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研究生: 鄭明媚
Dorelene Kate So Valencia
論文名稱: 品牌商標的特性及其對產品聯想的效果
Brand Logo Characteristics and Its Effect on Product Representation
指導教授: 沈永正
Shen, Yung-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 抽象化商標形象化商標產品聯想個人代理
英文關鍵詞: Abstract logo, Figurative logo, Product category association, Level of personal agency
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204289
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:91下載:12
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  • 商標是被很多人採用的促進即時識別的符號。這項研究的目的是討論抽象和形象化的商標如何影響產品聯想的效果。本論文的實驗比較了8個抽象化商標和8個形象化商標的產品類別的聯想,以個人代理作為干擾變數。74個參與者寫下他們認為符合公司商標所提供的服務或產品。抽象的商標比形象化的商標有顯著的產品聯想。然後參與者被分為高或低級別個人代理來填寫BIF問卷。高級個人代理比低級個人代理顯著於可以聯繫起來更多的抽象化商標的產品種類,但沒有體現在形象化商標。研究結果還顯示,抽象化商標可以把上位產品類別和想了性產品類別聯繫起來,然而形象化商標可以把下位產品類別和功能性產品類別聯繫起來。研究還發現抽象商標比形象商標在若聯想強度上有更顯著的影響。這些結果表明,抽象和形象的商標在消費者如何關聯產品類別方面有著顯著的不同。

    Logos are visual symbols used by many to promote instant recognition. The aim of this research was to investigate how abstract and figurative logos affect product representation. The experiment in this thesis compared product category associations of 8 abstract logos and 8 figurative logos, with level of personal agency as moderator. Seventy-four participants associated assigned logos with as many product categories as they see fit. Abstract logos had significantly more associations than figurative logos. The participants were then classified into high or low-level agents using the Behavioral Identification Form questionnaire . High-level agents significantly associated more product categories with abstract logos than low-level agents, but not with figurative logos. The results also show that abstract logos were associated with superordinate and imagery product categories, whereas subordinate and functional categories were associated with figurative logos. It was also found that abstract logos have significantly weaker association strengths than figurative logos. These findings indicate that abstract and figurative logos significantly differ in how consumers associate product categories with them.

    Table of Contents 摘要………………4 Abstract……………5 Introduction………6 Review of Related Literature and Studies..........10 What’s in a Logo?.........................10 Abstract Logos, Figurative Logos and Product Category Associations......11 Levels of Personal Agency and Product Category Association…………14 Types of Logos and Levels of Categorization…16 Types of Logos and Classification of Products.....17 Logo-product Association Strength…….19 Overview and Framework of Hypotheses………….22 Research Methodology…………23 Pretest..............23 Participants for Pretest…....23 Pretest of Logos……….23 Results of Pretest………………...25 STUDY 1…………28 Participants….29 Materials……………….29 Design……………….29 Procedure………...30 STUDY 2……………...33 Participants…………….33 Materials………….34 Design………………….34 Procedure………….34 Results & Discussion………36 STUDY 1 Results & Discussion…...36 Logo Type and Number of Product Category Associations………………….36 Logo Type, Levels of Personal Agency, and Number of Product Category Associations………….37 Logo Type and Levels of Categorization………………….39 Logo Type and Classification of Product Category………….40 STUDY 2 Results & Discussion………....41 Logo Type and Product Category Association Strength……………………..41 Conclusion & Recommendations…………...43 Conclusion………………...43 Implications of the Study…………...45 Limitations of the Study and Recommendations for Future Research…………….46 References…………..48 APPENDIX…………53


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