簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 沈湘屏
Shen, Hsiang-Ping
論文名稱: 高中生建構平面向量線性組合概念之個案研究
指導教授: 左台益
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 301
中文關鍵詞: 平面向量APOS理論認知建構
英文關鍵詞: plane vectors, APOS Theory, cognitive construction
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201944
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:102下載:38
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  • 本研究探討學生學習平面向量過程的特徵與困難,以及平面向量基本概念之認知結構,研究中選取會考成績達基礎以上乃至精熟之學生為樣研究對象,針對六位未學過的高一學生進行學習活動、訪談及後測。筆者依APOS理論發展平面向量基本概念之起源分解圖,包含平面向量基本意義、平面向量基本運算(加法、減法、係數積)以及平面向量線性組合;接著再依起源分解圖發展研究工具,設計對應之學習活動單與後測評量卷。資料收集分為兩階段,筆者此時同時扮演教學者與訪談者的角色,第一階段為平面向量基本概念之學習活動,過程中筆者不斷與個案學生互動,必要時會輔以提示、引導介入;第二階段為後測,測驗學生學習後具備之概念,在學生完成測驗後再訪談學生。

    This research was trying to understand the cognitive construction of senior high school students in linear combinations of plane vectors. The author researched about the characteristics and obstacles of students while learning, and the cognitive constructions about elementary concepts of plane vectors after learning. Six freshmen participated the learning activities, joined the tests, and were interviewed. The author developed genetic decomposition diagrams (GD) of the elementary concepts in plane vectors according to APOS Theory, including basic meaning, elementary operations (vectors addition, subtraction and scalar multiplication were included) and linear combination. After then, research tools were developed. Learning activities sheet and post-test sheet were designed according to GD. The data were collected by 2 phases: the first phase were learning activities, in which phase the author interacted with the interviewed student at times; and the second phase were post-test, in which phase student was interviewed after finishing the test.
    The research result showed that some students had difficulties in transferring geometric representation into coordinate one. Almost all students couldn’t transferred coordinate and algebraic representation into geometric one and figured out scalar vectors by themselves. Students used physical situation and translated vectors to help interiorize the Process of addition. Some students had difficulties in reversing the Process of addition such that they intended to coordinate the Process of addition and inverse vectors while dealing with the subtraction problems. Students had difficulties in de-encapsulating a vector Object into the linear combination of other non-parallel vectors.
    The author suggested that teacher design activities to let students have opportunities in connecting coordinate and geometric representations. The analogy of “displacement” and “force” may help students’ learning, accelerate the interiorization of addition and subtraction Process. With intact concepts in elementary operation can help students develop the connection between the schema of those concepts. Teacher should also help student review the relation and properties of other geometric graphs. Except geometric intuition discussion, teacher can help students realize the existence of linear combinations between two non-parallel vectors with the help of linear equation with two unknowns.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4 第三節 重要名詞界定 5 第貳章 文獻探討 7 第一節 數學概念與概念建構 7 第二節 APOS理論與起源分解 15 第參章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究對象 23 第二節 研究設計 24 第三節 研究工具 28 第四節 研究流程 32 第五節 資料收集與分析方式 33 第六節 研究限制 35 第肆章 資料分析與研究發現 37 第一節 高中生在發展平面向量線性組合的過程中所呈現的認知特徵與學習困難 37 第二節 高中生在平面向量線性組合的認知結構 101 第五章 結論與建議 115 第一節 研究結論 115 第二節 實務與研究的建議 120 參考文獻 122 附錄 127 附錄1 個案學生S1的訪談內容摘錄 127 附錄2 個案學生S2的訪談內容摘錄 138 附錄3 個案學生S3的訪談內容摘錄 153 附錄4 個案學生S4的訪談內容摘錄 165 附錄5 個案學生S5的訪談內容摘錄 182 附錄6 個案學生S6的訪談內容摘錄 215 附錄7 觀察系統登錄表 (形成性評量) 232 附錄8 觀察系統登錄表 (總結性評量) 234 附錄9 學習時間整理表 235 附錄10 學習介入評分表 254 附錄11 起源分解圖 260 附錄12 活動學習單 266 附錄13 GGB檔案彙總表曁GGB畫面 284 附錄14 後測評量 294 附錄15 學習活動雙向細目表 301

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