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研究生: 陳英學
Chen, Ying-Hsueh
論文名稱: 從理想到現實:臺灣高中初任英文教師第一年教學的現實衝擊與應對方式
When Expectation Meets Reality: Taiwanese High School Novice English Teachers’ Reality Shock and Coping Strategies in the First Year of Teaching
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 146
中文關鍵詞: 現實衝擊初任教師以英語為外語師資培育初任教師導入策略
英文關鍵詞: reality shock, novice teachers, English as a foreign language, teacher education, novice teacher induction
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.006.2018.A07
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:44
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  • 本研究旨在探討臺灣高中英文初任教師在第一年授課時所面臨的現實衝擊、造成衝擊之可能原因、以及解決問題的策略。為達成研究目的,本研究進行為期 一年的個案研究(106 學年),透過訪談與課室觀察,深入了解四名位於大台北 地區教學的高中英文初任教師之教學成長歷程。
    研究結果顯示如下:第一,初任教師的實習與教學經驗不相符,以及初任教 師本身的專業知識與能力發展為其在第一年教學時遭遇到現實衝擊的主因。再者, 研究發現,時間不足、課程規劃、流程安排、以及教學能力不夠熟練等問題,在 第一年教學中對於初任教師影響最劇,雖然初任教師在其他如班級經營以及行政 工作等層面也有面臨困難,但其並未對初任教師造成嚴重影響。最後,本研究發 現,初任教師在面對現實衝擊與困難時所得到或尋求的協助,可粗略分為以下七 種:自我嘗試、輔導教師與同事、共同修習師資培育課程的同學、同為英語教師 的朋友、參加研討會與工作坊、學生,以及家人;其中,同事對於初任教師的協 助,被認為是最俱全面性與最有效益的。

    文末,將根據本研究結果,對未來研究提出建議,期許能幫助臺灣高中英文 初任教師減少第一年教學時的現實衝擊。

    The present study aims to delve into Taiwanese high school novice English teachers’ first year of teaching experiences in order to identify potential causes and problems of reality shock and the types of coping strategies and resources that they employed to overcome these difficulties. To achieve the research aim, a case study was conducted, involving four novice English teachers who worked in different senior high schools in Greater Taipei area. Research data was collected via semi-structured interviews and classroom observations throughout the 2017 academic year.

    Based on the analysis of the collected data, three major findings were identified. First, the participants’ reality shock seemed to be derived from the discrepancy between their pre-service and in-service teaching experiences and the development of their professional knowledge and competence. Second, the problems of not having sufficient time and being unskillful in conducting effective instruction were discovered to be the most critical to the participants. The impact of other problems, such as classroom management and administrative duties, appeared to be mild. Lastly, the study identified seven types of sources that helped the participants to cope with their reality shock, including self-endeavor, their mentors and colleagues, classmates from the same teacher education institutes, friends of the same profession, seminars and workshops, their students, and family members. Among all, the assistance provided by their colleagues was found to be the most comprehensive and helpful. In the end, some suggestions and recommendations for future studies were made in the hope of reducing Taiwanese novice English teachers’ reality shock in the initial year of teaching.

    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Teacher Education in Taiwan 1 Reality Shock in the Beginning Years of Teaching 3 Coping Strategies: Teacher Induction and Self-initiated Practices 5 Purpose of the Study 8 Significance of the Study 10 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 12 Possible Causes of Reality Shock 12 Unrealistic Expectations 12 A Gap between Pre-service Training and In-service Teaching 13 A Gap between Practicum and Actual Teaching Experiences 14 Problems in the First Year of Teaching 16 Types of Coping Strategies 21 Definition of Teacher Induction 22 Mentoring 23 Self-Initiated Practices: One vs. Multiple Assistance Providers 27 CHAPTER THREE METHOD 32 Participants and Sites 32 Selection Mechanism 32 Background of the Participants 35 Data Collection Procedure 39 Interview 40 Classroom Observation 43 Data Analysis Procedure 44 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 46 Merlin 46 Lily 60 Ronda 74 Betty 90 Angel 94 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 110 Reality Shock: Problems and Causes 110 Not Having Sufficient Time 110 Struggling with What to Teach and How to Teach 113 Struggling to Manage the Class 116 Summary 118 Coping Strategies 119 Instruction 119 Classroom Management 127 Administrative Work 128 Affections 129 Assimilation into the Teaching Context 130 Summary 131 Implications of the Findings 132 Teacher Education Institutes 132 Senior High Schools 135 Novice Teachers 136 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Research 137 REFERENCES 140 APPENDIX 146

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