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研究生: 阮氏蘇棬
Nguyen Thi To Khuyen
論文名稱: Teachers' Professional Developments and Enactments in STEM Education: Adaptation and Reflections from Theoretical to Practice
Teachers' Professional Developments and Enactments in STEM Education: Adaptation and Reflections from Theoretical to Practice
指導教授: 張俊彥
Chang, Chun-Yen
口試委員: 張俊彥
Chang, Chun-Yen
Yang, Fang-Ying
Liu, Shiang-Yao
Chang, Yueh-Hsia
Nguyen Van Bien
口試日期: 2021/07/26
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 122
英文關鍵詞: STEM education, professional development strategies, epistemological framing, 6E instructional model, Vietnam
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101583
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:420下載:18
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  • Teachers are advocated as the cornerstone for the effectiveness of any innovative education, including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education. STEM education’s effectiveness has been proved on students learning performance for decades. However, educators might consider enhancing teachers’ teaching abilities on STEM education to deploy STEM education popularly. Teachers have been training for pedagogical content knowledge of specific subjects. Meanwhile, STEM education is an integration of STEM sub-fields, including intersections between STEM sub-subjects. Therefore, enhancing teachers’ professional learning has become a prerequisite for implement STEM education effectively and widely. That motivated me on a research topic related to teachers’ professional development in STEM education.
    Specifically, this dissertation chose Vietnam as the research context. STEM education has been deployed in Vietnam for around five years but unpopularly. Many private schools mainly implemented informal STEM activities. Schools and teachers have endeavored to teach STEM effectively when the national STEM curriculum has not been developed yet. Educators might consider enhancing Vietnamese teachers’ capacities to ensure for effectiveness and popularities of STEM education. My research participants were mainly Vietnamese teachers and students in this current dissertation.
    I conducted three inter-related studies related to teachers’ professional development in Vietnam to effectively deploy and strengthen STEM education. Firstly, I examined professional development models by reviewing 29 related empirical studies. Study 1 affirmed strategies for effective professional development in the global context. The results concluded that professional developers could adapt 14 strategies to enable teachers to enhance KIP (Knowledge, Implementations, and Perceptions) as professional developments. Then, I analyzed the current status of STEM education by surveying 186 teachers’ points of view. Study 2 proved the potential for effective implementation could have in the national context, Vietnam. Quantitative analysis showed that Vietnamese teachers had a reasonable understanding of STEM education, advocated STEM competencies as important, but still had considerations for STEM implementation. Such findings of the first two studies motivated me to the third study. Study 3 was conducted to investigate teachers’ teaching practices after being trained by effective strategies for professional development. Study 3 desired to measure for the continuing process, which was from theoretical adaptations to practical enactments.
    Two strategies of professional development were adopted. After training, three teachers deployed the STEM curriculum for 107 students in 8 grade. The STEM curriculum was designed following the 6E (Engage, Explain, Explore, Engineer, Enrich, Evaluate) instructional model with technology integration CCR (Cloud Class Room). Classroom videotapes, teachers’ responses, and teachers’ interviews were mix-method analyses by NVIVO and SPSS. Study 3 showed that teachers’ epistemological framings in STEM teaching which was as delivering a product. Besides, teachers expressed positive perceptions and considerations of STEM education. This dissertation ended with reflections on teachers’ practices after study 3 to theoretical results in study 1. Also, the dissertation emerged recommendations for the betterment of STEM implementation and further researches, including the Vietnam context.

    Contents List of Tables x List of Figures xi [LIGHT] 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 [MAGNIFIER] Chapter 2: A Systematic Review On STEM Teacher Professional Development Strategies To Enhance Teachers’ KIP (Knowledge – Implementation - Perceptions) 5 2.1. Introduction 5 2.2. Conceptual framework and purpose of the review 6 2.2.1. STEM integration 7 2.2.2. STEM teachers professional learning 8 2.2.3. Teacher professional development strategies in STEM education 9 2.3. Methods 10 2.3.1. Search procedures 10 2.3.2. Study selection 10 2.3.3. Coding scheme and synthesis 11 2.4.1. General trends in research of TPD in STEM education 13 2.4.2. Strategies in STEM professional learning 14 2.4.3. Overview of the STEM-TPD strategies 14 Popular TPD strategies in STEM education 16 Strengthening of examining teaching and learning for professional learning in STEM education 18 2.4.4. Teachers’ professional outcomes in Knowledge, Implementation, and Perception (KIP) 19 Knowledge (K) 20 Perceptions (P) 21 Implementation (I) 22 2.5. Discussions and conclusions 22 2.6. Limitations 25 2.7. Implications 25 References 26 Appendix 1 34 [MEDIUM] 48 Chapter 3: Measuring Teachers’ Perceptions to Sustain STEM Education Development 48 3.1. Introduction 48 3.1.1. The STEM Education Sustainable Development Goal 50 3.1.2. The Current Status of STEM Education in Vietnam 51 3.1.3. Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education 52 3.1.4. Factors Related to Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education 52 Teaching Experience 53 Educational Background 53 Teaching Subjects 53 3.1.5. The direct and indirect effects within the three components 54 3.2. Materials and Methods 56 3.2.1. Procedure and Sample 56 3.2.2. The Development and Validity of the Instrument 57 3.2.3. Analytical Strategies 58 3.3. Results 59 3.3.1. Vietnamese Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education 59 3.3.2. Differences in Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education Based on Teaching Experiences 60 3.3.3. Differences in Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education Based on Education Backgrounds 63 3.3.4. Differences among Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education Based on Teaching Subjects 64 3.3.5. The relationships among variables (STEMUnd, STEMCom, and STEMCom) within the hypothesized model 64 3.4. Discussion 67 3.4.1. Being a STEM Thinker Before a STEM Teacher for the STEM Education Sustainable Development 67 3.4.2. Reinforcement of Teachers’ Awareness of STEM Careers 68 3.4.3. Differences in Teachers’ Perceptions of STEM Education between Subsamples 68 3.4.4. The sources of teachers’ difficulties in STEM implementation 70 3.4.5. The indirect-only between general understanding of STEM education and teaching difficulties 71 3.5. Conclusions 72 References 74 Appendix 2 80 [MAGNIFICATION] 83 Chapter 4: Understanding Teachers’ Enactments Of The 6E-STEM Instructional Model 83 4.1. Introduction 83 4.2. Literature review 84 4.2.1. STEM teaching 84 4.2.2. The 6E instructional model in STEM education 84 4.3. Theoretical framework 86 4.3.1. Epistemological framing for STEM teaching 86 4.3.2. Social aspects: How has 6E-STEM been taught in a classroom? 87 4.3.3. Teachers’ perceptions of difficulties and supports in 6E-STEM implementation 88 4.4. Method 88 4.4.1. Research context: The 6E-STEM curriculum 88 4.4.2. Research design and procedure 90 4.4.3. Participant 90 4.4.4. Data source 91 Classroom observation 91 Questionnaire and Interviews 91 4.4.5. Analytical strategies 92 4.4.6. Coding scheme developments 92 4.5 Findings and Discussions 97 4.5.1. Teacher’s discourse practices in 6E-STEM class 97 Students’ opportunities to talk 98 Patterns of conversation exchanges 99 The trends of teacher discourse practice 103 4.5.2. Reflection on STEM teaching 106 4.5.3. Teachers’ perceptions of STEM education 108 From questionnaires 108 From interviews 110 4.6. Conclusions and implementations 112 4.6.1. Teachers’ epistemological framings in 6E-STEM implementation 112 Discourse practices in STEM class 113 Post-teaching reflections 114 4.6.2. The technology-based 6E-STEM teaching: from perception to practice 115 4.6.3. Strategies for teachers’ professional developments 115 References 116 [IMAGE] 121 Chapter 5: Conclusions and Implementations 121

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