization for the Asperger students, but not for the regular students. The detailed results can be shown as follows:
    1.The linguistic contexts influence the conversation topics and topic development of the two groups of subjects.
    2.The conversation topics chosen by the Asperger students to discuss with the regular students are basically related to the current contexts.
    3.Compared with the control group, the frequency for the Asperger students to initiate new topics is higher, whereas the frequency for the group to respond to topics is much lower. The Asperger students can correctly respond to 70%-90% topics from the control group. The intentions for the Asperger students to initiate topics bear on their personal desires, but there is oddity in starting topics.
    4.As for the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance and the maxim of manner, the experimental group disobeys the four maxims more frequently than the control group.
    5.Both the Asperger and regular students are able to shift their conversation topics naturally. The types of shifting topics can be divided into three categories—“shifting to a new topic”, “shifting to the last main topic immediately” and “shifting to the previous main topic”.
    6.In most cases, the Asperger students are able to end topics with their regular students agreeably, but about 30% of the situations seem to be “negative” when the topics are ended.

    第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------1 第一節研究動機 -----------------------------1 第二節研究目的與待答問題 -------------------5 第三節名詞解釋 -----------------------------7 第二章文獻探討 ------------------------------11 第一節亞斯柏格症學生特質 --------------------11 第二節亞斯柏格症學生的溝通特質 ---------------17 第三節溝通、合作原則、臨床言談分析法與會話分析--32 第四節話題及身心障礙者話題的相關研究 --------47 第三章研究方法 ------------------------------63 第一節研究架構 -------------------------------63 第二節研究對象 -------------------------------65 第三節研究工具 -------------------------------69 第四節研究情境 -------------------------------70 第五節實施過程 -------------------------------73 第六節語料處理、 研究變項編碼 -----------------76 第七節會話分析方法說明 --------------------- 86 第八節研究信度 ------------------------------88 第四章研究結果 -----------------------------91 第一節亞斯柏格症學生與同學在不同情境中的會話話題與會話類型 ------92 第二節亞斯柏格症學生與同學在遊戲情境中的話題開啟、話題持續與話題遷移狀況 -----------102 第三節亞斯柏格症學生與同學在點心情境中的話題開啟、話題持續與話題遷移狀況 -----------129 第四節亞斯柏格症學生與同學在下課情境中的話題開啟、話題持續與話題遷移狀況 -------------154 第五節亞斯柏格學生與同學在不同情境中的話題開啟、話題持續、話題遷移與話題結束狀況 ----171 第五章討論 --------------------------------221 第六章 結論與建議 ----------------------------239 第一節結論 ---------------------------------239 第二節建議 ----------------------------------249 參考書目 中文部分 ------------------------------254 英文部分 -------------------------------255 附錄 附錄一亞斯柏格症學生家長同意書 ---------------269 學生級任老師同意書 ---------------------270 資源老師與學校行政人員同意書 -----------271 附錄二會話話題研究變項與語料轉寫代碼表 ------272 附錄三情境觀察紀錄範例 ----------------------275 附錄四研究變項之編碼與分析說明 --------------276

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