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研究生: Sebastian, Erolyn
Sebastian, Erolyn
論文名稱: The Influence of Interpersonal Justice on the Relationship between Perceived Supervisor Leadership Styles and Promotive Voice among Employees in Belize's Public Service and Private Sectors
The Influence of Interpersonal Justice on the Relationship between Perceived Supervisor Leadership Styles and Promotive Voice among Employees in Belize's Public Service and Private Sectors
指導教授: 林怡君
Lin, Yi-Chun Jane
口試委員: 林怡君
Lin, Yi-Chun Jane
Lu, Cheng-Chieh Allan
Chang, Yuhsuan
口試日期: 2023/06/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 95
英文關鍵詞: contingent reward transactional leadership, laissez-faire leadership, employee voice behavior, interpersonal justice, social exchange theory
研究方法: quantitative research
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300751
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:63下載:5
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  • The purpose of this study was to explore how contingent reward transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership influence employee promotive voice. Additionally, interpersonal justice was examined as a moderator. Moreover, this research incorporated social exchange theory as a critical lens for analyzing and validating this observed phenomenon. An analysis was performed on 202 employees from different public service ministries and 102 employees from the private sector in Belize. A quantitative research format was used with an online questionnaire distributed through snowball and convenience sampling. Statistical analyses of the data were performed using SPSS AMOS 23 and IBM SPSS in order to test and confirm the hypothesis. As a first hypothesis, the researcher theorized that there was a positive relationship between contingent transactional reward leadership and employee promotive voice in the public and private sectors. Secondly, the researcher hypothesized a negative relationship between laisse-faire leadership and employee promotive voice not moderated by interpersonal justice in both public and private sectors. As a result of this study, the Belize public service and private sector will have a greater understanding of leadership styles, employee promotive voice, and interpersonal justice, as well as the ability to adapt specific concepts that may be beneficial to employees as a whole.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS III LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 2 Research Purpose 3 Research Questions 4 Significance of the Study 5 Definition of Key Terms 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Social Exchange Theory 7 Contingent Reward Transactional and Laissez Faire Leadership 9 Employee Voice Behaviour 11 The Impact of Perceived Contingent Reward Transactional Leadership Style 14 The Impact of Perceived Laissez-Faire Leadership Style on Promotive Voice 15 Interpersonal Justice as a Moderator 16 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 19 Research Framework 19 Research Hypothesis 20 Research Procedure 21 Sample and Questionnaire Design 22 Pilot Study 22 Questionnaire Distribution and Data Collection 22 Measurements 23 Control Variables 27 Study 1 28 Descriptive Analysis 28 Convergent and Discriminant Validity 32 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 34 Model Fit Verification 34 Study 2 44 Descriptive Analysis 44 Convergent and Discriminant Validity 47 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 49 Model Fit Verification 49 CHAPTER IV RESULTS 59 Study 1 59 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis 59 Hierarchical Regression Analysis 61 PROCESS Moderation Analysis 63 Study 2 68 Pearson’s Correlation Analysis 68 Hierarchical Regression Analysis 70 PROCESS Moderation Analysis 72 PROCESS Moderation Analysis 73 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 75 Discussion 75 Theoretical Implications 77 Practical Implications 78 Limitations 79 Suggestions for Future Research 79 Conclusion 80 REFERENCES 81 APPENDIX: QUESTIONNAIRE 91 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Contingent Reward Transactional Leadership Measurement 24 Table 3.2 Laissez-Faire Leadership Measurement 25 Table 3.3 Promotive Voice Measurement 26 Table 3.4 Interpersonal Justice Measurement 27 Table 3.5 Public Service Descriptive Analysis of Study 29 Table 3.6 Public Service CR and AVE Values of Variable 33 Table 3.7 Public Service Goodness-of-fit Indices 35 Table 3.8 Private Sector Descriptive Analysis of Study 45 Table 3.9 Private Sector CR and AVE Values of Variable 48 Table 3.10 Private Sector Goodness-of-fit Indices 50 Table 4.1 Public Service Mean, Standard Deviation, and Correlation 60 Table 4.2 Public Service Hierarchical Regression (H1a and H2a) 62 Table 4.3 Public Service Process Macro Model (H3a) 64 Table 4.4 Public Service Conditional Effects 65 Table 4.5 Public Service Process Macro Model (H4a) 67 Table 4.6 Private Sector Mean, Standard Deviation, and Correlation 69 Table 4.7 Private Sector Hierarchical Regression (H1b and H2b) 71 Table 4.8 Private Sector Process Macro Model (H3b) 72 Table 4.9 Private Sector Process Macro Model (H4b) 73 Table 4.10 Results of Hypothesis Test 74 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Generic Model of Social Exchange 9 Figure 3.1 Research Framework 19 Figure 3.2 Research Procedure 21 Figure 3.3 Public Service CFA of Contingent Reward Transactional Leadership 36 Figure 3.4 Public Service CFA of Laissez-Faire Leadership 37 Figure 3.5 Public Service CFA of Interpersonal Justice 38 Figure 3.6 Public Service CFA of Promotive Voice 39 Figure 3.7 Public Service CFA of Four-factor Measurement Model 40 Figure 3.8 Public Service CFA of Three-factor Measurement Model 41 Figure 3.9 Public Service CFA of Two-factor Measurement Model 42 Figure 3.10 Public Service CFA of One-factor Measurement Model 43 Figure 3.11 Private Sector CFA of Contingent Reward Transactional Leadership 51 Figure 3.12 Private Sector CFA of Laissez-Faire Leadership 52 Figure 3.13 Private Sector CFA of Interpersonal Justice 53 Figure 3.14 Private Sector CFA of Promotive Voice 54 Figure 3.15 Private Sector CFA of Four-factor Measurement Model 55 Figure 3.16 Private Sector CFA of Three-factor Measurement Model 56 Figure 3.17 Private Sector CFA of Two-factor Measurement Model 57 Figure 3.18 Private Sector CFA of One-factor Measurement Model 58 Figure 4.1 Public Service Interaction Plot 66

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