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研究生: Kaushal Kumar Bhagat
Kaushal Kumar Bhagat
論文名稱: Students' Perceptions towards Online Learning in the 21st century: A Global Perspective
Students' Perceptions towards Online Learning in the 21st century: A Global Perspective
指導教授: 張俊彥
Chang, Chun-Yen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: No Chinese keyword
英文關鍵詞: Instructor characteristics, Social presence, Mini-IPIP, Cross-country
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204553
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:92下載:0
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  • In the 21st century, online learning has evolved as a worldwide platform to connect, collaborate and engage users in the learning process. Online learning today is integrated with social network connectivity, which builds an ecosystem for interaction between students, teachers and professors from every corner of the world providing them with free accessible online resources. However, in order to promote active engagement of the learners and delivery of meaningful learning in the online learning settings, it is also necessary to determine student’s perceptions towards online learning. The present thesis has three inter-related studies.
    The first study aimed to develop a scale to measure student’s perceptions towards online learning. The resulted scale consists of four dimensions: instructor characteristics, social presence, instructional design, and trust. In the next study, the developed scale was used to examine the impact of five personality trait extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and intellect/imagination on the perception of students towards online learning. The results showed that personality traits, conscientiousness and intellect/imagination have a larger positive impact on student’s perceptions towards online learning, whereas neuroticism has significantly negative effects on participants of online courses. Finally, cross-country differences were investigated between India and Taiwan, on student’s perceptions towards online learning. Results showed that culture did influence student’s perceptions towards online learning. The implications of the present study are important for instructional designers, educators, and institutions that are planning to offer, or currently offering, online courses.

    Abstract............................... ii Dedication............................. vii Acknowledgements....................... viii Table of Contents...................... ix List of Tables......................... xii List of Figures........................ xiii Chapter 1: Introduction................ 1 1.1. Background..................... 1 1.2. Theoretical framework.......... 3 1.3. Purpose and Nature of the Study 4 1.4. Thesis organizations........... 5 References............................. 7 Chapter 2: Development and Validation of the Perception of Students towards Online Learning (POSTOL).......13 2.1. Introduction............................13 2.2. Theoretical framework.................. 14 2.2.1. Online learning and its effectiveness 14 2.2.2. Measures of student’s perception towards online learning....................................... 15 Instructor characteristics..... 16 Social presence................ 16 Instructional design........... 17 Trust.......................... 18 2.3. Methodology............................ 19 2.3.1. Participants and data collection....... 19 2.3.2. Item generation........................ 21 2.3.3. Data analysis.......................... 21 2.3.4. Sampling adequacy for the factor analysis 22 2.4. Results.................................22 2.4.1. Exploratory factor analysis for POSTOL..22 2.4.2. Confirmatory factor analysis............24 2.4.3. Convergent and discriminant validity....24 2.5. Discussion and conclusion...............26 References......................................28 Chapter 3: Does Personality matter in an Online Learning Environment? An Exploratory study...............35 3.1. Introduction............................35 3.2. Theoretical background..................36 3.2.1. Personality and online learning.........37 3.2.2. The need for this study.................38 3.3. Methodology.............................41 3.3.1. Participants and procedure..............41 3.3.2. Measures................................42 Mini-IPIP.......................42 POSTOL..........................43 3.4. Results.................................44 3.4.1. Correlation analyses....................44 3.4.2. Regression analyses.....................45 3.5. Discussion and conclusions..............47 References......................................50 Chapter 4: Student’s Perceptions towards Online Learning: A Cross-Country Analysis..........................58 4.1. Introduction............................58 4.2. Theoretical background..................59 4.2.1. Issues and research questions...........62 4.3. Method..................................63 4.3.1. Sample and data collection..............63 Indian sample...................63 Taiwanese sample................63 4.3.2. Instrument..............................64 4.3.3. Data analysis...........................65 4.4. Results.................................65 4.5. Discussion and conclusions..............69 5. Limitations and future directions.......71 References......................................72 Chapter 5: Conclusions and future directions....79 Appendix A......................................81

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