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研究生: 林珮萱
Pey-Shiuan Lin
論文名稱: 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理職能探討之研究
The Competency for Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 293
中文關鍵詞: 職能職能模型外派經理銀行
英文關鍵詞: competency, competency models, expatriate manager, banks
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:389下載:19
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1. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理的甄選條件。
2. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理需扮演的角色與職責內容。
3. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理需具備的職能。
4. 台灣銀行業外派大陸經理的訓練課程內容。


To expand the market share, Taiwanese banks has increasingly invested in China. In this start-up period, many managers were sending from Taiwan to China for running the business. The issues of managing expatriates have drawn attentions. To investigate the current situation of expatriate management of the Taiwanese banks to China, this study interviewed the business practitioners to portrait the general pictures of the following focuses:
1.The selection criteria for the Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.
2.The roles and tasks for the Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.
3.The required competencies for the Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.
4.The content of training programs for the Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.
Base on the contents retrieved from the selection criteria, roles and tasks and content of training program, the study generated the required knowledge, skills, experiences and personality traits for the expatriate managers as a reference resource for the Taiwanese banks that designate expatriate to China.

Keywords: competency, competency models, expatriate manager, banks

TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................1 Background of the Study...................................1 Research Purposes.........................................5 Research Questions........................................5 Significance of the Study.................................6 Delimitations and Limitations.............................7 Definition of Terms.......................................9 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW.............................11 Taiwanese Banks in China.................................11 Competency...............................................14 Competency Models........................................19 Competency of Professionals in International Financial Industry.................................................24 Competency of Expatriate Managers........................28 Expatriate Development...................................31 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY..................................33 Research Framework.......................................33 Research Method..........................................35 Instrument...............................................38 Research Subjects........................................40 Data Analysis............................................46 Research Procedures......................................58 CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS.............61 The Roles and Tasks for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China...............................61 The Selection Criteria for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China...............................72 The Competencies for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China...............................81 The Content of the Training Programs for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China..............109 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...................127 Conclusions..............................................127 Suggestions..............................................150 REFERENCES...............................................157 APPENDIX.................................................163 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Entry Strategies and Situations of Taiwanese Banks in China.................................13 Table 2.2 Focus of Competency Development of International Financial Professionals........................25 Table 2.3 Success Factors of Expatriate Managers.........30 Table 3.1 Interview Outline..............................39 Table 3.2 Background Introduction of Research Subjects...42 Table 3.3 Note Key Concepts from Transcripts and Provide Coding Numbers.................................49 Table 3.4 Sort Similar Key Concepts......................51 Table 3.5 Categorize Similar Key Concepts into Concepts..52 Table 3.6 Integrate Concepts According to Research Topics:The Roles and Tasks for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China...................53 Table 3.7 Integrate Concepts According to Research Topics:The Selection Criteria for Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China...................54 Table 3.8 Integrate Concepts According to Research Topics:The Knowledge for Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China..............................54 Table 3.9 Integrate Concepts According to Research Topics:The Skills and Personality Attributes for Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China....55 Table 3.10 Integrate Concepts According to Research Topics:The Content of Training Programs Provided for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers in China..........................................56 Table 4.1 Comparison of Training Programs of Different Case Companies................................110 Table 5.1 The Roles and Tasks for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China.............................128 Table 5.2 The Selection Criteria for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate managers Assigned to China.........131 Table 5.3 The Knowledge for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China....................135 Table 5.4 The Skills for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China....................137 Table 5.5 The Personality Attributes for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China....138 Table 5.6 The Pre-departure Training Programs Provided for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China......................................144 Table 5.7 The On the Job Training Programs Provided for the Taiwanese Bank Expatriate Managers Assigned to China......................................148 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Causal flow model..............................15 Figure 2.2 Iceberg model..................................16 Figure 2.3 Success profileFigure..........................18 Figure 2.4 Classic competency study design................20 Figure 2.5 Expert panel’s competency development procedures.....................................22 Figure 3.1 Research framework.............................34 Figure 3.2 Multiple case study method.....................35 Figure 3.3 Research procedures............................59 Figure 5.1 The roles for Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.............................129 Figure 5.2 The selection criteria of Taiwanese bank expatriate managers assigned to China.........133 Figure 5.3 The competencies for expatriate managers assigned to China.............................140

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