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研究生: 牟傳門
Klaiman, Todd
論文名稱: 語言變異的(不)可譯性:以中文的文白並陳為例
(Un-) Translatability of Linguistic Variation: Chinese Diglossic Situation as Case in Point
指導教授: 賴慈芸
Lai, Tzu-Yun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 雙言現象歷史學語言變異方言魯迅
英文關鍵詞: Diglossia, historiography, linguistic variation, standard-with-dialects, Lu Xun
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:235下載:24
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  • 本文以中文的文白雙言現象為例,探討探語言變異的(不)可譯性,深入研究此現象在翻譯上的可能性與重要性。透過當今翻譯學文獻探討及對比進行分析。討論現今翻譯學主流看法與Anthony Pym(2000)提出的“syntagmatic alteration of distance”兩者之間的優劣。以魯迅的<阿Q正傳>為例,說明雙言的語言變異翻譯之重要性,探究魯迅如何以雙言的語言變異來製造諧擬,而不同的譯者採用何種翻譯策略來詮釋這些諧擬效果。文本分分析集中於以下四本英譯本:Wang Chi-chen’s(王際真)Ah Q and others: Selected stories of Lusin (1941); Yang Xianyi(楊憲益)and Gladys Yang’s The true story of Ah Q (1956); William A. Lyell’s Diary of a madman and other stories (1990); and Julia Lovell’s The real story of Ah-Q and other tales of China (2009).

    The present paper addresses (un-) translatability of linguistic variation as it pertains to literary translation of diglossia from Chinese to English. The paper investigates issues of potentiality and importance of translation of diglossic linguistic variation. Discussion of potentiality is carried out through an extensive review and comparison of major trends in the Translation Studies literature on linguistic variation. The discussion brings into contrast discourse-restrictive, yet ubiquitous, “translatability of dialect” issues with a rare, yet discourse-liberating, notion of “syntagmatic alteration of distance” put forth by Anthony Pym (2000) as basis for translation of linguistic variation. A brief example from Lu Xun’s (魯迅, 1881-1936) novella The True Story of Ah Q (阿Q正傳, A Q Zhengzhuan) (1921) provides an argument for importance. The example focuses on parody and linguistic variation as they function together in the language and qualities of the novella’s main antagonist and his biographer, the narrator, as they are translated out from the historicized Chinese referential frame of the original text into the English-speaking-world of the translation. Analysis is carried out across four English-language translations: Wang Chi-chen’s Ah Q and others: Selected stories of Lusin (1941); Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang’s The true story of Ah Q (1956); William A. Lyell’s Diary of a madman and other stories (1990); and Julia Lovell’s The real story of Ah-Q and other tales of China (2009).

    1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….....……….. 1 2. Translation Studies and Linguistic Variation 2.1 Early Considerations……………………………………………..……….. 6 2.2 Minority Languages and Power Relations……………....………..... 10 2.3 Reflexivity and the (Un-) Translatability of Linguistic Variation. 10 2.4 Reconsideration of Textual Function……..…………………………. 16 2.5 Beyond Standards-with-Dialects…………………………...……….. 18 3. Diglossia 3.1 Definition and Ferguson’s 9 Variables….…………………………... 22 3.2 Classical and Extended Diglossia………………………………….…. 31 3.3 Diglossia and Bilingualism…………………………………………..… 33 3.4 Diglossia and Standards-with-dialects……………………………... 36 3.5 Diglossia and Code-switching………………………………………... 37 4. Chinese Language Situation 4.1 Chinese Diglossia……………………………………........……………. 40 5. Parody, Translation, and Chinese Diglossia 5.1 Chinese Historiography and Language Use……………..…..…….. 45 5.2 Ah Q Zheng Zhuan……...……………………………………..……….. 47 5.3 Translators and Translations ……………………………...…………. 51 5.4 Text Excerpt: Analysis and Discussion……………….........………. 60 5.4.1 Text Excerpt (Original)………………………………….......... 60 5.4.2 Text Excerpt (Wang)…………………………….……............ 63 5.4.3 Text Excerpt (Yangs)……………………………………......... 64 5.4.4 Text Excerpt (Lyell)…………………………………………..... 67 5.4.5 Text Excerpt (Lovell)………………………………................ 69 6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………….......... 72 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………......... 76

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