Author: |
劉堯馨 Liu, Yao-Hsin |
Thesis Title: |
雙語教育推行之探討:以臺北市一所雙語實驗課程國中為例 Development of Bilingual Education–A Case Study of a Junior High School with Bilingual Curriculum in Taiwan, Taipei City |
Advisor: |
Lin, Tzu-Bin |
Committee: |
Chen, Rong-Zheng 王力億 Wang, Li-Yi 林子斌 Lin, Tzu-Bin |
Approval Date: | 2022/03/02 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育政策與行政研究所 Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 198 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 雙語教育 、雙語教師增能 、雙語教師社群 、個案研究 |
Keywords (in English): | bilingual education, bilingual teacher professional growth, bilingual teacher professional learning community, case study |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 、 文件分析法 、 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 520 Downloads: 73 |
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本研究透過訪談、參與觀察以及文件分析之方式蒐集資料,綜合文獻探討的 內容以及對於個案學校中的行政人員以及教師的訪談,研究結果發現如下:
The purpose of this study is to explore how the bilingual teaching team is formed and cultivated through professional bilingual teacher learning community and teacher professional growth, how the school administrators and teachers comprehend bilingual education policy and the actual implementation strategies of bilingual teaching in schools. This study chooses qualitative research as its research approach and chooses case study as its research framework to deeply understand how to implement bilingual education in the junior high school. This study selects a bilingual experimental curriculum school located in Taipei and analyzes the background and the development of bilingual education in the school to have a better understanding of the implementation of bilingual education. Also, this study uses the "fertile" bilingual model as the analysis framework to explore the factors that can affect the implementation of bilingual education in junior high schools.
In this study, data were collected by means of interviews, observation and document analysis. The content of literature and interviews with administrators and teachers in the case school were also integrated. The findings are as follows:
1. Bilingual teachers can benefit from receiving teacher training program, workshops and related activities on the aspect of teachers’ self-efficacy and increase their teaching strategies.
2. The contexts and accesses of bilingual teacher training program, workshops and so on should be verified and diversified and given much more flexibility.
3. Bilingual teacher professional community provides a platform for maintaining iv
bilingual teachers’ bilingual teaching strategies and cooperation between
administrators and teachers.
4. The composition of bilingual teacher professional community should be local English teacher and bilingual subject teachers.
5. In order to bilingualize the whole school, not only do administrators need some procedures to increase their willingness and receive trainings; but it is also necessary for combining teaching contexts into the environment.
6. The different thoughts between administrators and teachers will devastate the
development of bilingual education.
Finally, this study puts forward some reflections and suggestions on the implementation of bilingual education in junior high schools in Taiwan and serves as a reference for Taiwan to promote bilingual education in Taiwan.
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