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研究生: 卓竑佑
Cho, Hung-Yu
論文名稱: Business Development Plan-Versatility A Business Plan of Using the Internet as a Platform for Recruiting Sports Instructors, Intermediary Service and Offering Afterschool Classes
Business Development Plan-Versatility A Business Plan of Using the Internet as a Platform for Recruiting Sports Instructors, Intermediary Service and Offering Afterschool Classes
指導教授: 蕭中強
Hsiao, Chung-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際企業管理雙碩士學位學程(NTNU-USC DIMBA)
Double Degree Program for International Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 49
中文關鍵詞: Internet PlatformSports EducationBusiness PlanRecruiting Sports InstructorsOffering Afterschool ClassesIntermediary Service
英文關鍵詞: Internet Platform, Sports Education, Business Plan, Recruiting Sports Instructors, Offering Afterschool Classes, Intermediary Service
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203065
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:87下載:0
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    Plan Highlight
    In recent years, due to social phenomena such as decreasing birthrates, increasing competition and the changing structure of families, besides academic subjects, there is also increasing demand for afterschool programs. Children are being sent to these programs at a younger age, and there is, as a result, a growing number of diverse afterschool programs. This plan mainly focuses on afterschool sports programs, defining its B2B and B2C markets and proposing a business plan that uses a website as a platform for afterschool sports instructor recruitment, intermediary services and for offering afterschool courses. Regarding the B2B, through understanding the needs of kindergartens and nursery schools, the business can help develop customized professional afterschool sports curriculums according to their preferences. As for the B2C, the business will offer self-operated afterschool classes, recruit students and run the programs. The whole business will be mainly Internet-based, using a website to recruit self-employed instructors and collaborate with them. The highest quality of teaching will be upheld through training, trial classes, assessment, supervision and filtering of instructors, providing a more complete and diverse teaching service for nursery schools, kindergartens and parents. The business competitive advantages of this plan is that although the business of teaching sports in Taiwan has started to flourish nowadays, there is not yet an Internet-based platform that provides the above-described sports teaching services.

    Aim of Plan
    1. Concerning B2B, the company will acquire in-depth knowledge of the demand for sports afterschool teaching in kindergartens and nursery schools and satisfy their needs, for these schools will be our main market segmentation.
    2. Concerning B2C, the company will maximize profits by offering self-operated afterschool sports classes based on collaboration with diverse sports instructors.
    3. The goal of this plan is to set up the first diverse afterschool teaching service platform and to provide the best teaching talents in sports and other afterschool classes.

    Market Opportunities
    1. Kindergartens and nursery schools need high-quality sports teachers and diverse sports teaching services in order to meet the needs of children of different ages.
    2. Parents attach importance not only to the width of their children’s learning, but also the depth of it. It is therefore imperative to ensure that each child receives teaching that best fits their level.

    Value Propositions
    1. Traditional institutions typically offer only one or two kinds of afterschool sports programs. This plan will provide a plethora of afterschool sports classes for kindergartens and nursery schools who work with us to choose from, satisfying our customers’ every need.
    2. Existing afterschool institutions mostly offer set curriculums. This plan provides professional, customized sports and physical education services. As a child ages, this plan gradually increases the difficulty of the classes, so as to ensure that children of all ages receive appropriate teaching that assists in their physiological development.
    3. The industry currently relies less on the Internet and runs business mainly in a conventional way. This plan uses a website as the tool for recruiting instructors, marketing and sales, which is a scale-up in the way the business is operated, overturning the traditional method of such services.

    Core Strengths
    1. The team already posseses years of experience in the field of folk sports teaching, having taught kindergarten, elementary school and middle school students in the past. The team is equipped with sufficient knowledge concerning teaching afterschool programs and also understands the current stae of the market, which gives them an accurate grasp of the demand.
    2. Members of this team have the know-how and experience in training sports instructors for the government and academic institutions.
    3. Members of the team have worked in the advertising and marketing industry and are familiar with marketing strategies and mechanisms as well as how to promote the brand and open up the market with the help of innovative tools.

    ABSTRACT I Plan Highlight I Aim of Plan I Market Opportunities II Value Propositions II Core Strengths II Table of Contents IV List of Tables VI List of Figures VII Chapter I Startup Opportunity and Concept 1 Background and Opportunity for the Startup 1 Analysis of the Taiwan Market 1 Key Demands of the Market 3 Analysis of Current Supply and Demand for Afterschool Programs 4 Business Positioning 7 Company Name and Vision 8 Business Goals 9 Core Members of the Company 10 Chapter II Market and Competitiveness Analysis 11 Analysis of Competitors and Competitive Strategies 11 Defining Target Markets 13 Analysis of Target Customers 13 Analysis of the Company’s Current Status on the Market 15 Chapter III Products and Service Contents 16 Products and Service Contents 16 Website Design Concepts 17 Chapter IV Organization and Management 19 Company Departments 19 Incentive System 20 Teacher Evaluation Mechanisms 20 Profit Sharing Plan for Top-Performing Teachers 21 Teacher Outflow Risk Management 21 Organization Structure 22 Chapter V Business and Marketing Plans 23 Business Plan 23 Marketing Plans 24 Chapter VI Finanacial Planning 26 Initial Investment 26 Pre-Operational Preparation Period 26 Startup Costs 26 Analysis of Estimated Revenue 27 Analysis of Estimated Expenses 28 Estimated Profit and Loss Chart 33 Estimated Balance Sheet 34 Estimated Cash Flow Chart 35 References 36 Appendix 1. Business canvas 38 Appendix 2. Versatility Ecommerce Sales Platform 39 Appendix 3. Products Sold on Versatility Ecommerce Platforms 40 Appendix 4. HePing Kindergarten 24-Week Customized Curriculum 43 Appendix 5. Flyer for Kindergarten Afterschool Program Recruitment 48 Appendix 6. HePing Kindergarten Diabolo Teaching 49

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