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研究生: 馬安琪
Agnela Makin
論文名稱: 貝里斯中等學校師資培育與教師教學實務關係之研究
The Relationship between Teacher Education and Teachers’ Teaching Practices in Secondary Schools in Belize
指導教授: 蔡錫濤
Tsai, Shir-Tau
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 情境因素教學實務教師經驗師資培育課程學習
英文關鍵詞: contextual factors, teaching practices, teacher experiences, teacher education, curriculum studies
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:4
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    This study examines the relationship between teacher training and teachers’ teaching practices in the secondary schools in Belize. It attempts to discover the differences in teaching practices between those teachers who have not been in the teacher training program at the University of Belize. The N=304 were teachers teaching at 20 different high schools. Data was obtained through self-evaluation questionnaire. The One-way ANOVA was used to test the effectiveness, satisfaction level for trained teachers which revealed significant results showing that trained teachers see the effectiveness of the instructional techniques courses in their day-to-day teaching. The teaching practices of the male and female teachers were tested using T-test and showed significance only in the Instructional Material category. The female teachers appeared that they particularly engage students into their lesson. A similar analysis was performed between trained and untrained teachers where no significant differences were found. In respect to the perception of the relationship of experience, attitude, instructional methods, instructional materials and knowledge and skills, the correlation analysis showed that there is a positive and strong relationship except for experience. In addition, the regression analysis conducted on knowledge and skills and teaching practices (instructional methods, instructional materials) showed that acquisition of knowledge and skills can impact these positively. The One-way ANOVA administered on the contextual factors yield that there are significant results on three factors. These results suggested that teachers’ perception differ on different issues and appeared to be inconsistent with previous findings. Therefore, more need to be done in providing continuous support for teachers, development of the affective should be emphasized in the curriculum. For teacher practitioners, collaborative work in designing teaching packages and materials should be taken.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF FIGURES V LIST OF TABLES VI CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Chapter Overview 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 4 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 6 Delimitations and Limitations 7 Definition of Terms 8 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 11 Chapter Overview 11 Competences of Teachers 11 Curriculum of the Teacher Education Program 12 Application of Knowledge and Skills acquired in Teacher Education 19 Factors that Affect Teaching Practices 21 Differences in Teaching Practices between Trained and Untrained Teachers 24 Relationship of Knowledge/Skills and Teaching Practices 26 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 29 Chapter Overview 29 Research Framework 29 Sample 34 Hypotheses 34 Data Collection 36 Instrumentation 36 Reliability and Validity 37 Data Analysis 37 Research Procedure 38 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 39 Chapter Overview 39 Profile for Respondents 39 Factors that Affect Teaching Practices 50 Relationship between Experience and Knowledge & Skills 66 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 71 Chapter Overview 71 Conclusion 71 Recommendations 76 Implications for Future Research 78 Concluding Comment 79 REFERENCES 81 APPENDICES 87 APPENDIX A: Request Letter 87 APPENDIX B: Questionnaire 88 APPENDIX C: Post Hoc for Availability of Facilities 92 APPENDIX D: Post Hoc for Additional Facilities 94 APPENDIX E: Post Hoc for Team Working 97 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2. 1. Curriculum Framework of Teacher Education of Belize Established Following Bliss' (2004) Framework 14 Figure 3. 1. Research Framework 30 Figure 3. 2. Research Procedures 38 LIST OF TABLES Table 3. 1. Areas to Measure Competent Teacher 32 Table 4. 1. Frequency for Males and Females Respondents 39 Table 4. 2. Frequency for Teachers’ Years of Teaching 40 Table 4. 3. Frequency for Teacher Qualification 40 Table 4. 4. ANOVA for Effectiveness, Satisfaction and Acquired Knowledge for Trained Teachers 41 Table 4. 5. T-test for Instructional Methods between Trained and Untrained Teachers 43 Table 4. 6. T-test for Instructional Materials between Male and Female Teachers 45 Table 4. 7. Correlation for Attitudes, Teaching Practices, Knowledge & Skills 46 Table 4. 8. Correlation for Knowledge and Skills and Teaching Practices 47 Table 4. 9. Regression for Knowledge & Skills and Instructional Methods 48 Table 4. 10. Regression for Knowledge & Skills and Instructional Materials 48 Table 4. 11. ANOVA for Availability of Facilities and Teaching Practices (Group Results) 50 Table 4. 12. ANOVA for Availability of Facilities 51 Table 4. 13. ANOVA for Additional Facilities and Teaching Practices (Group Results) 52 Table 4. 14. ANOVA for Additional Facilities 53 Table 4. 15. ANOVA for Team Working and Teaching Practices (Group Results) 55 Table 4. 16. ANOVA for Team Working 56 Table 4. 17. ANOVA for Overcrowded Classrooms 58 Table 4.18. ANOVA for Lack of Facilities 60 Table 4. 19. ANOVA for Lack of Support from Colleagues and Administration 62 Table 4. 20. ANOVA for Teacher Preparation 64 Table 4. 21. ANOVA for Experience, Attitude and Knowledge & Skills 66 Table 4. 22. Summary of the Hypotheses 67


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