研究生: |
魏彩密 Tsai-Mi Wei |
論文名稱: |
高齡學習者溝通式英語教學學習滿意度之研究 A Study of Elder Learners of Communicative Approach’s Learning Satisfaction on Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Elder Learners |
指導教授: |
Hwang, Ming-Yueh |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
社會教育學系 Department of Adult and Continuing Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 195 |
中文關鍵詞: | 老人學習 、老人教育 、溝通式教學 、溝通式英語教學 、學習滿意度 |
英文關鍵詞: | seniors learning, the education of seniors, communicative approach, communicative english teaching, learning satisfaction |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:854 下載:68 |
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摘 要
一、 從事高齡學習者英語教學的教師必須以多元化、活潑生動、循序漸進的溝通式教學
二、 改善課程內容
三、 選擇適當的教材、豐富教材內容
四、 研發視聽輔助媒體,增進英語教學成效
五、 教師應多方蒐集教學相關資料,提供學員更多真實的會話情境,以體會語用溝通能力的重要性
六、 教師加強教學設計,鼓勵高齡學習者學員參與英語課程設計、學習計畫的擬定,事先提供進度表
七、 對高齡者教育有關單位鼓勵教師在職進修、整合進修資源、提供多元進修機會
A Study of Elder Learners of Communicative Approach’s Learning Satisfaction on Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Elder Learners
The main purpose of this research is to investigate whether the implementation of communicative approach activities in elder learners’ EFL (English as Foreign Language) classrooms will have a positive learning satisfaction on students’ language proficient performances.
This research uses the method of questionnaire survey with participants in the researcher’s teaching 12 classrooms during the first semester of 2004. There are 232 effective samples and the research tool is “The Questionnaire Survey on English Learning Satisfaction of Elder Learners”.
Various statistic methods, such as t-test, Chi-square test, frequency distribution, percentage, average, One-Way ANOVA,Scheffe’s posterior comparisons, Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation, etc. were applied in the analysis of the questionnaire, and four conclusions and suggestions were brought up based on this analysis:
1.On the whole the elder learners are satisfied with the methods of communicative approach on teaching English.
2. The aspect with highest satisfaction of communicative approach on teaching English as a foreign language to elder learners is “Personal
Interaction”; the aspect with lower satisfaction is “Learning Participation”.
3.The Enlish learning Satisfaction of elder learners leads no differences in aspects of background variances.
4.The elder learners’ whole learning satisfaction of the communicative approach is apparently correlated to each aspect of satisfaction.
According to the conclusion above, we could come up with some suggestions to the English teachers who’re teaching elder learners and elders’ educational institutes related as references.
1. While teaching the elder learners, the teachers should make courses varied and vivid by the means of communicative approach on English teaching.
2. Improve course content.
3. Choose suitable teaching material and enriching material content.
4. Fulfill the objective of English education, teaching aids should be adopted and be researched and developed as possible as the English teachers can.
5.Teachers should try their best to collect any teaching information concerned, offer more opportunities to their elder students the true conversational situations for their experiencing the importance of oral communcation ability.
6. Teachers should strengthen their own ability of teaching design, offer their lesson plans to students in advance, inspire the elder learners to participate in designing of program and to learn how to draw up their learning schedule.
7. The elders’ educational institutes should encourage teachers to teach and to study simultaneously, to unify concerned studying resources and offer various of studying opportunities.
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