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Author: 熊道天
Tao-Tien, Hsiung
Thesis Title: 策略聯盟與企業成長
Strategic alliance and firm growth
Advisor: 康敏平
Kang, Min-Ping
Degree: 碩士
Department: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Academic Year: 100
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 51
Keywords (in Chinese): 策略聯盟企業成長聯盟能力契約能力
Keywords (in English): strategic alliance, firm growth, alliance capability, contracting capability
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 314Downloads: 25
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  • 過去研究顯示合約型組織型態使企業獲得外部資源,幫助企業克服內部管理資源不足對於企業成長的限制。策略聯盟,是近年來最受歡迎的一種合約型組織型態。策略聯盟讓企業從聯盟夥伴中獲得互補性資源,並且可以在網絡關係中找到新的成長機會。因此,本研究認為企業可以透過策略聯盟的方式,克服內部管理資源不足的限制,進而成長的更快速。然而,過去研究也顯示並非每個策略聯盟都能成功,其成功的關鍵在於企業是否具備管理策略聯盟的能力。有能力管理策略聯盟,企業才能運用策略聯盟克服組織內部管理資源不足對企業成長的限制。本研究使用臺灣178家資訊科技製造業廠商,檢視策略聯盟以及聯盟和契約能力對企業成長的影響。

    Prior research has demonstrated that contractual organizational forms allowing firms to gain access to resources external to the firms can help them overcome internal managerial limitations to firm growth. Strategic alliance, as one of the most popular contractual organizational forms in recent years, allows firms to obtain complementary resources from their partners as well as to find new opportunities in network relationships. We argue that firms may overcome the limitations of firm growth and grow faster through strategic alliances. However, prior research has also demonstrated that not every alliance succeeds. Firms with capabilities to manage the alliances are more likely overcome the limitations of firm growth. Using a sample of 178 manufacturers in Taiwan, this study examines the effects of strategic alliance and the alliance and contracting capabilities on the growth of a firm.

    1.INTRODUCTION………………………………………………… 5 2.LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES………………..11 3.METHODOLOGY……………………………………………….28 4.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS…..………………………………………...31 5.CONCLUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS…………………………….39 6.REFERENCES……………………………………………………42 7.TABLES…………………………………………………………..50

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