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Author: 黎公富
Le, Cong-Phu
Thesis Title: Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Volunteering: The Roles of Prosocial Motivation and Task Significance
Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Volunteering: The Roles of Prosocial Motivation and Task Significance
Advisor: 盧承杰
Lu, Cheng-Chieh
Committee: 賴志樫
Lai, Chih-Chien
Lee, Pai-Po
Approval Date: 2021/06/15
Degree: 碩士
Department: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Academic Year: 109
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 92
Keywords (in English): corporate social responsibility, organizational citizenship behavior, employee volunteering, task significance, prosocial motivation
Research Methods: 調查研究
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 204Downloads: 4
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  • This study aims to investigate the effects of employee perception about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of their firms on their prosocial behaviors like organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and employee volunteering behavior. In addition, this research also wants to find a mechanism through which the possible relationship between the perceived CSR perception of employees and their prosocial behaviors can be strengthened. In this study, prosocial motivation was proposed to be a possible mediating in the aforementioned relationship. Finally, a situational factor which is task significance was tested as a potential moderator in the possible relationship between employee CSR perception and prosocial motivation. The data was collected from 205 Taiwanese people who have working experience in different industries in Taiwan. This research adopted snowball and convenient sampling to collect data. IBM SPSS 23.0 was used to do the descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis to provide sample profile information and test the hypotheses. The results demonstrate that employee CSR perception has a positive relationship with their prosocial behaviors, specifically, OCB and employee volunteering behavior.
    Besides, prosocial motivation was found to be a partial mediator in this relation. The possible moderating effect of task significance in the relationship between employee CSR perception and prosocial motivation was rejected. This study implies that proper CSR execution and internal CSR communicating are vital in encouraging employees’ engagement in OCB and volunteering behavior. In addition, via the prosocial motivation pathway, companies can have more initiatives to increase employee prosocial behaviors.

    ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... III LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... V LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 Background of the Study ........................................................................................................ 1 Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................................... 4 Purposes of the Study ............................................................................................................. 5 Questions of the Study ........................................................................................................... 5 Significance of the Study ....................................................................................................... 6 Delimitations of the Study...................................................................................................... 7 Definitions of Key Terms ....................................................................................................... 8 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................. 9 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).................................................................................. 9 Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) ....................................................................... 12 Employee Volunteering Behavior ........................................................................................ 15 Prosocial Motivation ............................................................................................................ 18 Task Significance ................................................................................................................. 20 The Relationship Between Employee CSR Perception, OCB and Employee Volunteering Behavior ............................................................................................................................... 21 Possible Mediating Role of Prosocial Motivation Between Employee CSR perception and OCB, Employee Volunteering Behavior .............................................................................. 22 Possible Moderating Effect of Task Significance in the Relationship Between Employee CSR Perception and Prosocial Motivation ........................................................................... 24 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ......................................................... 25 Research Framework ............................................................................................................ 25 Research Hypotheses ............................................................................................................ 27 Research Procedure .............................................................................................................. 27 Research Sample and Data Collection ................................................................................. 30 Measurement ........................................................................................................................ 31 Control Variable ................................................................................................................... 37 Reliability and Validity ........................................................................................................ 38 Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 40 CHAPTER IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................. 43 Result of Descriptive Analysis ............................................................................................. 43 Result of Pearson Correlation Analysis ............................................................................... 45 Result of Hierarchical Regression Analysis ......................................................................... 47 Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 56 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................... 61 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 61 Practical Implications of the Study ...................................................................................... 62 Limitations ........................................................................................................................... 63 Recommendations for Future Research ............................................................................... 64 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 65 APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................... 75 APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................... 85

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