研究生: |
劉德彥 Liu, De-Yen |
論文名稱: |
星星可以複製?獨特的米其林可以平移?論米其林模式復現的Know-How Can Unique Michelin-Starred Restaurants Be Replicated? On the Know-How of the Michelin Model Reappearance |
指導教授: |
Wang, Kuo Ching |
口試委員: |
Wang, Kuo-Ching 陳敦基 Chen, Dun-Ji 李青松 Lee, Ching-Sung 黃品全 Hwang, Pin-Chyuan 麥康妮 Mak, Athena-Hong-Ni |
口試日期: | 2024/11/17 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 113 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 168 |
中文關鍵詞: | 米其林星級餐廳 、資源基礎理論 、平移復現 |
英文關鍵詞: | Michelin-Starred restaurants, Resource-Based Theory, Replication |
研究方法: | 調查研究 、 內容分析法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401996 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:351 下載:5 |
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米其林指南為全球性的美食評鑑制度,其統一的評選標準,確保各地區相同星 級的餐廳具有相同水平,迄今全球已有米其林星級餐廳達3,879間,足見其在餐飲產業 舉足輕重的地位,星級餐廳的關鍵成功因素著重於嚴謹性、一致性及專注力、團隊合 作和穩定性、菜餚和服務的品質、財務管理及庫存管理,過過往研究多探討米其林星 級餐廳關鍵成功因素與經營層面研究,關於米其林摘星過程真實的困難與阻礙,以及 複製平移至其他地區復現的可能性,付之闕如。本研究係採取質、量並重之研究方式, 質性方面運用專家深度訪談,針對米其林星級餐廳決策團隊成員,共計8間餐廳11位 受訪者為訪談對象進行訪談,並對訪談內容進行內容分析。量化方面於網路上蒐集消 費者線上網路評論進行主題建模與情感分析,再透過資源基礎觀點之要素、米其林評 級標準與前述訪談結果擬訂問卷,以滾雪球抽樣法採用匿名網路問卷對米其林星級餐 廳消費者進行調查,有效問卷數為233份,據以檢視業者與消費者在米其林星級餐廳平 移復現觀點之異同。分析方法採行重要表現程度分析法,結果顯示米其林星級餐廳所 需具備的知能中並無任何一個項目落於需要立即改善之處,消費者認為最重要的項目 為餐廳食材品質穩定、提供一致性的餐飲水準及主廚能充分運用各項食材;評價最高 的項目為主廚能駕馭食材或菜色調整、餐廳供應食材上相當穩定及餐廳的整體體驗與 感受足以使其成為米其林的星級餐廳。本研究建議星級餐廳對外不可忽視外場服務, 提供一致性的服務品質,讓消費者感到物有所值以提升回訪率;對內需強化溝通協調, 凝聚團隊共識並重視員工培訓,以達到米其林星級餐廳平移複現的目標。
The Michelin Guide is a global food evaluation system. Its unified selection criteria are used to ensure that restaurants with the same star rating in each region have the same level. So far, there are 3,879 Michelin-starred restaurants in the world, which shows its pivotal position in the catering industry. The key success factors of restaurants focus on rigor, consistency and focus, teamwork and stability, the quality of dishes and services, financial management and inventory management. Previous studies have mostly discussed the key success factors and operation management of Michelin restaurants, there are no real difficulties and obstacles in the Michelin star-seeking process, and the possibility of Michelin restaurants replication and translation to other regions. This research adopts a research method that pays equal attention to both quality and quantity. In terms of qualitative aspect, in-depth interviews with experts are used. A total of 9 interviewees from 8 restaurants were interviewed for the decision-making team members of Michelin-starred restaurants, and the content analysis was adopted. In terms of quantitative analysis, consumer online comments were collected on the Internet for topic modeling and sentiment analysis, and then a questionnaire was developed based on the elements of the resource-based perspective, Michelin rating standards and the aforementioned interview results, and an anonymous online questionnaire was used with the snowball sampling method. Consumers of Michelin-starred restaurants were surveyed, and the number of valid questionnaires was 233. This was used to examine the similarities and differences in the views of operators and consumers on Michelin-starred restaurants. The analysis method adopts the Importance Performance Analysis method. The results show that none of the knowledge items required by Michelin-starred restaurants fall into areas that need immediate improvement. Consumers believe that the most important items are the stable quality of restaurant ingredients and consistent delivery. Excellent catering standards and the chef's ability to make full use of various ingredients; the highest-rated items are the chef's ability to control ingredients or dish adjustments, the restaurant's supply of ingredients is quite stable, and the overall experience and feel of the restaurant is enough to make it a Michelin-starred restaurant. This study recommends that Michelin-starred restaurants should not ignore off-site services externally and provide consistent service quality so that consumers feel satisfied and increase the revisit intension; within the restaurant, they should strengthen communication and coordination, build team consensus and pay attention to employee training in order to achieve the goal of replication of Michelin stars.
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