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研究生: 宋秀珠
Hsiu-Chu Sung
論文名稱: 探討電腦多媒體融入教學對學生生物學習成效的影響
Exploring the Effects of Multimedia Instruction on Junior High School Students’ Achievement
指導教授: 張文華
Chang, Wen-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 多媒體融入教學遺傳學
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:154下載:0
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  • 中文摘要
    探討北部某國中九年級學生四個班級共111 名,分別以國中自然與生
    然後進行測驗結果採用T-test 及ANCOVA 等統計方式進行檢驗變項

    The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of applying computer multimedia-incorporated teaching on nineth grader students’ achievement of Unit “Reproduction & Heredity.” This research adopts a quasi-experiment design and the study object is 111 9th grade student in the northern certain junior high school. Compare a computer multimedia-incorporated teaching(as experimental group) with a general traditional teaching(as control group), the teacher researcher carried 4 lessons of Unit “Reproduction & Heredity” in her junior high school.
    Both groups of students took pre-test, post-test and delay-test of a teacher-developed achievement test. Based on results of t-test and ANCOVAs and student interviews, the results of this research included:
    1.The pre-tests, post-tests, and procrastinating tests of learning achievements exactly have definite differences after teaching through the computer multimedia fit into teaching or the ordinary traditional teaching.
    2.There are significant differences in the learning achievement between students in multimedia-incorporated teaching and in conventional teaching. Students who accepted the multimedia-incorporated teaching surpass that students who accepted the conventional teaching method.
    3.In the understanding of cell division, mitosis and the concept of inheritance, after teaching, all the students show no remarkable progress, but in the concept of the Mendelian Principles, the experimental group surpasses the control group, extrapolate that the computer multimedia-incorporated teaching has a notable benefit.
    4.Speaking of the different learning achievement’s students, the students of higher-set of the learning achievement, when studying concept of reproduction & heredity unit, the multimedia-incorporated teaching really does a great help, but in the lower-set and average-set of the learning achievement, it makes no remarkable difference.
    According to the several previous research conclusions, there are some teaching advices at the end of this theses which includes the study direction in the future and teaching implecations.

    目錄 目錄·······························································I 圖次·····························································III 表次······························································IV 第一章緒論·························································1 第一節研究背景與重要性·············································1 第二節研究目的與待答問題···········································5 第三節名詞釋義·····················································7 第四節研究範圍與限制···············································9 第二章文獻探討····················································12 第一節生殖遺傳單元概念之相關研究································· 12 第二節電腦多媒體融入教學之相關理論································23 第三節電腦多媒體融入教學之相關研究································34 第三章研究方法····················································37 第一節研究對象····················································37 第二節研究工具····················································39 第三節研究流程····················································44 第四節資料分析····················································49 第四章結果與討論··················································53 第一節電腦多媒體融入教學與一般傳統教學分別在教學前後測驗 的結果及分析······················································53 第二節比較電腦多媒體融入教學和一般傳統教學在學習成就測驗 的結果及分析······················································57 第三節學習者能否自行操控播放多媒體對學習生殖遺傳概念成效 上是否有顯著差異··················································64 第四節探討不同教學模式對不同學習成就的學生學習成效是否有 顯著差異? ·······················································79 第五章結論與建議··················································88 第一節結論························································88 第二節建議······················································· 93 參考文獻··························································96 附錄·····························································106圖目次 圖3-1 研究流程圖·················································44 圖3-2 生殖遺傳概念圖·············································46 表目次 表3-1 研究樣本人數分配表·········································39 表3-2 生殖遺傳成就測驗主概念表···································42 表3-3 生殖遺傳學習成就測驗雙向細目表···························· 42 表3-4「細胞與減數分裂」開放式問卷的評分及例子····················52 表4-1 電腦多媒體融入教學(實驗組)t-test 結果···················54 表4-2 一般傳統教學成就測驗t-test 結果···························56 表4-3 不同教學模式學習成就前後測之平均數與標準差·················58 表4-4 不同教學模式學習成就測驗前後測的迴歸係數同質性檢定摘要表···59 表4-5 不同教學模式學習成就測驗前後測總分ANCOVA 結果············ 59 表4-6 不同教學模式學習成就前測延宕測之平均數與標準差············ 60 表4-7 不同教學模式學習成就測驗前測延宕測的迴歸係數同質性檢定摘要表································································· 61 表4-8 不同教學模式學習成就前測延宕測之平均數與標準差············ 62 表4-9 不同教學模式學習成就測驗後測延宕測的迴歸係數同質性檢定摘要表································································· 62 表4-10 不同教學模式學習成就測驗後測延宕測總分ANCOVA 結果········63 表4-11 細胞與減數分裂描述統計摘要表······························65 表4-12 細胞分裂之二因子混合設計變異數分析摘要表··················66 表4-13 細胞與減數分裂單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表················68 表4-14 遺傳概念描述統計摘要表····································70 表4-15 遺傳概念之二因子混合設計變異數分析摘要表··················70 表4-16 孟德爾法則描述統計摘要表··································71 表4-17 孟德爾法則之二因子混合設計變異數分析摘要表················72 表4-18 孟德爾法則單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表····················74 表4-19 總分描述統計摘要表········································75 表4-20 總分之二因子混合設計變異數分析摘要表······················75 表4-21 單純主要效果變異數分析摘要表······························77 表4-22 不同教學模式高成就組學習成就前後測之平均數與標準差······· 80 表4-23 不同教學模式高成就組學習成就測驗後測共變數分析表········· 80 表4-24 不同教學模式中成就組學習成就前後測之平均數與標準差······· 81 表4-25 不同教學模式中成就組學習成就測驗後測共變數分析表········· 81 表4-26 不同教學模式低成就組學習成就前後測之平均數與標準差······· 82 表4-27 不同教學模式低成就組學習成就測驗後析表····················82

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