Author: |
汪菀菲 Wang, Wan-Fei |
Thesis Title: |
高中學術性向資優學生幽默風格與情緒智力及生涯自我效能之相關研究 A study of Relationships among the Humor Style, Emotional Intelligence, and Career Self-Efficacy of Academically Gifted Students in Senior High schools |
Advisor: |
Chen, Mei-Fang 陳學志 Chen, Hsueh-Chih |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 81 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 資優學生 、幽默風格 、情緒智力 、生涯自我效能 |
Keywords (in English): | gifted students, humor styles, emotional intelligence, career self-efficacy |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 452 Downloads: 39 |
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一、 不同身份類別資優生在幽默風格部份,在親和型幽默具有顯著差異,普通班學生的親和型幽默高於資優班學生。
二、 不同資優類別學生在情緒智力中的情緒認知與情緒表達分量表達顯著差異。情緒認知以及情緒表達部份人社資優班皆顯著高於數理資優班。
三、 不同性別資優生在自我貶抑型幽默達顯著差異,女性資優學生之得分顯著高於男性資優學生;男性資優學生與女性資優學生在情緒反省部分達顯著差異,男性學生之得分顯著高於女性學生。
四、 高中資優生之幽默風格以及情緒智力具有兩組典型相關結構,第一組典型相關顯示,情緒認知、情緒表達、正向激勵、情緒調節、情緒反省愈佳,則其自我提升型幽默愈佳;第二組典型相關顯示,當高中資優生的情緒認知、情緒反省愈佳,則其攻擊型幽默、自我貶抑型幽默展現程度愈低。
五、 高中資優學生的自我提升型幽默與生涯自我效能有顯著相關,亦即自我提升型幽默可正向預測高中資優學生之生涯自我效能。情緒認知、情緒表達、正向激勵、情緒調節與情緒反省與生涯自我效能也具有顯著相關,其中以情緒認知以及正向激勵對生涯自我效能具有預測效果。
The purpose of this research were to explore the relationship among the humor styles, emotional intelligence, and the career self-efficacy of the academically gifted students in senior high schools in terms of their different backgrounds.
The data were collected from a questionnaire survey of 338 students which included 111 science gifted students, 52 humanities gifted students, 51 language gifted students, and 124 general students. The collected data were analyzed by one way ANOVA, Canonical Correlation Analysis, and Regression Analysis. The main findings of this research were as follows:
1. Affiliative humor varied significantly in terms of the background of students. General students had greater level than gifted students.
2. Emotional cognition and emotional expression varied significantly in terms of categories of giftedness. Humanities gifted students had greater level than science gifted students.
3. Self-defeating humor varied significantly in terms of genders. Female gifted students had greater level than male gifted students. Emotional reflection also varied significantly in terms of genders. Male gifted students had greater level than female gifted students.
4. The canonical correlation between humor styles and emotional intelligence of gifted students was significant. Emotional cognition, emotional expression, positive inspiration, emotional regulation, and emotional reflection had relevance to Self-enhancing humor. Emotional cognition and emotional reflection had relevance to aggressive humor and Self-defeating humor.
5. The predictabilities of humor styles and emotional intelligence on career self-efficacy were significant. Among which the Self-enhancing humor, emotional cognition, and positive inspiration were the most predictable.
Finally, suggestions for future studies and gifted education were discussed.
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