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Author: 阮孟靈
Nguyen, Manh-Linh
Thesis Title: 臺灣南科考古遺址群出土長牡蠣貝殼穩定同位素所反映的全新世中晚期古環境
Advisor: 米泓生
Mii, Horng-Sheng
Li, Kuang-Ti
Degree: 碩士
Department: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Academic Year: 106
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 81
Keywords (in Chinese): Dabenkeng cultureNiuchuozi cultureDahu cultureNiaosong cultureSiraya cultureHan Chinese cultureTainan Science Parkstable carbon and oxygen isotopeCrassostrea gigas
Keywords (in English): Dabenkeng culture, Niuchuozi culture, Dahu culture, Niaosong culture, Siraya culture, Han Chinese culture, Tainan Science Park, stable carbon and oxygen isotope, Crassostrea gigas
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • To reconstruct Mid-Late Holocene environmental condition in the southwestern Taiwan, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of 59 Archaeological Pacific oyster shells Crassostrea gigas were studied. In ascending order, specimens were collected from Dabenkeng (5000-4200 yr BP; N=9), Niuchouzi (4200-3300 yr BP; N=10), Dahu (3300-1800 yr BP; N=10), Niaosong (1800-500 yr BP; N = 10), Siraya (500-300 yr BP; N = 10), and Han Chinese (300 yr BP - present; N = 10) cultural components. Carbonate powder was micro-drilled from the ligament area surface along the grow direction then analyzed for its stable isotope compositions.
    Mean 18O values of oyster shell collected from Dabenkeng, Niuchouzi and Dahu cultures are -6.4±1.4‰ (1; N=98), -6.3±1.2‰ (1; N=37), -6.8 ± 1.0‰ (1; N=115) respectively and they are around 3.5‰ less than that of modern specimens (-3.1±1.2‰; Chen, 2016). It increased 1.1‰ to Niaosong culture (-5.5±1.3‰) and continued raising to -3.7±1.8‰ at Siraya culture. There is no significant difference in average 18O values between Siraya and Han Chinese oyster shells. 18O values indicate that climate condition was nearly stable during Neolithic Age (5000-1800 yr BP) and warmer/wetter than present. It was followed by the general decreasing trend of temperature/precipitation to Siraya culture then was similar to modern climate since Han Chinese culture.
    Average 13C value of Dabenkeng oyster shells is -3.7±0.9‰. The average 13C values increased 2.7‰ from Dabenkeng to Niuchouzi (-1.0±1.4‰) culture, then continued increasing to -0.4±0.6‰ during the Dahu culture. There was a decrease of 2.5‰ to Niaosong culture (-2.9±0.7‰) that was follow by no significant variation in mean 13C values between Niaosong and Siraya culture. From Siraya to Han Chinese culture, average 13C value decreased 1.9‰. Variation of 13C values since 5000 years may be related to regional productivity and/or type of vegetation change.
    Based on 18O profiles of each archaeological oyster shell, most of specimens were gathered in the spring, autumn or summer whereas winter was considered as unsuitable for prehistoric people to collect.
    By 18O values that are greater than -2‰ considering as pure marine signals, calculated winter oxygen isotope temperature ranges from 23°C to 27°C from Dabenkeng to Han Chinese cultures and are very close to that of modern winter temperature.

    Abstract iii Acknowledge iv Table of contents v List of figure vii List of table ix Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Stable carbon-oxygen isotopes and paleoenvironmental researches 1 1.2. Previous researches related to Pacific oyster 3 1.3. East Asian climate change since mid-Holocene 4 1.4. Aims of this study 8 Chapter 2. Materials and method 9 2.1. Background of study area 9 2.2. Sample description 15 2.3. Method 16 Chapter 3. Results and Discussion 18 3.1 13C and 18O values of archaeological oyster shells 18 3.2 18O variation of oyster shells and seasonality 23 3.3 Paleo-temperature reconstruction since 5000 years 34 3.4 Environmental change through time 36 Chapter 4. Conclusions 45 References 47 Appendix 1. Result of stable isotope analysis of Dabenkeng oyster shells 63 Appendix 2. Result of stable isotope analysis of Niuchouzi oyster shells 67 Appendix 3. Result of stable isotope analysis of Dahu oyster shells 69 Appendix 4. Result of stable isotope analysis of Niaosong oyster shells 73 Appendix 5. Result of stable isotope analysis of Siraya oyster shells 76 Appendix 6. Result of stable isotope analysis of Han Chinese oyster shells 79

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