簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 施峰熙
Feng-Hsi Shih
論文名稱: 台灣恆春半島現生蠑螺與墾丁遺址蠑螺口蓋穩定碳氧同位素之環境意義
Environmental implication from stable carbon and oxygen isotope of live and archaeological shells and opercula of Turban snails from Hengchun Peninsula and Kenting site, Taiwan
指導教授: 米泓生
Mii, Horng-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 穩定碳氧同位素墾丁遺址蠑螺環境變遷
英文關鍵詞: Stable carbon and oxygen isotope, Kenting site, Turban snails, Environmental change
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:414下載:69
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  • 本研究分析恆春半島沿海採集的八個現生蠑螺標本(圓蠑螺、金口蠑螺和台灣蠑螺),以及墾丁考古遺址的五個口蓋標本(銀口蠑螺)的穩定碳氧同位素組成,探討蠑螺口蓋與殼體之間於碳氧同位素上的關係和現生蠑螺口蓋與殼體的氧同位素成份與其生活海域環境之關連性,並進一步解析墾丁考古遺址的古生態環境。


      墾丁考古遺址銀口蠑螺口蓋的18O值在-2.71~-0.28‰之間(-1.54±0.58‰,N=266),假設4000 B.P.海水的氧同位素數值與今日相似,則恆春半島大約在距今4千年前的溫度估計在21.5~31.5℃之間,比現今溫暖(19.6~29.7℃;2003年1月~2006年12月)。由氧同位素振幅所推論的季節性的變化,當時該蠑螺的採集多在冬春兩季。遺址蠑螺口蓋的13C值在2.45~5.83‰之間(3.33±0.49‰),整體較現生口蓋的13C值約高1.57‰,顯示當時恆春半島海域營養鹽含量或水團性質與今日有所差別。

    To examine when the 18O values of Turban snail shells and opercula reach the isotopic equilibrium with ambient seawater and unravel the paleoenvironment of ~4,000 B.P. in southern Taiwan, this study analyzed the stable isotopic compositions of eight alive Turban snails (two Turbo setosus, five T. chrysostomus and a T. sparverius) collected from Hengchun Peninsula and five opercula of T. argyrostoma collected from Kenting site, Hengchun.

      The 13C values of modern snail shells and opercula are between 0.38 and 2.10‰ (1.46±0.30‰; 1σ; N=365) and 0.65 and 2.80‰ (1.76±0.44‰; 1σ; N=482), respectirely. The 18O values of modern snail shells and opercula are between -2.40 and -0.14‰ (-1.54±0.51‰) and -2.40 and 0.25‰ (-1.40±0.53‰), respectirely. 13C values of seven modern opercula are significant different from those of complimentary shell. Based on the sea water temperature from O-luan-pi buoy and measured 18O of seawater (18O = 0‰ SMOW for summer and 18O = 0.14‰ SMOW for winter), the 18O values of aragonite precipitated in equrlibrium should be between -2.65‰ and 0.06‰. Because most of the 18O values of modern Turban snail shells and opercula are within this range, the 18O values of modern Turban snail shells and opercula are in apparently isotopic equibrium with the seawater they lived in.

      The 18O values of the five archaeological T. argyrostoma opercula are between -2.71 and 0.28‰ (-1.54±0.58‰; 1σ; N=266). Assuming the 18O values of seawater was simlar to that of present, the calculated oxygen isotope temperature is between 21.5℃ and 31.5℃ for ~4,000 B.P. and was roughly 2℃warmer than present. Based on the 18O records, most of the archaeological snails were collected in winter and spring. 13C values of the archaeological opercula (3.33±0.49‰) are 1.57‰ greater than those of modern opercula suggesting that the hydrological condition was different from present.

    ABSTRACT...............................................III 摘要.....................................................V 誌謝...................................................VII 目錄..................................................VIII 圖目.....................................................X 表目...................................................XVI 第一章、緒論.............................................1 1.1 前言.................................................1 1.2 前人研究.............................................6 1.2.1 腹足動物及其應用...................................6 1.2.2 蠑螺科殼體與口蓋相關研究..........................10 1.2.3 恆春半島墾丁考古遺址的研究........................12 1.2.4 4000 B.P.的古環境研究概況.........................13 1.3 研究目的............................................16 第二章、研究地區與標本..................................18 2.1 恆春半島的自然環境..........................18 2.2 墾丁考古遺址的人文背景......................20 2.3 蠑螺的生活習性..............................23 第三章、研究方法........................................26 3.1 蠑螺的鑑定及處理............................26 3.2 蠑螺的口蓋標本製作及X-ray分析...............26 3.2.1 蠑螺殼體標本製作..................................26 3.2.2 蠑螺口蓋標本製作..................................28 3.2.3 X-ray分析礦物成分析...............................29 3.3 穩定碳氧同位素分析..................................31 第四章、結果............................................32 4.1 標本觀察及組成..............................32 4.2 穩定碳氧同位素記錄..........................38 第五章、討論............................................53 5.1 現生蠑螺標本與恆春半島的環境訊號....................53 5.2 解析墾丁考古遺址的古環境............................67 第六章、結論............................................74 參考文獻................................................75 附錄一、恆春現生蠑螺相關報導內文........................88 附錄二、現生蠑螺殼體碳氧同位素數值......................91 附錄三、現生蠑螺口蓋碳氧同位素數值......................97 附錄四、墾丁遺址銀口蠑螺口蓋碳氧同位素數值.............105 附錄五、現生蠑螺殼體口蓋氧同位素溫度與季平均海溫.......110 附錄六、墾丁遺址銀口蠑螺口蓋氧同位素溫度與季平均海溫...112 作者簡介...............................................114



















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