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研究生: 王建雅
論文名稱: 八向度幽默風格量表之發展暨其與自尊、人格特質、依附風格關係之探討
The development of the Eight-dimension Humor Style Questionnaire and the correlation analysis with self-esteem, personality and attachment style of people
指導教授: 陳學志
Chen, Hsueh-Chih
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 283
中文關鍵詞: 幽默風格性別自尊發展階段原住民五人人格特質依附風格多元文化八向度幽默風格量表
英文關鍵詞: humor styles, sex, self-esteem, developmental stages, aboriginal people, Big Five personality traits, attachment style, diversified culture, eight-dimension humor style questionnaire
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:127
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  • 本研究旨在編製適用於青少年至成人期的「八向度幽默風格量表」,比較我國不同發展階段、不同族群、性別於幽默風格的差異;探討自尊、人格特質、依附風格與八向度幽默風格的相關性與預測性。研究共計有2905名自國中至七十歲左右的成人參與研究,研究資料以描述性統計、多變量二因子變異數分析(MANOVA)、探索式因素分析(EFA)、驗證性因素分析(CFA)、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析考驗。所得的結論列述如下:
    (一)在不同發展階段與性別方面: 1.男性在弄巧成拙型、自我吹捧型、主動攻擊型和回應攻擊型的幽默風格顯著大於女性。女性在自我調侃型幽默顯著大於男性;2.自我調侃型的幽默風格於青少年晚期發展出來;3.主動攻擊型與弄巧成拙型的幽默風格在青少年全期(國中到大學)並無顯著差異,直至成年期後顯著下降。

    The purpose of this research is compiling an Eight-dimension Humor Styles Questionnaire used for teenagers and adults by comparing how humor style differs from various developmental stages, ethnic groups, and sexes, and then to analyze the correlation and the predictive power among self-esteem, personality and attachment style. There is a sample of 2,905 people, from junior high to adults around seventy. The research methods include descriptive statistics, two-way MANOVA, Exploratory Factor analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Pearson’s product moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results is as following :
    1. Results from questionnaire compilation
    As far as reliability and validity are concerned, Cronbach α fall between .81and .88 within the Eight-dimension Humor Styles Questionnaire. Values of retest-reliability fall between .76 and .88. Besides, both interior and exterior qualities are acceptable according to confirmatory factor analysis.
    2. Findings from the research of eight-dimension humor styles
    (1) Comparison between different developmental stages and sexes:
    A. In those humor styles such as: overreach oneself, self-flatter, active aggression and responsive aggression, male is more significant than female; however, female is more significant than male in the humor style of self-jeer.
    B. The research shows that the humor style of self-jeer is usually developed till late adolescence. As to humor style of overreach oneself and active aggression, there is no significant difference in teenagers (from junior high to college), but the significance decreases for adults.
    (2) Comparison between different sexes and ethnic groups:
    A. In humor style of affiliation and self-enhancing, the aboriginal people are more significant than the Han people.
    B. In humor style of overreach oneself, self-defeating and self-flatter, the aboriginal people is also more significant than the Han people. There is no difference on above results in various educational backgrounds of the two peoples.
    (3) The correlation with self-esteem:
    A. There is a positive correlation between four humor styles of affiliation, self-enhancing, jeer-self, and responsive aggression and self-esteem.
    B. There is a negative correlation between humor styles of overreach oneself and self-defeating and self-esteem.
    C. There is no correlation between humor styles of active aggression and self-flatter and self-esteem during junior high to college . However, at the adult stage, the correlation become negative.
    (4) The correlation with personality and its predictive power:
    A. There is a positive correlation between Big Five personality traits and four positive humor styles.
    B. There is a negative correlation between the humor styles of overreach oneself and Big Five personality traits; the correlation between the humor style of self-flatter and conscientiousness personality is also negative.
    C. There is no correlation between the humor style of self-defeating and Big Five personality traits; however, the correlation between humor style of active aggression and, open-to-experience personality is positive; and correlation with agreeableness, conscientiousness personality is negative.
    D. In terms of predictive power, extraversion can predict humor styles of affiliation, jeer oneself, and self-flatter significantly.
    E. The personality of emotional stability shows highly negative predictive power for the humor style of overreach oneself.
    F. The open-to-experience personality shows the highest predictive power for the humor styles of self-enhancing and active aggression.
    G. The agreeableness personality can well predict the humor style of aggression in negative direction.
    (5) The correlation with attachment style and its predictive power:
    A. The humor style of affiliation, self-jeer, self-enhancing, and responsive aggression has positive correlation with secure attachment.
    B. The humor style of overreach oneself, self-defeating, self-flatter and active aggression has positive correlation with anxious attachment.
    C. There is a mid-degree correlation between avoidant attachment and overreach oneself.
    D. The secure attachment can predict all positive humor styles significantly.
    E. The anxious attachment can predict all negative humor styles significantly.
    F. Among four attachment styles, the secure attachment and the anxious attachment have most predictive power for the performance of humor styles.
    The research proves that there are eight different humor styles existing in Taiwan, and some reflect the positive psychological characteristics and the others reflect the negative sides. In addition, the research also shows the difference of humor styles in various ethnic groups, sexes, and developmental stages. These findings can be used as experimental data or suggestion for future studies.

    第一章 緒論 ...…………..1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 7 第三節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 ...…………..13 第一節 幽默的歷史觀 13 第二節 幽默的理論觀 20 第三節 幽默風格之相關研究 34 第四節 人格特質、自尊與幽默風格之相關研究 56 第五節 人際依附風格與幽默風格之研究 71 第三章 研究方法 ...…………..77 第一節 研究架構與設計 77 第二節 研究假設 78 第三節 研究工具 80 第四節 資料處理方式 83 第五節 八向度幽默風格之構念發展 84 第六節 八向度幽默風格量表編製過程 97 第七節 八向度幽默風格量表信度、效度分析 113 第四章 研究結果與討論 ...…………..131 第一節 不同發展階段與性別在八向度幽默風格的差異 131 第二節 不同族群與性別在八向度幽默風格的差異 142 第三節 八向度幽默風格與自尊的相關性 149 第四節 五大人格特質對八向度幽默風格之預測研究 153 第五節 人際依附風格對八向度幽默風格之預測研究 162 第五章 結論與建議 ...…………..173 第一節 結論 173 第二節 建議 178 參考文獻 ...…………..185 中文部份 185 英文部份 192 附錄 211 附錄一  幽默事件記錄表 211 附錄二  幽默歷史事件之風格分類 212 附錄三  八向度幽默風格事件觀察記錄 219 附錄四  幽默風格類型分析問卷 240 附錄五  幽默風格類型分析問卷內容彙整 248 附錄六  專家效度問卷 255 附錄七  八向度幽默風格預試量表 268 附錄八  幽默風格量表預試施測流程說明 273 附錄九  八向度幽默風格量表 274 附錄十  整體自尊量表 277 附錄十一 人格特質量表 278 附錄十二 依附風格量表 279 附錄十三 八向度幽默風格量表正式施測流程說明 280 附錄十四 八向度幽默風格量表施測Q & A 281 附錄十五 人格特質量表原作者使用授權書 282 附錄十六 依附風格量表原作者使用授權書 283

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