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研究生: 吳淑敏
Shu-Min Wu
論文名稱: 同儕媒介暨社交技巧教學對增進自閉症兒童社會能力之研究
The Peer-mediated and Social Skill Instruction Program in Promoting Social Competence for Children with Autism
指導教授: 張正芬
Chang, Cheng-Fen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 同儕媒介社交技巧教學自閉症兒童社會能力
英文關鍵詞: peer-mediated, social skill instruction program, children with autism, social competence
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:436下載:122
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  • 本研究針對兩名自閉症兒童(小一、幼稚園大班)設計符合其社交需求的課程,透過同儕媒介的方式,採取一名自閉症兒童搭配三名同儕的小團體模式,實施社交技巧教學。研究方法採用質性研究的設計,分析同儕媒介暨社交技巧教學的重要元素,及其對自閉症兒童的社會能力與同儕的角色之影響。研究結果顯示:
    (一)時間安排的結構性、有效的增強物、具視覺線索的教材、符合教 學目標並吸引學生注意的玩具。

    This study focuses on the social demand curriculum which is designed to fit two children with autism (pupils of first grade and kindergarten). Through the method of peer-mediated, two small groups have been set up to conduct social skill instruction. Each group has one child with autism and three peers. This research adopts qualitative research to analysis the key elements of the peer-mediated and social skill instruction program, and how they affect the social competence of children with autism and the role of peers. The result of this study were as follows:
    1. The key elements of the peer-mediated and social skill instruction program include:
    (1) Structured time arrangement, effective reinforcement, instruction materials with visual cue, and toys which fit the instruction goal and attract students’ attention.
    (2) Strategies for peer training, such as watching VCD, direct instruction, role play, Q-and-A and discussion can make peers clearly know how to get along with children with autism.
    (3) To teach social skills to children with autism, story oriented and play oriented have been adopted to review old skills, model and provide right and wrong examples to instruct new skills or to master old skill. Combining free play and role play can conduct behavioral rehearsal, correction, and feedback of reinforcement. Through these strategies, children with autism are able to realize how to behave or react to the others.
    2. After the instruction, the social skills of children with autism have significantly changed. In the beginning, they did not know and weren’t familiar with these skills. But in the end, they performed actively and even generalized to other situations and people.
    3. The interaction between children with autism and their peers have been gradually improved. As time pass by, the two children with autism learned more social skills. The first grade child experienced from fear of their peers, accustomed themselves to their peers to finally rely on their peers. And the kindergarten child with autism experienced from playing by himself to trying to approaching his peers. Obviously, the interaction of both groups’ participants has been improved from less to more.
    4. Besides the increase of social competence of children with autism, they learn to express concerns to others and adapt strangers and new things. Their problem behaviors also have been decreased.
    5. The feelings of peers towards children with autism have positively changed. These peers are like tutors, assistants and angels. They patiently teach and help children with autism, and always praise, invite, share and respond to them. In the mean time, friendship grows up among children with autism and peers.

    目次……………………………………………………………Ⅶ 附錄次…………………………………………………………Ⅸ 表次……………………………………………………………Ⅹ 圖次………………………………………………………… .Ⅺ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機…………………………………………1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題……………………………5 第三節 名詞釋義…………………………………………6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 自閉症兒童社會能力之探討……………………9 第二節 同儕媒介在自閉症領域的相關研究……………14 第三節 社交技巧的重要性、涵義與教學………………24 第四節 社交技巧教學在自閉症兒童領域的相關研究…29 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計…………………………………………34 第二節 研究參與者………………………………………45 第三節 研究歷程…………………………………………52 第四節 研究者的角色……………………………………56 第五節 資料蒐集…………………………………………59 第六節 資料處理與分析…………………………………61 第七節 研究信賴度………………………………………63 第四章 研究結果 第一節 同儕媒介暨社交技巧教學………………………66 第二節 蛻變的小勛………………………………………98 第三節 小勛的同儕們…………………………………..135 第四節 蛻變的小雨……………………………………..155 第五節 小雨的同儕們…………………………………..190 第六節 我的省思………………………………………..207 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論……………………………………………..222 第二節 建議……………………………………………..233 參考書目……………………………………………………...239 附 錄 次 附錄一 同儕媒介暨社交技巧教學方案……………….249 附錄二 玩具材料……………………………………….277 附錄三 增強系統……………………………………….279 附錄四 自閉症兒童家長同意函……………………….280 附錄五 學生社交需求調查表………………………….281 附錄六 同儕家長同意函……………………………….282 附錄七 小勛研究記事………………………………….283 附錄八 小雨研究記事………………………………...285 附錄九 教師訪談大綱………………………………….287 附錄十 家長訪談大綱………………………………….288 附錄十一 同儕訪談大綱………………………………….289 附錄十二 錄影逐字稿範例……………………………….290 附錄十三 訪談逐字稿範例……………………………….291 附錄十四 電子郵件範例………………………………….292 表 次 表2-1 同儕媒介在自閉症領域的相關實徵研究………19 表3-1 社交技巧教學的遊戲或活動安排………………38 表3-2 玩具類型及預期可表現出的社交技巧…………41 表3-3 研究情境及時間…………………………………44 表3-4-1 自閉症兒童的基本描述—小一………………….46 表3-4-2 自閉症兒童的基本描述—大班………………….47 表3-5 個案的目標行為…………………………………48 表3-6 同儕的基本資料…………………………………51 表3-7 資料編碼範例……………………………………62 表4-1 同儕訓練實例說明……………………………….70 表4-2 受過訓練與未受訓練同儕之表現情形………….78 表5-1 兩名自閉症兒童社交技巧表現情形……………226 表5-2 教師教導與同儕的實際表現……………………230 圖 次 圖3-1 研究架構…………………………………………..35 圖3-2 教學流程…………………………………………..36 圖3-3 資源班教室平面圖……………………………....43 圖3-4 幼稚園雲朵班平面圖……………………………..43 圖4-1 研究結果分析圖…………………………….…….67

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