研究生: |
徐菀娸 Hsu, Wan-Chi |
論文名稱: |
幼兒的科學探究能力發展情形:大班幼兒參與科學探究模組之研究 A Research of Kindergarten Children’s Development of Scientific Inquiry Abilities during a Science Inquiry Module |
指導教授: |
Wu, Hsin-Kai |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 140 |
中文關鍵詞: | 幼兒科學 、科學探究能力 、科學探究模組 、教學策略 |
英文關鍵詞: | kindergarten science, inquiry abilities, inquiry module, instructional strategies |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001647 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:306 下載:29 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
Young children are full of curiosity, and they can explore proactively the world. Educators should provide opportunities for young children to lead their own learning through scientific inquiry. It is indeed important to implement an inquiry-based learning module in kindergartens. Therefore, this study investigates how young children develop their scientific inquiry abilities through participating in a project-based scientific inquiry module, in response to two research questions: 1. Do young children improve their scientific inquiry abilities after the inquiry module? 2. What instructional strategies do the teacher adopt to help young children develop scientific inquiry abilities during the inquiry module? This study is mixed methods data analysis, which collected and analyzed the pre- and post-tests of twenty-eight 6-year-olds young children’s inquiry abilities assessment, and classroom observations of teacher-children interactions during the inquiry module. The results show that young children progressed in the overall performance of the inquiry abilities assessment. Among the six inquiry abilities measured, the performances of "making systematic observations", "making a plan", " employing equipment and tools", and "measuring" abilities were improved in the post-test; however, children did not perform better in "experimenting" and "sharing" abilities. Additionally, during the inquiry module, the teacher often used strategies of probing, lecturing, and comparing and contrasting to help young children make systematic observations. When young children conducted experiments in groups, the teacher intervened, coordinated, and guided them to complete the experiments. The teacher also used demonstrations and guidance to assist young children in employing the timer for measurement. Furthermore, the teacher used questioning and probing to help young children share their experimental results sequentially. The results of this study suggest that with sufficient teacher support and a well-designed learning module, young children can develop important inquiry abilities and show progression throughout the module.
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