Author: |
汪紫琴 Wang, Heni |
Thesis Title: |
Compelled Performances & Personalization: The Photographing and Instagram Practices of Indonesian Female Travel Bloggers Compelled Performances & Personalization: The Photographing and Instagram Practices of Indonesian Female Travel Bloggers |
Advisor: |
Tsai, Eva |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
大眾傳播研究所 Graduate Institute of Mass Communication |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 54 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | Instagram 、展演 、個性化 、旅游部落格 |
Keywords (in English): | Instagram, Performances, Personalization, Travel Blogger |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 280 Downloads: 13 |
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當我看到一位有名的印尼女性部落客Trinity 的一篇貼文,腦中突然產生一個疑問:女性旅遊部落客是如何構想她們的文章內容以及將她們的旅遊經驗透過Instagram 的照片表現出來。為了得知原因,因此我探究三名旅遊部落客在Instagram的表現。本研究以網路研究為基礎,包含分析Instagram的貼文、圖片,以及粉絲留言。
本研究目的在透過Instagram上的旅遊照片來解析印尼女性部落客的特色。此外,本研究的重點是個性化旅遊部落格的代表性,使他們成為數位勞動者。研究的結果顯示: 這些部落客的表現展示了個人化形式,為每位部落客帶來了不同主題。 第一個案例是Marischka ,如同注重風格的創作者,在Instagram世界中展現她自己。第二位是Trinity,她是一位經驗豐富的旅遊專家,將自己的視覺構圖融入Instagram中。最後的Kadekarini在她的Instagram發文中傳達自我提升和自我反省的訊息。這三位部落格已授權自己成為數位經濟中成功的數位勞動力。
When I saw Trinity’s post on Instagram, who is one of famous Indonesia bloggers, I suddenly have a question: How do female travel bloggers create new narratives and present their travel experiences through Instagram photo? I want to know the reason, so I have examined three travel bloggers performance on Instagram. The empirical work is based on netnography, involving the analysis of Instagram posts, images, and comments from the followers.
This research aims to analyze Indonesian female bloggers’ online characteristic through Instagram travel photos. Moreover, the research focused on the personalization and the representation of Indonesian female travel blogger which turn them into forms of digital labor. The result of this research shows the performances of the bloggers exhibit personalization form that brings different themes of each bloggers. Marischka, the first blogger case, shows herself as a style conscious creator in the Instagram world. The second blogger, Trinity is a veteran travel expert who adapts her visual composition to Instagram. The last blogger case in my research, Kadekarini send messages of self-improvement and self-reflection in her Instagram post. The three bloggers have authorized themselves to become the successful digital labors among the digital economy.
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