研究生: |
蘇龍昇 Su, Long-Sheng |
論文名稱: |
員工對無薪假認知、自我認同與組織認同關係之研究-以C科技公司為例 The Relationship among No-Pay Leave, Self Identification and Organizational Identification- A Case Study of a Electrical Company |
指導教授: |
Chu, Yih-Hsien |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科技應用與人力資源發展學系 Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 106 |
中文關鍵詞: | 無薪假認知 、自我認同 、組織認同 、直接人員 |
英文關鍵詞: | No-pay leave, Self identification, Organizational identification, Direct operator |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:257 下載:15 |
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一、 瞭解員工背景與無薪假認知之關係。
二、 瞭解員工對無薪假認知與自我認同的關係。
三、 瞭解員工對無薪假認知與組織認同的關係。
一、 多數員工認定無薪假內容由組織所制定。
二、 員工個人背景變項對無薪假認知無顯著性差異。
三、 員工自我認同呈現對未來產生不確定感。
四、 員工對無薪假認知程度越高其自我認同也越高。
五、 員工對無薪假認知程度越高其組織認同也越高。
Enterprise would adjust their domestic strategy of choosing staffers according to the fluctuation of the economy and the operational situation of itself. However, under the severe economic recession in 2008, many enterprises collapsed which resulted in many unemployment and social unstable issues. The government agrees the enterprise to implement the no-pay leave with conditions in order to let the enterprises to continue their operation in assisting them to pass the difficulties.
The purposes of this research are:
1. Get an understanding of the relationship between the employee’s background and the cognition toward no-pay leave.
2. Get an understanding of the relationship between the employees’ self identification and the cognition toward no-pay leave.
3. Get an understanding of the relationship between the employees’ cognition toward no-pay leave and the organizational identification.
The questionnaire collecting data methods are as follows: conducting documentary analysis, establishing relative theoretical basis and foundation as well as checking the results of the questionnaire which put emphasis on the “employees’ cognition toward no-pay leave and the relationship between the employees’ self identification and organizational identification.” This research conducts public checkup methods base on the paper version, focusing on the objective whose first day in the C company was before Nov 1st, 2008 and were the direct operators with the experience of having no-pay leaves.
This questionnaire was dispatched on Mar 9th, 2011 for 585 copies, and 550 copies were collected on Mar 15th, 2011. The response rate is 94%. Effective questionnaire were 543 copies and the effective response rate is 98.7%.
To proceed inducing and coordinating methods for the questionnaire results by means of the statistic methods such as t testing and variance analysis.
The brief summaries of this research are as follows:
1. Most of the employees agree that the no-pay leave contents are stipulated by organization.
2. There is no distinctive difference for the employees’ cognition toward no-pay leave according to employees’ different background.
3. For the part of employees’ self identification shows the uncertain feeling toward the future.
4. The higher level of employee’s cognition toward no-pay leave, the higher of their self identification is.
5. The higher level of employee’s cognition toward no-pay leave, the higher of their consensus toward the organizational identification is.
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