研究生: |
黃柏鈞 Huang, Po-Chun |
論文名稱: |
「惡」趣與發「畫」:社群媒體上的男同志主體插畫 Kuso Fun and Status Posting: Gay Subject Webcomic on Social Media |
指導教授: | 蔡如音 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
大眾傳播研究所 Graduate Institute of Mass Communication |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 98 |
中文關鍵詞: | 社群媒體 、粉絲專頁 、網路插畫 、圖文發表 、惡搞諷刺 、男同志 |
英文關鍵詞: | Social media, Fan page, Webcomic, Status posting, Kuso with satire, Gay |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205185 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:465 下載:24 |
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本研究以四個以男同志為主體、以圖文創作為主要插畫且較有人氣的男同志插畫家粉絲頁為研究對象,分別為「天菜與小餿水」、「語不驚人毛不休」、「假文青 蓋時尚」及「桃色壞男孩」,並透過參與觀察及文化研究分析之。研究發現這些男同志主體插畫存在「惡」趣與發「畫」兩大項。「惡」趣所指的是這些插畫不僅具有趣味,也同時有諷刺的意味,「惡」的意思接近於英文的Satire及Kuso兩字的融合。發「畫」所指的是以插畫來發聲,用插畫來為同志平反來自社會誤解及恐同人士的攻擊。
There are several new celebrity appealing on Facebook due to the upsurge of webcomics such as Duncan and Mr. H.H, and there are some gay illustrators as well. These gay illustrators only provide amusement for their community, but also make gay culture has another way to show, just like there is no restriction in culture.
The research analyzes the community the gay illustrators represent and the way they connect the society, and focus the meaning of erotic elements in gay webcomics at the same time. Analyzing four gay webcomic fan pages which have popularity and diversity in their works and mostly use graphics with words, the research finds that there are two aspects: “kuso fun” and “status posting”. “Kuso fun” means these webcomics are not only funny but ironic, and “status posting” is posting graphics as speaking for the gay community.
“Kuso fun” talks about issues like “performance and interaction with appearance demanding”, “romance and sex” and “friendship and family”, and “status posting’ talks about “gay diversity”, “anti-homophobia”, “activities calling” and “politic irony”. Moreover, Erotic elements exist in both “kuso fun” and “status posting”, and also used in issues developed from sex. However, erotic elements used by the illustrators become a tool for reputation at the same time.
Besides, there are some controversy and problems during the process of representation, such as hurts from appearance separation and unconsciously taking feminine as bad. But the criticisms don’t lower down the reputation of these illustrators in gay community. Illustrators represent stories gay can resonate and try to arouse self-reflection in the community, and they speak for the community in crucial moment, so illustrators become an icon for young gay in this generation. Moreover, the influence of illustrator gradually extends from the gay community to the heterosexual society, so the public will pay more attention to gay culture and issues in the future.
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