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研究生: 吳宜真
Yi-Zhen Wu
論文名稱: 高中生中英翻譯錯誤與翻譯困難之研究
A Study of Senior High School Students’ Errors and Difficulty in Chinese-English Translation
指導教授: 廖柏森
Liao, Po-Sen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 大學入學考試英文科翻譯試題高中生翻譯錯誤翻譯困難
英文關鍵詞: Chinese-English translation tasks in college entrance examinations in Taiwan, senior high school students, translation errors, translation difficulty
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:207下載:60
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  • 本研究旨在探討台灣高中生中英翻譯錯誤與翻譯困難。研究兼採量性和質性方法,研究材料來自歷屆大學入學考試翻譯試題,研究對象為68位高三學生,依據其學測英文科級分為高成就與低成就兩組。量性方面以描述性統計分析兩組學生在冠詞/數量詞、代名詞、被動語態、時態、連接詞、詞性轉換、詞序及標點符號等八個方面的翻譯錯誤;質性方面則以回溯性訪談進一步釐清高中生遭遇到的翻譯困難。

    The present study investigates senior high school students’ errors and difficulty in Chinese-English translation. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are adopted. Research materials used are the Chinese-English translation tasks from college entrance examinations in Taiwan. Research subjects include 68 third-year senior high school students, who are categorized as high achievers and low achievers according to their English performance on the General Scholastic Ability Test. Descriptive statistical analyses are conducted to examine students’ use of articles, pronouns, passive voice, tenses, conjunctions, parts of speech, word order, and punctuation in the Chinese-English translation tasks. Qualitative data collected from retrospective interviews is analyzed and further explores students’ difficulties concerning translation.
    The quantitative results are as follows. In terms of pronouns, passive voice, conjunctions, word order and punctuation, students perform consistently as they have basic ideas about English sentence structures. However, their performance deteriorates when there are words they do not know how to translate. In terms of article use, some high achievers overuse the definite article for plural generic nouns while low achievers tend to forget plural suffixes. In terms of tense use, students still need familiar L1 translations to indicate which tense to use. In terms of parts of speech, students are usually unable to change the parts of speech of a word in different collocations. Qualitative research results show that both high achievers and low achievers attempt to improve their translation ability by memorizing more L2 words via their L1 translations. However, this means that students will need the exact Chinese translation to come up with the right English word when doing translation tasks. Such a learning strategy also fails to teach students the importance of word usages and collocations. In light of the research results, some suggestions are proposed for designing translation tasks and teaching activities.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iii 表目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究範圍與目的 4 第二章 文獻回顧 6 第一節 翻譯與外語學習 6 一、翻譯於外語教學之定位 6 二、翻譯於外語學習之應用 15 三、翻譯於外語學習應用上的限制 28 第二節 學習者錯誤 33 ㄧ、錯誤分析 33 二、中英對比與翻譯錯誤 35 第三節 大學入學考試翻譯試題 39 一、歷史演進 39 二、命題原則 41 三、試題分析 41 四、評分標準 47 五、考生表現 49 小結 50 第三章 研究方法 53 第一節 研究問題 53 第二節 研究設計 53 第三節 研究對象 54 一、翻譯寫作部分 54 二、個別訪談部分 55 第四節 研究材料與工具 55 一、翻譯寫作部分 55 二、個別訪談部分 57 第五節 研究過程 58 一、翻譯寫作部分 58 二、個別訪談部分 59 第四章 結果與討論 61 第一節 高低成就學習者翻譯錯誤之比較與分析 61 一、冠詞/數量詞 61 二、代名詞 64 三、被動語態 67 四、時態 72 五、連接詞 76 六、詞性轉換 78 七、詞序 82 八、標點符號 86 第二節 高低成就學習者翻譯學習與翻譯轉換的困難 89 一、翻譯學習的困難 89 二、翻譯轉換的困難 92 第三節 討論與建議 100 一、翻譯命題的建議 100 二、翻譯教學的建議 101 第五章 結論 103 第一節 研究發現 103 ㄧ、高低成就學習者的翻譯錯誤 103 二、高低成就學習者的翻譯困難 106 第二節 研究貢獻 107 第三節 研究限制 108 第四節 未來研究方向 109 參考文獻 110 附錄一:正式卷的翻譯試題與參考答案 117 附錄二:翻譯試題預試卷 120 附錄三:翻譯試題正式卷 124 附錄四:訪談大綱(試訪) 128 附錄五:訪談大綱(正式) 129 附錄六:訪談研究家長同意書 130

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