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研究生: 歐亞妮
Jeanine Nazareth Orozco Jimenez
論文名稱: Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation Steps of Undergraduate TaiwanICDF Students
Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation Steps of Undergraduate TaiwanICDF Students
指導教授: 賴志樫
Lai, Chin-Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: cross-cultural communicationadaptation stepsacculturationundergraduate TaiwanICDF students
英文關鍵詞: cross-cultural communication, adaptation steps, acculturation, undergraduate TaiwanICDF students
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:102下載:5
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  • This study aimed to explore and describe opinions, expectations and feelings of undergraduates TaiwanICDF students regarding cross-cultural communication and the steps they had been taking since they came to Taiwan to achieve their adaptation while using the language. For the study several definitions and theories/practices were explained in order to find how adaptation and communication between different cultures relate to each other. Therefore, an interview schedule comprised of 12 questions was developed to get the opinions, expectations and feelings of those students. In total, 20 undergraduate students were asked for qualitative information; however 19 were included in the study. Those students have a scholarship from TaiwanICDF, and also came from African, Central American, and The Caribbean countries. After the interview was applied, the researcher found that no matter where the students came from they experienced similar feelings, and have similar opinions and expectations about their adaptation process and communication issues. Therefore this research has several conclusions and recommendations regarding the findings and the developed research questions.

    This study aimed to explore and describe opinions, expectations and feelings of undergraduates TaiwanICDF students regarding cross-cultural communication and the steps they had been taking since they came to Taiwan to achieve their adaptation while using the language. For the study several definitions and theories/practices were explained in order to find how adaptation and communication between different cultures relate to each other. Therefore, an interview schedule comprised of 12 questions was developed to get the opinions, expectations and feelings of those students. In total, 20 undergraduate students were asked for qualitative information; however 19 were included in the study. Those students have a scholarship from TaiwanICDF, and also came from African, Central American, and The Caribbean countries. After the interview was applied, the researcher found that no matter where the students came from they experienced similar feelings, and have similar opinions and expectations about their adaptation process and communication issues. Therefore this research has several conclusions and recommendations regarding the findings and the developed research questions.

    ACKNOWLEGMENT I ABSTRACT III TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF TABLES VII LIST OF FIGURES IX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 4 Purpose and Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 7 Delimitations 7 Basic Assumptions 8 Definition of Terms 8 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 11 Cross-cultural Communication 11 Adaptation Steps 17 Theories of Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation Steps 22 CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN 25 Research Framework 25 Research Method and Instrument Development 26 Participants 28 Research Procedure 30 Data Collection Process 31 Data Analysis 33 Reliability and Validity 34 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 37 Adaptation Process of the Undergraduate TaiwanICDF Students 37 Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Issues 54 Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation Role for Undergraduate TaiwanICDF Students 62 Discussions of Research Findings 65 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 69 Conclusions 69 Recommendations 75 REFERENCES 79 APPENDIX A INTERVIEW SCHEDULE GUIDELINE 87 APPENDIX B EXAMPLE OF TRANSCRIPT 88

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