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研究生: 蔣根寧
Jang Geunnyeong
論文名稱: 政治關聯對中國上市公司閉鎖期結束盈餘管理行為影響之探究
Exploring the Impacts of Political Connection on Earnings Management Behavior after Lockups Period Expires
指導教授: 陳慧玲
Chen, Huei-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 盈餘管理政治關聯私募裁決性盈餘管理實質盈餘管理
英文關鍵詞: Earnings management, Political connection, Private placements, Accrual-based management, Real activities management
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000258
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:151下載:0
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  • 私募是中國上市公司募集資金的重要管道,本研究旨在探討有大股東參與私募認購的公司是否傾向在大股東閉鎖期結束之後操弄盈餘。此外,本研究檢視政治關聯性是否會影響公司在大股東閉鎖期結束後的盈餘管理幅度。公司可以運用兩種不同的盈餘管理方法,包括裁決性應計盈餘管理和實質盈餘管理操縱盈餘。相較於實質盈餘管理,裁決性應計盈餘管理較易被會計師等外部人發現。公司的聲譽及政治關係會因而受到負面的影響。因此具有政治關聯性的公司傾向使用實質盈餘管理。是以,本研究檢視政治關聯是否會影響私募公司在大股東閉鎖期結束之後,使用不同盈餘管理的決策。

    Private placement is an important financing source for Chinese listed firms. The objective of this study is to examine whether firms whose large shareholders participate in private placements tend to manipulate earnings upwards after large shareholders’ lock-up period expires. Moreover, this study examines whether political connection increases the magnitude of earnings management after large shareholders’ lock-up period expires. Companies can use two different earnings management methods including accrual-based management and real activities management to manipulate earnings. Accrual-based management is easier to be detected by outsiders such as auditors than real earnings management. Firms’ reputation may have negatively impacts and further affect their political connection. Firms with political connection tend to use real activities management. This study also investigates whether political connection may affect private placement firms’ decision to use different earnings management strategies after large shareholders’ lockup period expires.
      The empirical results indicate that the magnitude of earnings management after large shareholders’ lock-up period expires is insignificant. The empirical results also find that political connection increases the magnitude of earnings management after large shareholders’ lock-up period expires. Moreover, political connection does not affect firms using different earnings management strategies after lock-up period expires.

    Acknowledgements  I 摘要  II Abstract  III Contents  IV Table Contents  V 1.Motivation  1 2. Literature Review 4 2.1 Earnings management  4 2.2 Political connection and earnings management  5 2.3 Private placements  6 2.4 Private placements in China  8 3. Research Methods  10 3.1 Hypotheses  10 3.2 Variable definition  12 3.3 Research models  15 3.4 Data  18 4. Empirical Results  20 4.1 Descriptive statistics  20 4.2 Correlations among variables  31 4.3 Univariate analyses  34 4.4 Multivariate analyses  38 4.5 Sensitivity analyses  44 5. Conclusion  50 5.1 Conclusion  50 5.2 Suggestion  51 References  52

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