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研究生: 許盛翔
Hsu, Sheng-Siang
論文名稱: 以眼球追蹤法分析高中生在結合擴增實境之數位環境中學習化學混成軌域 概念之視覺歷程及學習表現
Using eye tracking method to analyze high school students' visual process in learning concepts about hybrid orbitals in the AR-Integrated environment and learning outcome
指導教授: 楊芳瑩
Yang, Fang-Ying
口試委員: 楊芳瑩
Yang, Fang-Ying
Tsai, Meng-Jung
Hsu, Chung-Yuan
口試日期: 2024/06/17
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 163
中文關鍵詞: 混成軌域擴增實境眼球追蹤視覺歷程學習表現學習者特性
英文關鍵詞: Hybrid Orbitals, Augmented Reality, Eye-Tracking, Visual Process, Learner Performance, Learner Characteristics
研究方法: 實驗設計法主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401118
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:38下載:0
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  • 本研究之核心主要為數位科技學習環境開發,透過行動裝置(平板)與擴增實境的結合,使學生能將抽象概念可視化及運用不同的科技化表徵進行學習,為學生搭建良好的自主學習鷹架。本數位學習環境之設計以高中選修化學中較為困難且抽象之混成軌域概念作為主題,結合擴增實境影像、動畫、3D模型互動操作等功能,期盼能協助學生理解混成軌域之形成過程以及建立混成軌域與分子形狀之關聯性。本研究之研究對象為台灣北部一所公立高中,共33名受試對象參與實驗。透過混成軌域概念前後測驗以檢視學生在本數位學習環境的學習成效、並透過眼球追蹤技術來記錄學生的學習歷程,以及使用AGEC動機問卷及CTAS化學與科技態度量表、PSVT:R空間旋轉化視覺測驗、結構概念先備知識測驗來了解學習者特性。本研究針對概念前後測進行t檢定分析、視覺歷程分析,以及學習表現、視覺歷程、學習者特性三者間相關性分析,也依據後測表現進行分組以了解不同學習表現的學習者在視覺歷程與學習者特性上是否呈現差異。



    This study focuses on the development of an augmented reality (AR) integrated learning environment, enabling students to visualize abstract concepts and use various technological representations for learning, thereby providing a solid scaffold for autonomous learning. The design of this AR-integrated learning environment centers around the hybrid orbital related concepts, which are relatively difficult and abstract in high school elective chemistry. It incorporates AR images, animations, and interactive 3D models to help students understand the formation process of hybrid orbitals and establish the relationship between hybrid orbitals and molecular shapes. The participants in this study were 33 students from a public high school in northern Taiwan. The study utilized pre- and post-tests on hybrid orbital concepts to evaluate learning outcomes within the digital learning environment. Eye-tracking technology was employed to record students' visual attention during learning. Additional assessments including the AGEC motivation questionnaire, CTAS chemistry and technology attitude scale, PSVT spatial rotation test, and prior knowledge tests on structural concepts were used to understand learner characteristics.

    The study conducted t-tests on pre- and post-test results, analyzed visual processes, and examined the correlations between learning performance, visual processes, and learner characteristics. Group analysis based on post-test performance was also carried out to determine if there were differences in visual processes and learner characteristics among learners with varying performance levels.

    Key findings of this study include the following: Learners demonstrated significant improvement in both basic and advanced concepts of hybrid orbitals (such as lone pairs and double-bonded molecules) after learning in the AR-integrated digital environment. In terms of visual processes, learners exhibited higher information processing time, information integration time, and attention distribution in static AR models compared to interactive modes, while cognitive load was lower. Conversely, in the interactive 3D model mode, information processing time, information integration time, and cognitive effort were higher. Learners spent more time processing information and distributing attention to animations, particularly those illustrating orbital energy relationships over shape-changing animations. Group comparison based on learning performance revealed that high-performing learners allocated more time and attention to 2D AR molecular scans, interactive 3D models, and animation information when dealing with complex concepts, whereas low-performing learners tended to focus more on textual information.

    The analysis of learning performance and learner characteristics showed that high-performing students had better attitudes towards chemistry, higher molecular structure concepts, and greater spatial concepts compared to low-performing students. The correlation analysis between learner characteristics and visual processes indicated that learners who perceived the digital environment as more challenging spent more time processing and integrating information in difficult concept animations or used 3D models for conceptual integration. Learners who felt more engaged and had clearer learning objectives spent less time on information retrieval in advanced concept text areas. Students with a positive attitude towards chemistry spent less time processing basic and advanced Lewis structure diagrams and more time integrating information through 3D models for advanced hybrid orbital concepts. Those with higher confidence in chemistry adjusted their attention distribution based on familiarity with content during orbital formation animations. Learners with a positive attitude towards using technology for learning chemistry did not necessarily favor all technological representations. Students with higher spatial ability had lower information processing and integration times in complex molecular 3D models and spent less cognitive effort on lewis structure diagrams. Learners with higher prior knowledge of molecular structures spent less time processing basic Lewis structure diagrams but allocated more attention to complex concept 3D interactive models and animations depicting pi-bond formation in double bonds.

    The results of this study highlight the impact of AR-integrated digital environments on learning performance, present visual process during the AR-based learning, and also provide insights into the influence of learner characteristics. These findings aim to guide the future design and application of digital learning environments.

    第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的與研究問題 2 第三節、研究限制與範圍 4 第四節、名詞解釋 5 第二章、文獻探討 7 第一節、化學領域混成軌域主題相關教學研究 7 第二節、擴增實境與教育應用 10 一、擴增實境技術 10 二、擴增實境技術教育應用 10 第三節、學習者特性 12 一、先備知識 12 二、空間能力 12 三、科技使用態度與化學態度 14 第四節、眼球追蹤技術 16 一、眼球追蹤技術 16 二、眼球追蹤技術之教育應用 18 第三章、研究方法 20 第一節、研究對象 20 第二節、研究工具 20 一、眼球追蹤相關軟體及硬體設備 20 二、混成軌域擴增實境教材設備與製作 21 三、分子結構先備知識測驗 25 四、混成軌域概念前測與後測 26 五、學習者特性問卷/量表 27 第三節、研究設計與施測流程 29 第四節、資料處理與分析方法 31 一、 眼動指標 31 二、 分析方法 32 第四章、資料呈現與分析 33 第一節、概念前後側分數分析 33 第二節、AR融入之數位學習環境中的視覺歷程分析 36 第三節、AR融入之數位學習環境中視覺歷程與學習表現之關係 50 第四節、學習者特性與AR融入之數位學習環境中之學習表現之關係 61 第五節、學習者特性與AR融入之數位學習環境中之視覺歷程之關係 68 第五章、綜合討論與展望 101 第一節、研究結果與討論 101 第二節、教育上的意涵 120 參考資料 123 附錄 128 附錄1 混成軌域概念前測 128 附錄2 混成軌域概念後測 130 附錄3 AGEC動機問卷 132 附錄4 化學與科技態度量表(CTAS) 133 附錄5 結構概念先備知識測驗 134 附錄6 各頁面截圖與AOI劃分 135 附錄7 紙本閱讀材料與軟體使用說明 157

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