研究生: |
陳慶順 Ching-Shuen Chen |
論文名稱: |
識字困難學生與普通學生識字認知成分之比較研究 A Comparison of Cognitive Components of Word Recognition of the Second Graders With and Without Word Recognition Difficulties |
指導教授: |
Hung, Li-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 187 |
中文關鍵詞: | 識字困難 、識字能力 、認知能力 、識字歷程 |
英文關鍵詞: | word recognition, word recognition difficulties, cognitive components |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:503 下載:174 |
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本研究目的在比較不同識字能力學生在識字及認知能力上之表現,並探討這兩者之間的關係。 識字困難學生主要篩選標準是智力正常、中文年級認字量低於同年級1個水準以上者,共從台北市大安、河堤、金華等三所國小二年級學童中篩選選出31名,再以智力、性別、年齡、母語、家庭結構、社經地位等配對條件,在識字困難學生所就讀的班級中找出中文年級認字量在平均水準的普通配對學生31名,兩組學生共62名。
This study aimed to investigate the major factors of word recognition of second graders by comparing the competence of word recognition and cognitive performance of students with word recognition difficulties (WRD in short) and without WRD.
Thirty-one second graders with WRD were selected with one year below average in Chinese Graded Word Recognition Test (CGWD) and normal IQ. The other 31 were selected with normal performance in CGWD as the grade-match group (GM). Both groups were measured the competence of word recognition, which were character recognition(CR), choosing the word with dictating and the phonetic cues(ChW), dictation and writing the character with phonetic cue. The cognitive abilities were measured by Zhu-Yin-Fu-Hao recognition test, deletion of first consonant, tonal awareness test, radical recognition test, working memory test, and sequential memory test. The statistics of t-test, χ2, and percentage were used to analyze the data.
The three major findings were concluded as follows :
1. In the performances of word recognition, the scores of WRD were found significantly lower than GM students. However, the difference of the percentages between recalled (i.e. CR) and recognized words performance (i.e. ChW) of WRD were found significantly greater than those of GM.
2. Analyzing the errors of CR, the orthographic and phonological errors were found significantly more in WRD's performance than GMs'. The main error types of character recognition and writing were found as orthographic errors, but the main error type of ChW was phonological errors.
3. All the cognitive competence, except radical recognition, of the WRD were found significantly lower than those of GM students. And more significant correlation were found between word performance and cognitive components in WRD group than those in GM group.
According the aforementioned findings, the limitations of this study, and the recommendations to research and practical implementation were made.
Keyword : word recognition, word recognition difficulties, cognitive components
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