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研究生: 劉雅如
Liu , Ya- Ru
論文名稱: 幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程對自閉症中學生的幽默理解、幽默風格之影響
The Impact of Humor comprehension and Humor Coping Training on ASD Students’ Humor Comprehension, Humor Appreciation, and Humor styles
指導教授: 陳學志
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 170
中文關鍵詞: 自閉症幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程幽默理解幽默欣賞幽默風格
英文關鍵詞: Autism, Humor comprehension and humor coping training, Humor comprehension, Humor appreciation, Humor styles
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:189下載:39
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  • 幽默在社交情境下可調劑氣氛、緩解衝突、拉近社交距離,對個體的人際關係
    應課程」採「課程講授」、「互動教學」 以及「實作演練」三種方式進行教學介入,
    本研究採準實驗法,招募自閉症中學生 20 名為研究對象,隨機分為實驗組與
    控制組。實驗效果評估方面,採用的研究工具為「幽默理解與欣賞問卷」 、 「幽默
    風格量表」 ,以 Mann-Whitey U 檢定比較實驗組與控制組在各項指標的進步分數之
    差異情形,並輔以「課程回饋問卷」 、 「學生作品蒐集」 、 「課程觀察評量」作為質
    之傾向, 「自我提升型」「攻擊型」 、 「自我貶抑型」幽默風格未有顯著改變。
    從研究結果顯示自閉症者之部分幽默可藉由後天訓練而獲得提升 , 而學生的課

    Humor could adjust the atmosphere to prevent the conflict and shorten
    interpersonal distance in the social situation. Humor is, indeed, beneficial to the
    interpersonal relationship of individual. Autism are generally considered to be
    humorless owing to their defects in social function. The researchers can find that the
    general individual’s sense of humor could be promoted through humor training
    curriculum from previous research. However, the empirical research of whether the
    ASD’ s humorous performance can be improved by acquired training is relatively rare.
    The present study aims to design a set of humor comprehension and humor coping
    training according to ASD’s humorous characteristic, and probe the effect of the
    educational program has on ASD students’ humor comprehension, humor appreciation,
    and humor styles.
    The course employ three ways, which include the “lecture ”, “interactive
    teaching”, and“group play”, to implement teaching intervention. The course is
    comprised of 10 teaching units. The content of the course is mainly focused on humor
    comprehension and humor appreciation, and humor coping in social situation. The
    researchers expect that ASD students’ humor comprehension, humor appreciation and
    affiliative humor style could be elevated after humor comprehension and humor coping
    The present study adopted quasi-experimental design. 20 students in middle and in
    high school with autism were recruited to participate in this study , and they were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The instruments utilized to
    examine the effects of the program were Questionnaire of humor comprehension,
    appreciation, and traditional Chinese version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. And
    then, the researchers employ Mann-Whitey U test to analyze the difference of gain
    scores of pre-test post-test between these two groups. Apart from that, the researchers
    also conducted the analysis of instructional process by collecting “ feedback
    questionnaire”, “ student work”and “classroom observation”to understand the
    effect of teaching intervention. The findings were presented as the following.
    1. Humor comprehension and humor coping training can enhance ASD students’
    comprehension and appreciation of nonsense humor, but it can not elevate
    comprehension and appreciation of incongruity-resolution humor.
    2. Humor comprehension and humor coping training can enhance ASD students’
    affiliative humor style, while self-enhancing, self-defeating and aggressive humor
    style didn’t have significant difference.
    The findings of the present study show that students in middle and in high school
    with autism can promote part of humor performance of them after receiving humor
    training, and ASD students response that they like this course and think it is valuable.
    This finding provide teacher with an alternative in improving social skill of ASD

    致謝詞 ································ ································ ································ ·················· i 中文摘要 ································ ································ ································ ············· ii 英文摘要 ································ ································ ································ ············ iv 目次 ································ ································ ································ ···················· vi 表次 ································ ································ ································ ·················· viii 圖次 ································ ································ ································ ···················· ix 第一章 緒論 ································ ································ ································ ······· 1 第一節 研究動機 ································ ································ ······················· 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 ································ ································ ··· 3 第三節 名詞釋義 ································ ································ ······················· 4 第二章 文獻探討 ································ ································ ······························· 6 第一節 自閉症相關研究 ································ ································ ··········· 6 第二節 幽默內涵與相關研究 ································ ································ · 12 第三節 自閉症與幽默之相關研究 ································ ························· 40 第四節 幽默訓練課程之相關研究 ································ ························· 52 第五節 研究假設 ································ ································ ····················· 59 第三章 研究方法 ································ ································ ····························· 61 第一節 研究設計 ································ ································ ····················· 61 第二節 研究對象 ································ ································ ····················· 62 第三節 幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程設計 ································ ········· 63 第四節 研究工具 ································ ································ ····················· 70 第五節 資料處理與分析 ································ ································ ········· 75 第四章 研究結果 ································ ································ ····························· 77 第一節 量化資料分析 ································ ································ ············· 77 第二節 質性資料分析 ································ ································ ············· 81 第五章 討論、結論與建議 ································ ································ ··········· 115 第一節 綜合討論 ································ ································ ··················· 115 第二節 結論 ································ ································ ··························· 121 第三節 研究限制 ································ ································ ··················· 122 第三節 建議 ································ ································ ··························· 123 參考文獻 ································ ································ ································ ········· 126 中文文獻 ································ ································ ································ · 126 西文文獻 ································ ································ ································ · 133 附錄 ································ ································ ································ ················· 150 附錄一 幽默訓練課程教案 ································ ································ · 150 附錄二 研究工具使用同意書 ································ ····························· 169 附錄三 參與研究同意書 ································ ································ ··· 170

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