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    Late Paleozoic Environment Indicated by Stable Isotope Records of Brachiopod Shells from Baoshan Block, China


    Late Pleistocene Environmental ChangeIndicated by Stable Isotope and Element Compositions of Bivalve Shells from Hengchun Area


    Environmental implication from stable carbon and oxygen isotope of live and archaeological shells and opercula of Turban snails from Hengchun Peninsula and Kenting site, Taiwan


    Late Pleistocene Environmental change reflected by chemical compositions of brachiopod shells from the west Hengchun Hill, Taiwan


    Carboniferous environment indicated by oxygen and carbon isotope records of brachiopod shells from the Yashui Section in Guizhou


    High-resolution Paleoceanography / Paleoclimate fluctuation records from the Okinawa trough cores for the past 40kyrs


    Paleoenvironment inferred from stable carbon and oxygen isotope and element composition of thiaridis shells – a case study of Lake Bolgoda, Sri Lanka


    Permian High Latitude Environment Indicated by Stable Isotope Records of Brachiopod Shells from the Southern Sydney Basin and Tasmania Island, Australia


    Water environment Inferred from Stable Isotope Compositions of Modern and Archaeological Oyster Shells, Southwest Taiwan


    • / Department of Earth Sciences /89/ Master
    • Author: 陳敘琬 Advisor: Mii, Horng-Sheng
    • 本研究分析從採自中國華南貴州一帶,五隻外觀保持良好的早石碳紀腕足動物化石的碳氧同位素成分,作為研究中國華南地區古溫度特性的指標。本論文以岩石切片顯微鏡、陰極射線顯微鏡及電子微探針測量元素含量等方...
    • Clicks: 215Downloads: 16