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研究生: 徐嘉均
Hsu, Chia-Chun
論文名稱: 京劇表演藝術觀眾之關鍵時刻研究
A Study of Moment of Truth to the Audience in Chinese Opera Performances
指導教授: 邊瑞芬
Bain, Cheryl Ruey-Fen
口試委員: 林炎旦
Lin, Yen-Tan
Liang, Lia Wen-Ching
Bain, Cheryl Ruey-Fen
口試日期: 2023/07/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 關鍵時刻表演藝術體驗經濟京劇
英文關鍵詞: Moments of Truth, Experience Economy, Chinese Opera, Performing Arts
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301554
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:66下載:4
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  • 本研究根據瑞典學者Jan Carlzon (李田樹(譯),1994)提出的關鍵時刻(Moment of Truth, MoT)理論,探討京劇表演藝術節目的觀眾,其體驗行為以及觀眾在觀賞京劇時的體驗感受。研究分析了觀賞前的零關鍵時刻(Zero Moment of Truth, ZMoT)、觀賞中的第一關鍵時刻(First Moment of Truth, FMoT)以及觀賞後的第二關鍵時刻(Second Moment of Truth, SMoT)分析觀眾決定觀賞表演藝術節目的相關性和影響因素。

    This research is based on the theory of "Moment of Truth" (MoT) proposed by Swedish scholar Jan Carlzon (1994). It explores the audience of Chinese Opera performances, their experiential behavior, and their feelings during watching Chinese Opera. This study analyze the relevance and influencing factors of the Zero Moment of Truth (ZMoT) before watching, the First Moment of Truth (FMoT) during watching, and the Second Moment of Truth (SMoT) after watching performance, which determine the audience's decision to Chinese Opera program.

    The research employed a quantitative approach and collected primary data through online and paper questionnaires. The survey was conducted from April 28th to 30th, 2023, targeting the audience of the "Who is the Hero" Chinese Opera performance by the National GuoGuang Opera Company.There was a sample , among of 2460 attendees, 187 participants responded to the survey, resulting in 187 valid questionnaires in a response.

    The audience's experiential feelings towards the performing arts program were influenced by the appearance of the "Moment of Truth," which engendered trust in the performance. Using scientific metrics, this study analyzed these experiential feelings and identified four dimensions based on the Moment of Truth as a factor through confirmatory factor analysis. These dimensions were "Second Moment of Truth in SMoT," "Activated in ZMoT," "First Moment of Truth in FMoT," and "Passivied in ZMoT." The results indicated that the sequence of explained variance of these dimensions was SMoT > Activated in ZMoT > FMoT > Passivied in ZMoT.

    The research findings indicate that among the observed demographic characteristics, age and personal annual income show significant differences in relation to the activated moments of truth ZMoT (audience emotional engagement with Chinese opera performances) and the second moments of truth SMoT (audience social media interaction with Chinese opera performances). There is a strong positive correlation between activated moments of truth ZMoT, the first moments of truth of FMoT (audience familial heritage engagement with Chinese opera performances), and the second moments of truth SMoT in determining audience decisions to watch Chinese opera performance art. However, the passived key moment of ZMoT does not show significant correlations with the other three dimensions.

    The highest correlation is observed between the moments of truth of FMoT and the second moments of truth SMoT. FMoT has the most substantial impact on future audience viewing behavior and influences their willingness to purchase tickets and attend future performances.

    第一章、緒論1 第一節、研究緣起與背景1 第二節、研究目的4 第三節、名詞釋義5 第二章、文獻探討6 第一節、京劇與表演藝術觀眾7 第二節、表演藝術的發展以及體驗價值的關係12 第三節、體驗價值與關鍵時刻、峰值體驗之相關理論16 第四節、關鍵時刻與AIDA以及觀眾發展的情感關係25 第五節、關鍵時刻的相關實證研究28 第三章、研究方法37 第一節、研究架構以及統計假設37 第二節、研究工具39 第三節、研究資料蒐集:抽樣說明42 第四節、研究範圍、研究對象、研究限制以及調查抽樣45 第四章、研究分析與結果52 第一節、依統計假設進行的推論統計分析與統計結果分析說明52 第二節、三個關鍵時刻驗證性因素分析54 第三節、回應研究目的之分析65 第四節、FMoT第一關鍵時刻與質性分析66 第五章、結論與建議71 第一節、結論71 第二節、建議73 參考文獻76 附錄81

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