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Author: 蕭百容
Portia Xiao
Thesis Title: 企業對人力銀行招募網站所提供技術與服務之滿意度
A Study on Recruiter's Satisfaction of Online Recruitment
Advisor: 方崇雄
Fang, Chung-Hsiung
Degree: 碩士
Department: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
Thesis Publication Year: 2006
Academic Year: 94
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 93
Keywords (in Chinese): 線上招募網站人力銀行滿意度招募者滿意度
Keywords (in English): Online recruitment site, Job bank, Satisfaction, Recruiter's satisfaction
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 338Downloads: 21
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  • 快速的網路發展讓人力招募相關事務產生了很大的變化,相關資料指出線上招募網站協助求職者尋找工作職位,然而以招募者觀點來探討線上招募滿意度的資料並不多,因此,此研究在於探討線上招募網站提供的技術與服務對於招募者的滿意度。問卷調查為此研究蒐集資料的方式,樣本為1111人力銀行上公佈職缺之招募者。

    Rapid development of the Internet has led to enormous change regarding recruiting issues. Literature shows that the online recruitment sites facilitate job seekers a lot, but meanwhile, we know less about recruiter’s satisfaction towards the service and technique provided by online recruitment sites. For this reason, this research is to probe into recruiter’s satisfaction of online recruitment sites. Questionnaire survey was conducted to collect the data, and the samplings who pay for job vacancies ads are randomly chosen from 1111 Job Bank.
    The conclusions are summarized as follows:
    1. Recruiter’s are satisfied with “computer-operation and customer-service” more than “database performance,” “information and charge,” and “instant service and function” provided by online recruitment sites.
    2. Regarding service and techniques provided by online recruitment sites, there are no significant differences in satisfaction between the manufacturing industry and the non-manufacturing industry.
    3. The recruiters who use other Job Banks as well are more satisfied than the recruiters who use 1111 Job Bank only.

    Abstract I Table of Contents II List of Figures IV List of Tables V CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Significance of the Study 2 Purpose of the Study 3 Statement of the Problem 3 Limitations 4 Definitions of Terms 4 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Recruitment 6 Online Recruiting 8 Theory of Satisfaction 17 User Information Satisfaction Online 20 Relative Research 21 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 23 Research Framework 23 Research Procedure 24 Population and Sampling 24 Instrumentation 25 Data Collection and Analysis 28 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DICUSSION 40 Descriptive Analysis 40 Analysis of recruiters’ satisfaction 44 Analysis of satisfaction between different groups 50 Discussion 66 CHAPTER V. 71 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 71 Conclusions 71 Recommendations 72 REFERENCES 75 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE 77 APPENDIX B. CHINESE VERSION QUESTIONNAIRE 81

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