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研究生: 呂靜怡
Lu, Jing-Yi
論文名稱: Leader-Member-Exchange and Employee Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Person-Organization Fit and Generational Differences
Leader-Member-Exchange and Employee Engagement: The Moderating Effect of Person-Organization Fit and Generational Differences
指導教授: 盧承杰
Lu, Cheng-Chieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 55
英文關鍵詞: leader-member exchange theory, generation X, Millennials
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000285
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:392下載:0
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  • Retaining talented employees, especially Millennials, is increasingly emphasized in recent years. For Millennials, building a good relationship with leaders might improve their intensions of completing working tasks well and engaging more into their work. Thus, this study used the theory of leader-member exchange (LMX) to predict engagement level of employees in Taiwan. Furthermore, most of employees also intend to stay in the same company if they recognize the organizational values and feel comfortable with organizational culture. This study also aims to exploring whether person-organization fit (PO-fit) has a moderating effect on the relationship between LMX and employee engagement. Besides, the different traits and values of generation X and Millennials are also one main focus in this study. This study intends to find whether the association between LMX and employee engagement is stronger in Millennials than generation X through collecting sample of full-time workers in service industry in Taiwan. This study used quantitative analysis approach to test the hypotheses, and convenient and snowball sampling approach were used to collect sample. The results of statistical analysis showed that LMX quality is positive related to employee engagement, but PO-fit and generational difference do not have moderating effects on the relationship between LMX and employee engagement.

    ACKNOWLEDGE I ABSTRACT II TABLE OF CONTENT III LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES VI CHAPTER Ⅰ INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 3 Purposes of the Study 4 Research Questions 5 Study Significance 5 Definitions of Terms 7 Delimitations 8 CHAPTER Ⅱ LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Leader-Member Exchange Theory 9 Employee Engagement 11 LMX and Employee Engagement 13 Person-Organization Fit 14 PO-Fit as a Moderator 16 Generational Differences 17 Generational Differences as a Moderator 19 CHAPTER Ⅲ METHODOLOGY 21 Research Framework 21 Research Hypotheses 21 Research Procedure 21 Research Sample and Data Collection 23 Questionnaire Design 23 Instrumentation 24 Validity and Reliability 27 Data Analysis 30 CHAPTER Ⅳ RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS 31 Descriptive Statistics 31 Correlations Analysis 32 Regression Analysis 34 Summary and Discussion 35 CHAPTER Ⅴ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 38 Practical Implications of the Study 38 Limitations and Future Suggestions 39 REFERENCE 41 QUESTIONNAIRE 51

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