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研究生: 呂睿益
Lu Ruiyi Eunice
論文名稱: 雙重背景下之脈絡效果:正負促發物對產品判斷的影響
Context Effect under Dual Contexts: The Influence of Positive and Negative Primes to Product Judgment
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 促發效果同化效果對比效果解釋範圍重疊模型相互假設多種促發物對等
英文關鍵詞: Priming Effects, Assimilation Effect, Contrast Effect, Dimensional Range Overlap Model, Product Judgment, Reciprocity Hypothesis, Multiple Primes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:4
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  • 很多理論與實證模型都專注於研究促發效果的影響力,以及其所扮演的角色。Chien et al. 在 2010 年提出的「解釋範圍重疊模型」(The Dimensional Range Overlap Model, DROM), 更進提出理論假設,促發物與目標物兩者之間是否重疊,會決定促發物與目標物兩者是產生同化效果 (Assimilation Effects) 還是對比效果 (Contrast Effects)。本研究在 DROM 模型單一促發物的架構下,使用兩個促發物來檢視促發效果,並納入 Hsiao 的「相互假設」 (Reciprocity Hypothesis ) (2002),觀察兩個促發物之間重疊與否是否會彼此影響,是否會產生促發物之間的同化效果或對比效果。 本研究的四個實驗中的第一階段,分別先讓兩個促發物不重疊、目標物各別與負和正的促發物有著不同程度的重疊、最後再整合讓目標物與兩個促發物同時重疊。第二階段衡量了兩個促發物之間的促發效果,以及促發物各自與目標物之間的促發效果。 本研究只有第二個實驗結果顯著,發現負的促發物與目標物出現顯著的同化效果。儘管其他三個實驗的結果並不顯著,但是其實驗結果大致上反映了與我們預計相同的移動方向,支持其假設,只是並未通過統計檢定。

    Many theories and models have been developed to focus on the role and influence of contextual effects. The Dimensional Range Overlap Model (Chien et al., 2010) went further to suggest that it was the dimensional overlap in the range of values that contextual and target stimuli might take that determines the effect of assimilation or contrast between them. We employed the use of two primes in this study to examine contextual effects of consumer judgment in the case of more than one prime, maintaining the crux of the DROM model, where the existence of an overlap or non-overlap, would determine assimilation or contrast effect movements of perceived consumer judgment respectively. We also incorporated Hsiao’s Reciprocity Hypothesis (2002), where an overlap or lack thereof between two primes would result in a mutual effect and cause both primes to simultaneously shift towards or away from each other respectively. In Stage 1 of our four experiments, we manipulated a non-overlap between two primes, as well as overlaps of different ranges between a negative and positive prime with the target separately, before finally presenting both primes and the target together in the final experiment. Stage 2 of the experiments measured for the respective contextual effects between the prime(s) and/or with the target. Only the second experiment was confirmed; where the negative prime and target showed significant, simultaneously assimilated shifts. While the results did not support the other hypotheses we proposed, we did note that the overall shift tendencies were according to our general assumptions, though unfortunately, they could not be proven statistically.

    摘要..................................................... ii ABSTRACT................................................ iii LIST OF TABLES.......................................... vi LIST OF FIGURES......................................... vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS......................................... ix CHAPTER 1 MOTIVATION AND STUDY PURPOSE.................. 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW............................. 4 An Introduction to Contextual Priming Effect............ 4 Assimilation Effect versus Contrast Effect.............. 4 Empirical Theories of Assimilation and Contrast Effects. 5 The Dimensional Range Overlap Model..................... 7 Reciprocity Hypothesis.................................. 10 Extensions of the DROM and Reciprocity Hypothesis....... 10 CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESES......... 13 Theoretical Background.................................. 13 Hypotheses.............................................. 14 CHAPTER 4 PRETEST....................................... 16 Purpose................................................. 16 Participants............................................ 16 Design.................................................. 16 Procedure............................................... 18 Results................................................. 21 Conclusions............................................. 21 CHAPTER 5 EXPERIMENT 1.................................. 22 Overview................................................ 22 Hypothesis Recap................................................... 22 Participants and Design................................. 23 Procedure............................................... 23 Results................................................. 25 CHAPTER 6 EXPERIMENT 2....................................................... 29 Overview................................................ 29 Hypothesis Recap........................................ 29 Participants and Design................................. 30 Procedure............................................... 31 Results................................................. 32 CHAPTER 7 EXPERIMENT 3.................................. 39 Overview................................................ 39 Hypothesis Recap........................................ 39 Participants and Design................................. 40 Procedure............................................... 40 Results................................................. 41 CHAPTER 8 GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS............ 46 Conclusion Review....................................... 46 Limitations and Suggestions............................. 47 Research Contributions and Practical Implications....... 49 Future Research......................................... 50 REFERENCES.............................................. 52

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