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研究生: 劉翠華
Liu, Tsui-Hua
論文名稱: 我國多元入學制度與牙醫學生地理分布關係之研究
A study on the relationship between the multi-tracks system of recruitment for dental schools and the geographical distribution of dental students in Taiwan
指導教授: 張永達
Chang, Yung-Ta
口試委員: 江俊斌 蔡博方 鄭豐洲 林陳涌 劉湘瑤 張永達
口試日期: 2021/09/24
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 265
中文關鍵詞: 多元入學制度牙醫學生執業牙醫師教育機會均等城鄉差距
英文關鍵詞: Multi-tracks system, Dental students, Practicing dentists, Equality of educational opportunity, Urban-rural gap
研究方法: 次級資料分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101724
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:338下載:27
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  • 高等教育發展與國家社會的發展環環相扣,而高等教育的選才機制,是影響人力素質和國家未來競爭力的關鍵要素。我國大學多元入學管道包括繁星推薦入學、個人申請入學以及考試入學等。在臺灣,以大學牙醫教育培育牙醫師,透過醫事人員的養成,可提高醫療品質。但是,目前國內面臨執業牙醫師過剩、分布不均和城鄉差距等問題,因此,了解國內牙醫學生地理分布,對於執業牙醫師區域平衡非常重要。本研究旨在探討牙醫學系多元入學發展,比較不同入學管道與各區域高中畢業生入學機會之差異,並分析牙醫學生分布、牙醫學校位置與執業牙醫師地理分布之關係,進而評估其對於平衡牙醫師區域分布之影響。本研究採用次級資料研究法,研究時間範圍涵蓋2013-2020年,統計分析臺灣各縣市的牙醫新生人數、各牙醫學校錄取學生的狀況、各縣市執業牙醫師人數以及各縣市的人口總數等,以探討多元入學制度與牙醫學生地理分布之關係。研究發現,2013-2020年間牙醫學校多元入學採繁星推薦入學和個人申請入學的比例漸增,而考試入學的比例漸低,且政府控管國內牙醫學系招生人數總額,以調節執業牙醫師的人力。牙醫學生分布存在城鄉差距,牙醫學生集中來自於六都直轄市、設置牙醫學校城市和臺灣北部地區,但是若考慮城市/地區人口因素,臺灣每10萬人口之牙醫學生分布的城鄉差距則相對不顯著。考試入學管道對於北部地區學生較有利,繁星推薦管道則可發揮平衡的作用,多元入學制度的推動,有助於平衡各地區高中生入學機會。以牙醫學校的選才而言,各地區牙醫學校偏好的入學管道不同,牙醫學生則傾向選擇與他們成長地點相同的牙醫學校就讀。此外,臺灣各縣市的牙醫師指數和牙醫學生指數呈高度正相關,執業牙醫師與牙醫學生均主要分布在六都直轄市、設置牙醫學校城市以及臺灣北部地區,但是執業牙醫師的分布比牙醫學生更集中在北部地區。牙醫師傾向選擇其成長、牙醫學校等位置附近,作為他們的執業地點。牙醫學生和執業牙醫師的區域平衡,對於落實全國口腔保健非常重要,因此,必須合理控制牙醫學生的總數、地理分布以及妥善分配牙醫教育資源,以解決牙醫師的人力供需及和城鄉失衡的問題。

    Higher education is closely linked to the development of society and the nation itself. A selection process that can identify talented individuals for higher education is essential for both improving the quality of the workforce and raising the country’s competitiveness. Our country’s diversified admission channels, known as the Multi-tracks System, includes the Twinkling Star Program (TSP), the Individual Application Program (IAP), and the Examination Distribution Program (EDP). The cultivation of quality personnel through dentistry programs has increased the quality of healthcare in Taiwan. However, Taiwan is facing the problems of the surplus, the uneven distribution, and the urban-rural gap of the practicing dentists. Therefore, the geographical distribution of dentistry students in Taiwan is important for the balanced distribution of practicing dentists. This thesis examined and compared the Multi-tracks System for dental schools as well as the admissions opportunities for high school graduates from various geographical regions. It analyzed the relationship between the geographical distribution of dental students and schools and practicing dentists to evaluated its effect on the regional distribution of dentists. The research draws on secondary data from 2013-2020 that included figures on dental school admissions, practicing dentists, and general population by region in order to explore the effects of the Multi-tracks System on the geographic distribution of dental students and dentists. The research showed that share of dental students admitted through TSP and IAP increased while the share of students admitted through EDP decreased between 2013-2020. The research also reveals the effects of government regulation of dental school admissions on the supply of practicing dentists. There is an urban-rural gap in the distribution of dental students -- Dental students mostly draw from the six municipalities, cities with established dental schools, and northern Taiwan. That said, considering the urban-rural population factors, the differential distribution of total dental students per 100,000 people in Taiwan was not apparent. The EDP advantages students from the north and TSP has an equalizing effect on admissions, therefore promoting the Multi-Tracks system can help balance admissions opportunities among students from different regions. In terms of admissions criteria, different dental schools prefer different admissions channels while students prefer to attend schools around where they grew up. Additionally, the number of practicing dentists per region is highly correlated to the number of dental students per region. Practicing dentists and dental students were both mainly distributed in northern Taiwan. Practicing dentists are slightly more concentrated in those areas in comparison to dental students. Dentists prefer to practice around where they grew up, dental schools, etc. The distribution dental students and practicing dentists had a substantial effect on oral health in the nation. Consequently, there needs to be reasonable controls on the total number of dental students as well as on the distribution of dental students and of educational resources. These efforts will help improve the labor supply issues and urban-rural unbalance in dentistry.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 3 第二節 研究的重要性 9 第三節 研究問題與目的 11 第四節 名詞釋義 12 第五節 研究範圍與限制 17 第貳章 文獻探討 21 第一節 高等教育擴張與入學機會均等 22 第二節 我國大學多元入學制度 31 第三節 大學入學方式與教育機會均等 43 第四節 我國牙醫師之培育 49 第五節 我國牙醫師人力與地理分布 55 第參章 研究方法 65 第一節 研究架構 66 第二節 研究對象與資料蒐集 68 第三節 資料分析 71 第肆章 結果與討論 75 第一節 牙醫學校多元入學管道選才之發展 76 第二節 多元入學管道錄取牙醫學生之地理分布 87 第三節 不同區域牙醫學校之牙醫學生地理分布 113 第四節 多元入學管道、牙醫學校與牙醫學生地理分布 135 第五節 牙醫學生、牙醫學校與執業醫師地理分布 158 第六節 綜合討論 175 第伍章 結論與建議 203 第一節 結論 204 第二節 建議 214 參考文獻 220 中文文獻 220 英文文獻 227 附錄 研究相關附表 231 附錄1 2013-2019年多元入學管道錄取牙醫新生之地理分布 231 附錄2 2013-2019年臺灣各縣市每10萬人口牙醫新生人數 238 附錄3 2013-2019年牙醫學校新生之地理分布 245 附錄4 2013-2019年臺灣各縣市每10萬人口之牙醫學校新生人數 252 附錄5 2013-2019年不同入學管道、牙醫學校位置與牙醫新生地理分布 259

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