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研究生: 陳貞廷
Luka Chen-ting Chen
論文名稱: 現行大台北地區高中英語教科書之選用
Textbook Selection for Senior High School Students in Greater Taipei Area
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 教科書選用選用委員會選用程序選用模式
英文關鍵詞: textbook selection, selection committee, selection procedures, selection patterns
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:32
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  • 自民國八十八年教育部開放高中教科書由原本的「一綱一本」變成「一綱多本」之後,台灣的高中老師均面臨挑選教科書的挑戰與考驗。由於之前老師們均是使用教育部審定、國立編譯館出版的教科書,所以老師們都沒有選書經驗。因此,老師及學生們對這教科書的選擇方式,值得進一步探究。

    This study is aimed at surveying the English textbook selection in senior high schools in the greater Taipei area. These English textbooks refer to the new sets of textbooks published by the commercial publishers rather than by the Ministry of Education after 1999. In 1999, there were ten sets of English textbooks published; however, when the researcher was doing this research at the end of 2001, only six sets of textbooks were used in the senior high schools in the greater Taipei area. Therefore, this research focuses on the six sets of new textbooks used in the greater Taipei area and surveys the teachers’ and the students’ perceptions of them.
    This study focuses on the following six issues: (1) the comparison between the old MOE English textbooks and the new commercial English textbooks published after 1999, (2) the members involved in textbook selection in each school, (3) the patterns and procedures of textbook selection in each school, (4) teachers’ and students’ perceptions of the new textbooks, (5) the reasons for teachers’ changing textbooks and their consequences, and (6) the ideal textbook in the teachers’ minds.
    In this research, the questionnaires about textbook selection were distributed to the English teachers and students in 82 senior high schools in the greater Taipei area in December, 2001. In January, 2002, 283 questionnaires were collected from the teachers in 52 schools and 135 were from the students in 39 schools. Most of these students were seniors in their schools, so they have used the new textbooks for more than two years. In addition to the questionnaires, an interview with the English teachers was also conducted in January 2002 to examine the reliability and credibility of the results of the questionnaires.
    Through data analysis, the following findings were obtained. First, most teachers thought the new textbooks were superior to the old MOE textbooks. Second, the selection committee in each school was usually composed of the English teachers. But the students’ perceptions of the new textbooks were surveyed in advance before the teachers selected the textbooks. Third, more than half of the teachers used the evaluation checklists when they selected the textbooks. Half of them used the checklists provided solely by the coordinators in their schools to evaluate a textbook. Fourth, no textbooks could perfectly meet the demand of the teachers and the students. Each textbook has its merits and demerits. However, the most serious defect among most of these new textbooks was their improper transition with junior high school English materials. Fifth, the teachers changed their textbooks mostly because the textbooks were not suitable for the levels of their students. Last, there was indeed no perfect textbook existing. Teachers should make use of the advantages of any textbook chosen and tailor the content to their students’ needs.
    Finally, suggestions and recommendations are also proposed for future textbook writers and researchers. It is hoped that those textbooks published after 2005 can rectify all the defects and drawbacks of the in-use textbooks and better meet the needs of the teachers and the students.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract i Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents v List of Tables ix Chapter I Introduction 1 Textbooks Selection as a New Task for Senior High Schools in Taiwan 1 Motivation of the Study 3 Research Questions 5 Importance of the Study 6 Chapter II Literature Review 7 Pros and Cons of Using a Textbook 9 Textbook Selection 13 Pre-use evaluation 14 Textbook selection committee 18 The process of textbook selection 19 Textbook Evaluation 21 Principles of textbook evaluation 21 Checklists for textbook evaluation 24 Patterns and models of textbook evaluation 28 Chapter III Research Method 32 Pilot Testing 32 Subjects 33 Teachers for questionnaire 33 Students for questionnaire 34 Teachers for interview 34 Instruments 35 Questionnaire for English teachers 35 Questionnaire for students 38 Interview questions for English teachers 39 Data Collection Procedures 40 Data Analysis 43 Chapter IV Findings 44 Results from the Questionnaire for Teachers 44 Perceptions of different evaluation criteria 44 Evaluation process and adoption of textbooks 45 Teachers’ perceptions on the in-use English textbooks 49 In-use textbooks vs. previous textbooks 63 Results from the Questionnaire for Students 68 Investigation on what textbooks the students were using 68 Students’ perceptions on the in-use textbooks 69 Comments on the in-use and previous textbooks 75 Results from the Interview with the Teachers 77 Chapter V Discussion and Conclusions 82 Discussion 82 New textbooks vs. MOE textbooks 82 Members involved in textbook selection 85 Patterns and procedures of textbook selection 87 Satisfaction with the new textbooks 89 Change of textbooks and the consequences 92 Ideal textbook 95 Conclusions 97 Limitations and Implications 99 Limitations of the study 99 Pedagogical implications 99 Suggestions for future research 100 References 102 Appendices Lists of Tables

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